Prof. Parto Teherani-Krönner - Scientific Career
Scientific positions |
since 2006 - Assignment of work area gender studies in rural areas of the newly founded Department of Gender and Globalization at the Institute of Economic and Social Sciences of Agriculture (WISOLA), at the Agriculture and Horticulture Faculty (LGF) of the Humboldt University of Berlin
since 1998 - Assisted in the Ahfad-Humboldt-Link program, academic cooperation agreement with the Ahfad University for Women in Omdurman Sudan, management and coordination of annual summer schools, alternately in Omdurman / Sudan and in Berlin / Germany on DAAD, inter alia, third-party funds
03.2001 - Management of the work area on Gender in Rural Areas, FG: Rural Sociology WISOLA
03.1994 - Director of newly formed complementary discipline, women's studies and the faculty focus women in rural development at the LGF
11.1991 - assistant in Rural Sociology, in the Department of International Agricultural Development at the Technical University Berlin (before the merger with the HU Berlin)
01.1991 - Associate with a woman's self-help organization in Reinickendorf
1982 - 1989 Research Associate at the Research Project: "Agricultural Environmental regulation on the example nitrate ..." at the Science Centre Berlin for Social Research
Mitgliedschaft in wissenschaftlich-gemeinnützigen Vereinen |
since 2005 - eV board member of the German-Iranian Friendship Association
since 2002 - Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Society for Human Ecology
1991-2001 - Secretary General of the German Society for Human Ecology
Wissenschaftliche Qualifikation |
1990 - Interdisciplinary PhD at the Department of Sociology and landscape planning on the theme: "Human and cultural ecological approaches to environmental planning. A Contribution to Environmental Sociology "at the TU Berlin
1982 - Master's Thesis in the field of agriculture and development sociology: Socio-cultural implications of technological changes, TU Berlin