Current topics
News from the division:
Professor Hagedorn joins SES Club
Professor Hagedorn has become a member of the SES Club which is an
international group of scholars developing a general framework and a common
language for analysing Social-Ecological Systems. Professor Elinor Ostrom,
2009 Nobel Prize Winner in Economics, is one of the prominent members of
the Club. The group works on a conceptual framework, elaborates theories
and tests resulting hypotheses. To this end, the group develops a common
conceptualization for an integrated database, e.g., a common ontology and a
common set of variables, and collects data to be represented in the common
conceptualization. First results regarding the general framework and the
common language for analysing SES are planned to be published in a special
issue of an international journal. /19.11.2009
Ranking der erfolgreichsten Drittmitteleinwerber im Hochschulbereich der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin im Jahr 2008 /19.11.2009 see
New project: Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in an Institutional Perspective (SUNRISE) /3.11.2009 see
Nobelpreisvorlesung 2009: Die Humboldt-Universität erklärt die Ideen der diesjährigen Nobelpreisträger Elinor Ostrom und Oliver Williamson Mittwoch, 9. Dezember 2009, 17 Uhr s.t. /3.11.2009 see
Prof. Dr. Daniel W. Bromley: Hunger, Poverty and Financial Crisis: Are We Trapped in an Obsolete Economic Order? Helmholtz-Vorlesung, 19. November 2009, 18.30 Uhr, Kinosaal, Unter den Linden 6 /3.11.2009 see
Albrecht Daniel Thaer Kolloquium 2009 “Exploring the Nexus of Science, Development and the Quest for Africa” Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture - Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Workshop Programme - Thursday, the 12th of November /3.11.2009 see
Public Lecture as part of the Albrecht Daniel Thaer Kolloquium 2009, Professor Daniel W. Bromley: Bismarck, the Scramble for Africa, and Development denied: A Pragmatist confronts History, 11 November 2009 - 17:00 – 19:00 /3.11.2009 see
The Division of Resource Economics congratulates the Nobel Prize Winners Professor Elinor Ostrom and Professor Oliver E. Williamson, who are experts in Institutional Analysis, for the highest scientific award! /28.10.2009 see
Nobelpreis für Wirtschaftswissenschaften an Ehrendoktorin der HU /13.10.2009 HU beglückwünscht Professor Elinor Ostrom
Institutional Economics and Political Economy I. Block Course – Winter term 2009/10: Daniel W. Bromley, Konrad Hagedorn and Andreas Thiel
This year the Division of Resource Economics offers a block course with the participation of Daniel W. Bromley, Guest Professor at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Anderson-Bascom Professor of Applied Economics - University of Wisconsin- Madison ( Professor Bromley authored several groundbreaking books and a multitude of articles in the area of Institutional Economics and the Environment. /01.10.2009 see ..
FoKo Programm Winter Semester 2009/10 online: /01.10.2009 see Research..
What makes India urban? Symposium on October 10, 2009 ... /22.09.2009 siehe..
Die amerikanische Politikwissenschaftlerin und Ehrendoktorin der Humboldt-Universität Elinor Ostrom mit dem diesjährigen Reimar Lüst-Preis der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung geehrt ... /16.09.2009 siehe..
Announcement Workshop on "Developing multi-level and decentralized implementation capacity for natural resource management and environmental policies: A contribution to polycentric governance in an emerging democracy", 6-12 September 2009 ... /10.08.2009 siehe..
Announcement Workshop on "Developing multi-level and decentralized implementation capacity for natural resource management and environmental policies: A contribution to polycentric governance in an emerging democracy", 6-12 September 2009 ... /10.08.2009 see..
Vorschlag für Masterarbeit: "Institutionalisierung von Nachhaltigkeit bei der Bereitstellung von Bioenergie: Das Beispiel der Biomassestrom-Nachhaltigkeitsverordnung" Masterarbeiten /18.08.2009
“Capacity of the Megacity Project Hyderabad extended”; The Megacity Project funded by BMBF ...See here
New Deadline: August 31, 2009! Tutor for our Division wanted. See here
New articel published by Beatice Marelli Published in 2009 in "Proteus. A Journal Journal of Ideas"
/03.07.2009 Articel
PhD Student and Post doc wanted for BIODIVA. See here
The Division of Resource Economics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, invites to a public lecture series: "Challenges of Sustainable Resource Use in Asian Economies" Wednesdays from 18 to 20 hours, starting 13 May 2009, Lecture Hall 1.03, House 12, Philippstraße 13, 10177 Berlin /21.04.2009 see Programm..
New paper published by Katrin Prager (Humboldt University zu Berlin) and Jan Freese (Göttingen University) on stakeholder involvement in agri-environmental policy making. Published in February 2009 in Journal of Environmental Management (available online 16 July 2008)
/12.01.2009 Abstract
MEGACITY - Start of the main phase of the project: Climate and Energy in a Complex Transition Process towards Sustainable Hyderabad - Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies by Changing Institutions, Governance Structures, Lifestyles and Consumption Patterns” here
New books have been published - ICAR Series: Violeta Dirimanova: Economic Effects of Land Fragmentation Property Rights, Land Markets and Contracts in Bulgaria. Band 29.
Frank Boening: Accessing Land at the Agricultural Frontier A Case Study from the Honduran Mosquitia. Band 33.
Ilona Banaszak: Success and Failure of Cooperation in Agricultural Markets Evidence from Producer Groups in Poland. Band 31.
Stefan Jungcurt: Institutional Interplay in International Environmental Governance. Policy Interdependence and Strategic Interaction in the Regime Complex on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Band 30.
/16.01.2009 more..
Approvement of Research Project:"Climate and Energy in a Complex Transition Process towards a Sustainable Hyderabad. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies by Changing Institutions, Governance Structures, Life Styles and Consumption Patterns." was classified as a highest priority project and is approved by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Announcement of topics for MSc theses in the project "Making rural services work for the poor"/15.1.2008
Project Report SEAMLESS: New project report "Approach towards an operational tool to apply institutional analysis for the assessment of policy feasibility within SEAMLESS-IF." available /30.07.2007 research reports..
Division of Resource Economics takes 1st place in acquisition of third-party funds at Humboldt-Universität /3.5.2006 more..
International Erasmus Mundus-Master programme International Master in Rural Development
at the department of economic and social sciences /winter term 2004/2005