Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture

Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture No. 2/07

Economic analysis of Nile tilapia production in Ghana

Aloyce R. Kaliba
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, AR, USA

Steve Amisah
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana

Linus Kumah
Ministry of Fisheries, Accra, Ghana

Kwamena K. Quagrainie
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA/h4>


Economic profitability of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) production in Ghana was analyzed using a dynamic model that simulates individual fish growth and takes fish population dynamics in the pond into account. The results suggest that the current practiced mixed-sex tilapia culture with catfish predation was economically sustainable. However, to increase returns on investments, extension efforts should be geared towards developing a Nile tilapia production system that is based on a hand-sexed all-male tilapia culture. Other fundamentals include pond studies to determine optimal pond size, availability of affordable feed and quality fingerlings. Under an improved production system, profits are high enough to justify investment through borrowed capital.

Keywords: economic analysis, Nile tilapia, economic profitability, Ghana

JEL: D13, D24, O13

Vol. 46 (2007), No. 2: 105-117