Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Gender And Globalisation

Bild  Dr. Parto Teherani-Krönner


Main focusses of research: Gender Research in Rural Areas, Cultural Ecology of Food, Gender Studies in Islamic culture, access to resources of gender







  • since 2006- Research assistant at the newly founded Department of Gender & Globalisation

  • since 2002 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Society for Human Ecology

  • 2001-2005 Management of the work area Gender Research in Rural Areas at the Department of Rural Sociology WISOLA

  • 1994 - Head of the Department of Women's Studies and the Faculty focus women in rural development at the LGF

  • 1990 - Interdisciplinary PhD at the Department of Sociology and Landscape Planning  on the theme: "Human and cultural ecological approaches to environmental planning. A Contribution to Environmental Sociology "at the TU Berlin

  • to the complete Vita



  • You can't clap with one hand You can't clap with one hand!  Parto Teherani-Krönner/Brigitte Wörteler (Hg.). Gender Research and Networking. Volume A Kenzingen: Centaurus Vlg., 2008

  • Genderdebatte aus studentischer Sicht Silvi Paulick / Janina Hempel (Hg.): Die Genderdebatte im Islam aus studentischer Sicht
    Centaurus Vlg., 2009                           

  • Teherani-Krönner, Parto; Altmann, Uta (Hg.): Frauen in der Ländlichen Entwicklung. Tagungsbericht. Berlin: Universitätsdruckerei der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, 1994.

  • to complete directory of publications



  • Gender Aspects in Integrated Rural Development. Contribution to subject area "Rural Innovation" of the European Union, Brussels

  • Handlungsfreiräume der Geschlechter im Reich der Notwendigkeit. Talk at the World Ethics Summit, New Values ​​for the 21st Century, Kühlungsborn

  • to the complete list of presentations


  • Call for Papers and invitation to the Workshop des (Agro-)Food Netzwerkes
    For the refocusing of nutrition debate: between aspirations of differentiation and integration "17.-18. September 2012, at the Centre for Technology and Society at the TU Berlin

  • Meal Cultures in Europe. Changes and Exchanges »

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