Dr. Anna Saave
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ContactResearch Group BioMaterialities (Visitors' Address: Hannoversche Str. 27, Haus 12, Room 32) Post-Doctoral Researcher |
Publications | Research Group Biomaterialities
Research Interests
Political economy, accumulation theories, feminist economics, political economy of forestry, ecological economics, sustainability, bioeconomy, degrowth, care, social reproduction, society-nature-metabolisms, socio-ecological transformations, ecofeminism, reproductivity, and plural-economic higher education.
Work Experience and Education
Post-doctoral researcher at the BMBF-research group BioMaterialities, Humboldt-University, Berlin (2022–)
Post-doctoral researcher at the SFB 294, design and implementation of transdisciplinary research, Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena (2021)
Scientific managing director of the Collaborative Research Consortium SFB 294 “Structural Change of Property”, Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena (2020–2021)
Guest researcher at Oregon State University, Chair of Environmental Philosophy, Prof. Muraca (Spring 2018)
PhD scholarship of the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation (2016–2019)
Doctoral researcher at Friedrich-Schiller-University, Chair of Social Theory, Jena (2016-2020)
Managing coordinator of the Bucerius Law Clinic, Hamburg (2015–2016)
Lecturer in political economy, feminist economics, ecofeminist theory, and degrowth transitions at various universities (2015–)
Master of Sustainability Economics and Management, University of Oldenburg (2012–2015)
Bachelor of Environmental Sciences and Economics, Leuphana University, Lüneburg (2008–2012)
Current research project
- BioMaterialities, a five-year BMBF research project focusing on the materialities of living nature and their economic valuation in the High-Tech Bioeconomy. The research group is composed of six doctoral and post-doctoral researchers who analyze how biophysical processes intersect with and are changing social relations pertaining to production, reproduction and politics. The research group will trace commodity networks guided by an analysis of political economy, political ecology, economics of care, feminist theory and critical geography. September 2019 - August 2023. https://www.agrar.hu-berlin.de/de/institut/departments/daoe/apol/forschung/projekte/biomat/biomat
Selected Publications
- Saave, Anna (2022). „Einverleiben und Externalisieren. Zur Innen-Außen-Beziehung der kapitalistischen Produktionsweise“. Bielefeld: transcript.
Book chapters
- Saave, Anna (2023): Die Care-Abgabe: Vorsorgend wirtschaften mit sorgezentrierter Umverteilungspolitik. In: Meier-Gräwe, Uta, Ina Praetorius und Feline Tecklenburg: Wirtschaft neu ausrichten. Care-Initiativen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Leverkusen: Verlag Barbara Budrich, pp. 267–276.
- Saave, Anna und Birgit Hoinle (2023). „Feministische und dekoloniale Perspektiven in der und für die Umweltsoziologie". In: Handbuch Umweltsoziologie, Sonnberger, M., Bleicher, A., Groß, M. (eds.). Springer VS, Wiesbaden, pp. 1-19.
- Saave, Anna (2022). „Ecofeminism Now". In: Left Strategies for the Covid Pandemic and ist aftermath. transform! Yearbook 2022, herausgegeben von Walter Baier, Eric Canepa und Haris Golemis. London: Merlin Press, S. 335-350.
Saave, Anna (2022). „Mit Self-Care wider die Wachstumskrise? Ambivalenzen der Selbstsorge in der Postwachstumsbewegung". In: Caring Societies – Sorgende Gesellschaften, herausgegeben von Ulrike Knobloch, Hildegard Theobald, Corinna Dengler, Ann-Christin Kleinert, Christopher Gnadt und und Heidi Lehner. Weinheim & Basel: Beltz Juventa, S. 241-256.
Saave, Anna and Barbara Muraca (2021). „Rethinking Labor/Work in a Degrowth Society“. In: Handbook of Environmental Labour Studies, edited by Nora Räthzel, Dimitris Stevis, and David Uzzel. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 743–767.
Saave, Anna (2021). „Teaching Feminist Economics. Conceptual Notes and Practical Advice for Teaching a Subject in the Making“. In: Wirtschaft neu lehren. Erfahrungen aus der pluralen sozioökonomischen Hochschulbildung, edited by Janina Urban, Lisa-Marie Schröder, Harald Handtke, and Lukas Bäuerle. Wiesbaden: Springer, pp. 77–92.
Saave-Harnack, Anna (with Adelheid Biesecker, Sabine Hofmeister, Andrea Amri-Henkel and Sarah Breitenbach) (2019). „(Re)Produktivität–eine Vermittlungskategorie für Vorsorgendes Wirtschaften“. In: Ökonomie des Versorgens. Feministisch-kritische Wirtschaftstheorie im deutschsprachigen Raum, edited by Ulrike Knobloch. Weinheim & Basel: Beltz Juventa, pp. 120–138.
Saave-Harnack, Anna (2019). „Die Care-Abgabe. Ein Instrument Vorsorgenden Wirtschaftens?“ In Perspektiven einer pluralen Ökonomik, edited by David J. Petersen, Daniel Willers, Esther Schmitt, Robert Birnbaum, Jan Heinrich Ernst Meyerhoff, Sebastian Gießler, and Benjamin Roth. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 367–393.
Journal articles
- Saave, Anna (2024): Ökofeministische Orientierungshilfen für die Transformationspolitik. Ökologisches Wirtschaften 1/2024, 28-29.
- FaDA Writing Collective (2023). „Why are feminist perspectives, analyses, and actions vital to degrowth?“. In: Degrowth Journal, Volume 1, 00046, pp. 1–17. [FaDA Writing Collective: Corinna Dengler, Nadine Gerner, Taís Sonetti-González, Lina Hansen, Sourayan Mookerjea, Susan Paulson, and Anna Saave]
- Saave-Harnack, Anna, Corinna Dengler, and Barbara Muraca (2019). „Feminisms and Degrowth. Alliance or Foundational Relation?“ In: Global Dialogue 9 (1): pp. 29–30.
Other publications
Saave, Anna (2022). „Was mich positiv stimmt“, eingeladener Beitrag zum Büro KLASS Kalender „Okay, and now?“ (Link: https://bueroklass.de/ok-and-now)
Saave, Anna (2022): „Lass dir nicht einreden, dass du für deinen Berufswunsch nicht geeignet bist!“ Berufsportrait-Interview mit Life e.v. Berlin in der Reihe „Grüne Arbeitsorte in Berlin“ (Link: https://life-online.de/oekothek-medienservice-nachhaltig-arbeiten-in-berlin/)
Saave, Anna (2022): Challenges of utopias, utopian art and alternative economies. Thoughts on Agnes Scherer's “The Very Hungry” and societal transformations. On: berlinartprize.com
Saave, Anna (2022): Wissenschaft-Praxis-Transfers im SFB TRR 294 „Strukturwandel des Eigentums“. Jena: SFB 294 Strukturwandel des Eigentums, internal guidebook, pp. 1–14.
FaDA (2020): Collaborative Feminist Degrowth: Pandemic as an Opening for a Care-Full Radical Transformation. On: degrowth.info. With the Feminisms and Degrowth Alliance (FaDA).