Vortragsankündigung PD Dr. Stefan Sieber: Science for Food Security in Developing Countries ...
- https://www.agrar.hu-berlin.de/de/events/vortrag-sieber
- Vortragsankündigung PD Dr. Stefan Sieber: Science for Food Security in Developing Countries ...
- 2020-01-22T12:15:00+01:00
- 2020-01-22T13:45:00+01:00
- Wann 22.01.2020 von 12:15 bis 13:45
- Wo HU Berlin, Hannoversche Str. 27, Haus 12, Hörsaal 3
- iCal
Science for Food Security in Developing Countries:
Experiences from inter- and transdisciplinary research
Stefan Sieber is assistant professor (Privatdozent) at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and coordinates the department "Sustainable Land Use in Developing Countries" at the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF e.V.). He has published widely in the field of food security and nutrition sensitive agriculture. His research addresses inter- and transdisciplinary research questions regarding the implementation of innovations and the co-design of knowledge. Before joining ZALF, Stefan Sieber finished his doctorate in agricultural economy with a focus on resource and environmental economics at the University of Bonn. His talk will discuss current challenges in science for food security, implications for research, exemplary research findings and research needs for the future development of the field.
Nach dem Vortrag lädt Herr Sieber zu einem kleinen Umtrunk ab 13:45 ein, bei dem zwei Dokumentarfilme der Arbeitsgruppe zur inter- und transdisziplinären Forschung gezeigt werden. Dort bietet sich die Gelegenheit, sich kennenzulernen sowie sich im Nachgang auch fachlich auszutauschen.
Ort: Haus 12, 1. OG, Besprechungsraum Ressourcenökonomie (Raum 1.22)