Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department für Agrarökonomie

Vergangene Termine

  • 2017-07-14T09:00:00+02:00
  • 2017-07-14T12:00:00+02:00
  • Hörsaal 3, Hannoversche Straße 27, Haus 12, 10115 Berlin
Juli 14 Freitag 2017

Zeit: 09:00

Hörsaal 3, Hannoversche Straße 27, Haus 12, 10115 Berlin

Vortragsthema: „Managing the Niches in Emerging Value Chains of the Bioeconomy”

  • 2016-09-29T09:00:00+02:00
  • 2016-09-29T17:00:00+02:00
  • 10117 Berlin, Luisenstraße 56, Haus 1, 2. OG, Festsaal
September 29 Donnerstag 2016

Zeit: 09:00

10117 Berlin, Luisenstraße 56, Haus 1, 2. OG, Festsaal

Workshop rund um Klimaspiele und KEEP COOL mobil

  • 2014-07-08T13:00:00+02:00
  • 2014-07-08T16:00:00+02:00
  • Philippstr. 13, Haus 12, Raum 1.22
Juli 8 Dienstag 2014

Zeit: 13:00

Philippstr. 13, Haus 12, Raum 1.22

Tan Rong: Approaching Acceptable Embedded Institutions: Organising farmland conversion in a segregative but cumulative way

  • 2014-07-08T11:00:00+02:00
  • 2014-07-08T13:00:00+02:00
  • Philippstr. 13, Haus 12, Raum 1.22
Juli 8 Dienstag 2014

Zeit: 11:00

Philippstr. 13, Haus 12, Raum 1.22

Atoho Jakhalu: Governance of Inter-sectoral Water Reallocation within the Context of Urbanization in Hyderabad

  • 2014-06-24T11:00:00+02:00
  • 2014-06-24T13:00:00+02:00
  • Philippstr. 13, Haus 12, Raum 1.22
Juni 24 Dienstag 2014

Zeit: 11:00

Philippstr. 13, Haus 12, Raum 1.22

Johanna Götter: The Local Struggle for Regulating the Appropriation of Common Pool-fodder Trees in South-West Madagascar