Start: 03/2013
End: 08/2015
This interdisciplinary project aims to support institutional learning and institutional development for common pool resources (CPR) – agricultural irrigation and pasture – in Central Asia. By means of innovative methods, particular local existing and functioning institutions shall be identified and their potential for the solution of existing challenges in resource use shall be assessed: the project therefore aims at (1) the identification of existing institutional framework for pasture and irrigation management in Central Asia, including an assessment of its success and failure for CPR management; (2) the study of long-term sustainability of institutional innovations in the field or CPR by means of field experiments, case studies and participatory action research; (3) the communication of research results and support for policy dialogue by means of establishment of a network of scientists, educational institutions, resource users and political decision makers.
Researcher: Dr. Dimitrios Zikos, Wibke Crewett, Ahmad Hamidov, Ulan Kasymov, Odil Akbarov
Project Partner: Naryn State University, Faculty of Agrarian Technology, Department of Ecology, Kyrgyzstan; Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration, Faculty of Water Management and Economics, Department of Foundation of Economic Theories, Uzbekistan; Nazar Business and Technology, Uzbekistan; CAMP Alatoo Public Foundation, Kyrgyzstan
Lead: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Konrad Hagedorn
Funding: Volkswagen Stiftung
Project Website: