Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Agrarökologie

Wendy Morel

Curriculum Vitae


M. in Sc. Wendy Quetzal Morel Schramm


PhD Student, Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institut - FG Agrarökologie / Circle U Humboldt Universität zu Berlin


Surname: Morel Schramm

Names: Wendy Quetzal




Date of birth: 12th November 1979

Place of birth: México City

Nationality: Mexican


Professional Experience



Coordinator of “II Virtual Symposium – Art and EGC International exchange of educational experiences in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals”. The Handprint Initiative. Berlin, Germany.


Facilitator of the Teachers Workshop “The Handprint Initiative” Escuela Nacional Preparatoria, Mexico City  


Facilitator of the Teachers Workshop “Diez Escalones hacia el pensamiento sistémico” Instituto Escuela del Sur, Mexico City  


Facilitator of the Teachers Workshop “Diez Escalones hacia el pensamiento sistémico” Escuela Bartolomé Cosio, Mexico City  


Co-founder The Handprint Initiative.


Coordinator of “I Virtual Symposium – Art and Environment, International exchange of educational experiences in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals”. The Handprint Initiative. Berlin, Germany.


Facilitator of the Teachers Workshop “Diez Escalones hacia el pensamiento sistémico” Dirección General Escuela Nacional Preparatoria (UNAM), Mexico City  


Facilitator of the Teachers Workshop “Aprendizaje Global con la Nuez de la India” Dirección General Escuela Nacional Preparatoria (UNAM), Mexico City  


Coordinator of the virtual exchange “How to cope with the global challenges?”. Colegio Madrid. Mexico.


Facilitator of the implementation of the study of the PhD research “Handprint, a concept to empower teachers and students towards the SDGs”. Colegio Madrid. Mexico City.


Facilitator of the Teachers Workshop “Diez Escalones hacia el pensamiento sistémico” Dirección General Escuela Nacional Preparatoria (UNAM), Mexico City  


Facilitator of the Teachers Workshop “Diez Escalones hacia el pensamiento sistémico” Colegio Madrid, Mexico City  


Co-facilitator of the workshop “In zehn Schritten zum Systemischen Denken im Kontext einer globalen nachhaltigen Entwicklung“ Schulwettbewerb zur Entwicklungspolitik. Engagement Global gGmbH. Germany

10/2021 – 03/2022

Facilitator of the seminar “Klimawandel braucht Systemdenken-Kompetenz, aber wie erreicht man das?“ Q-Team, BolognaLab, Humboldt University. Berlin Germany.


Co-facilitator of the Online Seminar “Die Ziele für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung im Unterricht“ Schulwettbewerb zur Entwicklungspolitik. Engagement Global gGmbH. Germany


Technical support of the virtual exchange “Kilmaaktionstag” Windeck-Gymnasium Bühl, Germany.


Co-facilitator of the workshop/virtual exchange “The biodiversity in my city – Colegio Madrid (Mexico) Albrecht-von-Graefe-Schule (Berlin)” Grün Berlin GmbH. Berlin, Germany


Co-Author “Go! Global an Interactive book”. ESD Expert Net. Berlin, Germany.


Co-facilitator of the workshop “Die Ziele für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung im Unterricht“ at the BNE Festival NRW 2021.

11/2017 – 11/2020

Design/Facilitator of the Organic Course “Go! Global! Virtual Exchanges” ESD Expert Net.


Reviewer of the Spanish Version of the Guideline “Teaching the Sustainable Development Goals” Engagement Global, Germany

02/2019 – 03/2019

Coordinator/Facilitator of the Cashew Workshops implementation in Mexico.  


Facilitator of the Workshop “The Sustainable Development Goals” AWO Guatemala 

07/2011 – 08/2019

Responsible for the medical service in the Secondary and Hight School “Instituto Escuela del Sur”.

11/2016 – 11/2019

National Coordinator of the Mexican Group in the ESD Expert Net (International Network focus in the Education for sustainable Development).

01/2016 - 2019

Member of the international workgroups “Teaching and Materials” and “Go Global”, Coordinator of the program “Go Global! Reclaim the Rubbish” and “Go Global! Feliz Birth Tag” in the ESD Expert Net (International Network focus in the Education for sustainable Development).




Facilitator of the preliminary study of the PhD research “Handprint, a concept to empower teachers and students towards the SDGs”.


Co-facilitator of the Workshop “Teacher Update Workshop: Facilitating Lessons for the 21st Century” #Organic Learning, Instituto Escuela del Sur, Mexico City.

04/2017 – 01/2018

National Coordinator of the Mexican group from the Project “Cashew, Lernen mit kernen. Inklusives Bildungsmaterial für die 9. Und 10. Klasse” (Spanish Version: Nuez de la India, Aprendiendo con Semillas. Material didáctico para educación medio superior inclusiva); form ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL gGmbH, Service für Entwicklungsinitiativen in cooperation with Behinderung und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit e.V. (bezev).

a)      Translation of the material.

b)     Adaptation of the material to the Mexican perspective.

c)      Coordination of the Adaptations for the inclusive material.

d)     Editor of the Spanish Version.

04/2004 – 08/2019

Fulltime Teacher in the Secondary and High School “Instituto Escuela del Sur”

a)      Teacher of the subject of anatomy at 5 ° and health sciences in 6° grade of High School.

b)     Teacher of the subject of science with an emphasis in biology from 1°/2° grade of secondary.

c)      Coordinator of the Sustainable and Environmental project.

11/2015 - 04/2017

Freelance work as reviewer of scientific and disseminations books of the Editorial “Planeta”.

a)      Opinions of Scientific books.

b)     Assess the quality and accuracy of the content in the work.


Coordinator of the teachers training at the meeting of young “Make a miracle through the air! 2014” Molina Center for Energy and the Environment Molina Center. Let´s make a miracle for the air.

08/2013 -07/2014

Coordinator of the program “Beat the CO2, Low emictions school´s” in the Instituto Escuela del Sur.


Co-facilitator of the Workshop “New strategies in Education for Sustainable Development” Molina Center for Energy and the Environment.


Trainer of the teachers at the meeting of young ¡make a miracle through the air!  Molina Center for Energy and the Environment.


Jury of written work in the contest “Let´s make a miracle for the air” 2013.

07/2008 - 08/2009

Fulltime Teacher in the Secondary and High School “Hellen Keller”.

a)      Teacher of the subject of anatomy at 5 ° and health sciences in 6° grade of High School.

b)     Teacher of the subject of science with an emphasis in biology from 1°/2° grade of secondary.

07/2003 - 07/2004

Facilitator of groups in the Conservation Center “El Nido” (Previously “Fauna Silvestre, Dr. Jesús Estudillo López”).

a)     Design of material for the given workshops.

b)     Group management of families and students from different grades (kindergarten, primary, secondary, high school, University).

c)     Implementation of dynamic games and various animations that strengthen teaching about environmental enrichment and conservation of animals in danger of extinction.

02/2002 - 07/2003

Teaching Assistant in the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Xochimilco.

a)      General management of activities for the class, in the module “Balance of nutrients in monogastric and selection of breeding stock”.

b)     Review the general work, specific projects, homework and exams. 

c)      Giving different lectures from the module taught.





MasterseminarEnergy Transitions and Social Change in the Twentieth Century” Humboldt University. Berlin, Germany.


Seminar “Fundamentals of Human-Environmental Research”. Humboldt University. Berlin Germany.


Mastersemianr “Research4Change”. Humboldt University. Berlin Germany.


Online Course “Application for infographics, mind models, conceptual maps” Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Xochimico.


Online Course “Human rights, Environment and Sustainability”. National Human Rights Commission. Mexico.


Intensive Course “Good Scientific Practices” organized by the Graduate Center Life Sciences, Humboldt University. Berlin, Germany.


Workshop for teachers “ADHD management in the classroom” organized by the Hospital Psiquiátrico Infantil Dr. Juan N Navarro (Psychiatric Hospital for Children Dr. Juan Navarro).


Workshop for teachers “Psychopathology in children for teachers” organized by the Hospital Psiquiátrico Infantil Dr. Juan N Navarro (Psychiatric Hospital for Children Dr. Juan Navarro).


Workshop “Strategies and tactics in the classroom to work with ADHD” organized by Instituto Escuela del Sur.


Workshop “Peer Couching” organized by Molina Center for Energy and the Environment.


Workshop “Community Management” organized by Momentum S.C.


Teacher’s workshop “New strategies in Education for Sustainable Development II” organized by Molina Center for Energy and the Environment.

09/2012 – 04/2013

Advanced Professional Training “Education for Sustainable Development” Leadership Training organized by Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), an Intercultural Training with professionals from Germany, India, Mexico and South Africa.


Teacher’s Workshop “Make a miracle through the air! 2011” organized by Molina Center for Energy and the Environment, September.


Workshop “Search for Information” organized by Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco.


Workshop “The scientific education of young people in the decade of Education for Sustainable Development”. Cuba

09/2006 – 02/2009

Master’s degree in Agricultural Sciences. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco.

Master´s Thesis: Análisis genético de una población de cocodrilo de rio (Cocodrilus acutus) en el Pacífico Mexicano (Genetic analysis of a river crocodile (Cocodrilus acutus) population in the Mexican Pacific). Professional Certificate No. 09252487


Practical course “Basic techniques of Molecular Biology” organized by Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Universidad Xochimilco.

09/1998 – 08/2002

Bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnology, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco. 

Bacherlor´s Thesis: Generación, Validación y Divulgación sobre tecnología y desarrollo del avestruz (Generation, validation and dissemination on technology and development of the ostrich). Professional Certificate No. 4126245


Course “Techniques of extraction in vehicular accidents” organized by Gama Group.


Course “Pre-hospital care in trauma” organized by Protección Civil Universitaria, Escuela Nacional de Enfermería y Obstetricia.


Course “Basic course of pre-hospital Trauma” organized by Protección Civil Universitaria, Escuela Nacional de Enfermería y Obstetricia.





Medal of Merit for postgraduate studies, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco.





García y Macias, A., Morel, W. 2023. Wie gelingt ein virtueller Schulaustausch im Go! Global-Format?. Eine Welt in der Schule. Nr. 15.


Morel Schramm, W., Ruz Salmones, P., Robischon, M. 2023. The Handprint Initiative: Identifying learners’ attitudes towards the environment. Southern African Journal of Environmental Education, Vol. 38(2).


Morel Schramm, W., Morel Schramm, N., Ruz Salmones. 2023. La Iniciativa Handprint: Empoderar al cuerpo docente y estudiantes a través de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Ecopedagógica. 5 (10), 49-58.


Hoffmann, T., Menon, S., Morel, W., Nkosi, T., Pape, N. (2021) Ten Steps towards Systems Thinking - a manual for Education for Sustainable Development. CEE/ Engagement Global gGmbH. Pune and Bonn


Hellwig, H., Morel, W., Bähr, T. & Robischon, M. (2019). Das Konzept des ökologischen Handabdrucks zur Entwicklung nachhaltigkeitsorientierter Handlungskompetenzen: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Fachsektion Didaktik der Biologie und der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik, 09.-12. 09. 19. Wien.


Translation and Reviewer of “Nuez de la India, Aprendiendo con Semillas. Material didáctico para educación medio superior inclusiva”


Awate, S., Gorana, R., Hoffmann, T., Joon, Morel, W., D., Nkomo, E., O´Donoghue, R., Pape, N., Roncevic, K., Taylor, J., Thomas, R. (2017): Teaching the Sustainable Development Goals. Engagement Global gGmbH. Bonn, Germany.





Speaker “Educational resources and climate change” Roud Table at the 17th International IARTEM (International Association for Research on Textbooks and Educational Media) Conference, Université Paris Cité. Paris, France.


Speaker “The Handprint Initiative” at the 13th Biennial Conference of Comparative Education Society of Asia (CESA). Hiroshima, Japan.


Speaker “The Handprint Initiative: Empowering Teachers and Students Towards SDGs Actions” at the North American Association for environmental Education (NAAEE) Research Symposium


Speaker “The Handprint Initiative” at the 17th Conference on International Education and Development (UKFIET). Oxford, UK.


Speaker “Sustainable development needs system thinking, but how to achieve it?” at the the British Association of Comparative and International Education (BAICE), University of Edinburgh, UK.


Speaker “A complex world needs complex thinking, but how to achieve it?. Understanding Climate Change communication” Summer School Circle U, Humboldt University. Berlin, Germany.


Speaker “¿Cómo enfrentar los retos globales actuales? El desarrollo del pensamiento sistémico para la sustentabilidad en la enseñanza de la química” - Seminario de Análisis y Desarrollo de la Enseñanza 2021-2022. Escuela Nacional Preparatoria (ENP), Mexico.


Speaker “Designing artistic workshops for non-artists in the context of ESD” at 11th World Environment Education Congress. Prague, Czech Republic


Speaker “Sustainable Development needs System Thinking competence, but how to achieve this?” at 11th World Environment Education Congress. Prague, Czech Republic


Speaker “Handprint Initiative, empowering teachers and students towards SDGs actions” at 11th World Environment Education Congress (WEEC). Prague, Czech Republic


Speaker “Un mundo complejo necesita de un pensamiento complejo, pero ¿Cómo alcanzarlo? - 1er Coloquio de Lenguas, Lenguajes y Ciencia. Escuela Nacional Preparatoria. Mexico


Speaker “Hablemos de sustentabilidad con igualdad de género” – Instituto Mexicano de Ejecutivos de Finanzas UNAM FCA. Mexico


Speaker “¿Tenemos que hablar de desarrollo sustentable con igualdad de género?” – International women’s day. Escuela Nacional Preparatoria. Mexico


Speaker “Handprint Initiative, empowering teachers and students towards SDGs actions” Virtual presentation in the 65th Annual meeting of the Comparative & International Education Society (CIES). Seattle, USA.


Speaker “Handprint Initiative, empowering teachers and students towards SDGs actions” Virtual presentation in the 3rd International Conference on Research in Education, Berlin, Germany.


Speaker “Handprint Initiative, empowering teachers and students towards SDGs actions” Virtual presentation in the Second World Conference on Teaching and Education, Vienna, Austria.


Speaker Handprint a concept to empower students and teachers towards the SDG actions. Environmental Ministry, Education and Training Center for Sustainable Development (CECADESU), Mexico City.


Speaker “The ESD Expert Net, an initiative towards the SDGs” at the Second Congress of the National Academy of Environmental Education (ANEA). Cancun, Mexico.


Poster presentation Hellwig, H., Morel, W., Bähr, T. & Robischon, M. (2019). Das Konzept des ökologischen Handabdrucks zur Entwicklung nachhaltigkeitsorientierter Handlungskompetenzen: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Fachsektion Didaktik der Biologie und der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik. Wien.


Speaker “Systemic Thinking approach as a methodology for a quality Education for Sustainable Development” at the Comparative & International Education Society (CIES) Congress, San Francisco, Ca.


Speaker “GO! GLOBAL Crossing borders between schools in Mexico, India, South Africa and Germany through technologyat the British Association of Comparative and International Education (BAICE), University of York, York, United Kingdom.


Speaker GO! GLOBAL The multimodal programme as an example of Digital Pedagogy and Global Citizenship Education for ESD” at the XXXI International Symposium in ICT in the Education SOMECE 2018. Mexico City.


Speaker GO! GLOBAL The multimodal programme as an example of Digital Pedagogy and Global Citizenship Education for ESD” at the Transforming Education Conference for Humanity. TECH 2017. Visakhapatnam, India.


SpeakerProject “C.A.M.I.N.O. A. C.A.S.Aan example of a Constructivist approach in the Education for Sustainable Development inside the Formal Education in Mexico” at the International Conference on Education for Sustainable Development for Transforming Education for Children and Youth (ESD C&Y). Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.


Speaker “Ecological Projects IE: Safe energy and waste reduction” at the meeting of young ¡make a miracle through the air! 2012 Molina Center for Energy and the Environment.


Additional Qualifications







Mother tongue

B2 (Cambridge)

B2 (Goethe Institute)

Computer Knowledge

H5P, MS-Office, Google+, e-Learning (Moodle, Video conference), Standard E-mail.


Very Good