Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics


Reworking the Scientific Bequest of the Rudolf Bahro

Start: 1999
End: 12/2006

From 1999 to 2006, the Rudolf Bahro Archive has been working on the scientific heritage of the philosopher and socio-ecologist Rudolf Bahro (1935-1997). This task included collecting, viewing and organizing of the scientific heritage; transcription of lectures, interviews and discussions recorded on audiotapes; content revision, editorial and formal work on texts, manuscripts and transcripts for publishing; compiling thematic compendia of essays and short manuscripts; publishing thematic issues including texts from Bahro and other authors; organizing international symposia (in 2000, 2001, 2002) and a public exhibition which was presented at Humboldt University Berlin, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and at LebensGut in Pommritz. The Rudolf Bahro Archive aims to function as an interface within a network of socio-ecological research projects and various institutions which are interested in this knowledge area, such as Heinrich Böll Foundation, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, and others. The work of the Rudolf Bahro Archive also included coordination of thematic publications, e. g. of Bahro's lecture notes and other thematic papers. After the project had expired at the Division of Resource Economics, the Archive was transferred to the Library of Humboldt University Berlin and continues giving access to resources on Rudolph Bahro.

Researcher: Sylvia Sieber, Petra Christodulow

Project Partner: Dr. Maik Hosang

Lead: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Konrad Hagedorn

Publications: Final Report