Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics


Research Area

(Text in process)

Research Colloquium (Foko)

Research is a social process in which the members of the Working Group of Resource Economics actively take part. To this end, the Research Colloquium serves as a platform for the collective learning of the rules and methods of scientific discourse. It takes place in the seminar room on the Working Group (Philippstr. 13, room 1.22, second floor).

Contact: Paul Neetzow


Research Projects

  • INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL AGREEMENTS: Strategic interactions and possibilities for cooperation in climate change negotiations
  • DE.ZENTRAL: Institutionell und technologisch konsistente Energiestrategien für eine zentral oder dezentral ausgerichtete Energiewende in Deutschland (German)
  • GREEN GAS: A level playing field for the European market for green gas
  • CHAMÄLEON: Adaptation to climate change in the utility sector - analysis and development of options for business and political action
  • KEEP COOL: The board game on climate change
  • KEEP COOL MOBIL: The mobile game on climate change
  • RESILIENCE: Resilience of socio-technical systems exemplified at the electricity transport and actor system


Research projects under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Konrad Hagedorn