Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics


Capitalisation of Research Results on the Multifunctionality of Agriculture and Rural Areas

Start: 09/2004
End: 08/2005

The aim of this project was to provide a complete overview of the research that has been done, particularly in Europe, in the different aspects related to Multifunctionality of agriculture. Issues such as equitable regional development, food security and safety, natural resource conservation, rural income generation and global sustainability - explicitly revealed in the Strategy for Sustainable Development as key concern -, are clearly covered by the concept of Multifunctionality of agriculture, and therefore, were an important part of the analysis of the state-of-the-art review carried out within the MULTAGRI-Project. Recommendations for future research will be provided. This work package was focussing on the setting up and management of public policies with multifunctional purpose.

Researcher: Christian Schleyer, Henry Wüstemann

Project Partners:

  • Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Departments of Economics and Ecological Modelling, Germany;
  • University of Helsinki, Department of Economics and Management, Finnland;
  • CIRAD – Agricultural Research Centre for International Development, France;
  • Cemagref – National Research Center for Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, Department of Land Management, France;
  • Cardiff University, School of City and Regional Planning, Great Britain;
  • University College Dublin, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agribusiness, Extension and Rural Development, Irland;
  • Baltic Studies Centre, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Latvia;

Lead Overall project: Dr. Dominique Cairol, Cemagref, France

Lead HU-Sub-project: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Konrad Hagedorn

Funding: European Union (FP6 - Specific Support Action)

Project Website:

Publications and Presentations:
Promoting the Multifunctionality of Agriculture, Forestry, and Rural Areas: Design and Implementation of Public Policies in Germany