Tropentag 2015
- Tropentag 2015
- 2015-09-16T00:00:00+02:00
- 2015-09-18T23:59:59+02:00
- International Conference on Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development. ValueSec has submitted a poster to be presented at this event, to receive valuable input to our approach.
- When Sep 16, 2015 12:00 to Sep 18, 2015 11:59
- Where Berlin, Germany
The ValueSeC team has submitted an abstract for poster presentation:
About the Tropentag conference
Management of land use systems for enhanced food security - conflicts, controversies and resolutions
Food security has become a major worldwide concern and key policy issue. It will be increasingly challenging to feed the rapidly growing population in a declining area of arable and fertile land under unfavourable and unpredictable climatic conditions. Land has become a precious resource.
An increasing competition on land for the production of food, fodder & forage, biofuels and forestry goods is creating tensions and conflicts. Especially the poorest nations in tropical regions have the highest prevalence of malnutrition – caused by inconsistent food availability, accessibility, utilisation and stability.
The mainly rain-fed, subsistence-oriented smallholder farming systems are extremely vulnerable to environmental stressors and often lack access to inputs and resources, institutional support and, ultimately, adaptive capacity. The highly complex state of vulnerability needs to be addressed encompassing economic and socio-political factors which play a pivotal role in ameliorating food insecurity.
Thus, effective adaptation and intervention strategies need to pursue a holistic approach and an array of objectives, including social and economic viability, gender empowerment, improvement of infrastructure and market access as well as soil health, minimum use of scarce water and fossil energy, and conservation of natural resources and biodiversity.
The issue is marked by a high degree of complexity; interests of stakeholders collide, and strategic concepts diverge. Creating a sustainable roadmap for the future will be a challenging task for our global community.
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin invites you to discuss possible solutions in an effort to enhance food and nutritional security in the tropics.