Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Agricultural Ecology

M.P.P. Johanna Lochner



since 10/2017

PhD student in the Division of Vocational Teaching in Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, in the Faculty of Life Sciences, at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Title of dissertation: Change of perspectives through virtual school garden exchange - Education for sustainable development in school gardens in Germany and Peru


Part-time formation in Biodiversity-Education in the field of Biology, Politics and Ethics in Botanical Gardens


Master of Public Policy in the Humboldt-Universität of Berlin and the European University Viadrina


Leadership Training Education for Sustainable Development von der Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)


Bachelor of Science in Organic Agriculture in the University of Kassel           

Work Experiences

since 04/2018 

educator at Umweltbildungszentrum Kienbergpark in Berlin & SchülerUni Nachhaltigkeit + Klimaschutz of the Freien Universität Berlin


10/2018 until 02/2019

lecturer at university course Q-Team 'Virtual School Garden Exchange'

since 07/2017 

PhD student in the Division of Vocational Teaching in Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, in the Faculty of Life Sciences, at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


04/2017 - 09/2017

Guest Researcher in the Division of Vocational Teaching in Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin



Education officer at the International Garden Exposition in Berlin


since 12/2014

Coordinator of the internatioanl working group “Go! Global” in the ESD Expert Net



Co-founder of Ackerdemia e.V.; pedagogical lead and evaluation of the school Garden programme GemüseAckerdemie



Free lancer at the WeltGarten Witzenhausen



Student assistant in the botanical garden of the University of Kassel



Graduate assitant and guide in the botanical garden of the University of Kassel



since 07/2017



04/2014 - 03/2015

Doctoral Scholarship of the Green Political Foundation (DE: Heinrich Böll Stiftung)


EXIST Business Start-up Grant for the foundation of

Ackerdemia e.V.

Foreign Experiences



Semester abroad in the Haskoli Islands, Reykjavik/Iceland


Semester abroad in the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM), Lima/ Peru, Faculty “Agronomia” (Scholarship: PROMOS)

2008-2011 (for 1-6 month)

Internship: Botanical Garden in Reykjavik/Island, Centro de Investigacion Cientifica de Yucatan in Merida/Mexiko, Farms in Scotland, Peru, Argentina, Spain


Gap year, volunteering in the "Colegio San Christoferus in Lima/Peru



Lochner, J., Rieckmann, M., & Robischon, M. (2019). Any sign of Virtual School Garden Exchanges? Education for Sustainable Development in school gardens since 1992. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 13(2), 168–192.
Lochner, J. (2019). Virtual School Garden Exchange – thinking globally, gardening locally. In A. Turula, M. Kurek, & T. Lewis (Eds.), Telecollaboration and virtual exchange across disciplines: In service of social inclusion and global citizenship (pp. 41–47). Voillans:
Lochner, J. (2019). Think Global, Garden Local! - Effects of Virtual School Garden Exchange. In: Reese, G., Römpke, A.-K., Mues, A.W., Bockmühl, K. (Hrsg.). Green Ways - Perspectives of Environmental Psychology Research. BfN-Skripten 529. Bonn: 53-58.

Lochner, J. & Hethke, M. (2017). Urban Biodiversity Trail -Pflanzenvielfalt im Alltag. In: Ende, Oliver/ Jakubczyk, Uwe/ Kappes,Bernd/ Overwien, Bernd (Hg.), Mit Bildung die Welt verändern? GlobalesLernen für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung, Leverkusen/Opladen: Barbara Budrich: 315-319.

Lochner J. & Hethke M. (2015). Urban Biodiversity Trail- Pflanzenvielfalt im Alltag. In: Deutsche UNESCO Kommission (Hrsg.) (2015): QUERBEET. Biologische Vielfalt und Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung - Anregung für die Praxis. Bonn: 78-82.

Lochner, J. und Hethke, M. (2012). „Eine Forscherreise: Was wächst in meinem Schulranzen?“. In: Bühler H. (Hrsg.): Interkulturelles Lernen in der Grundschule - Wer lernt von wem? (Intercultural learning in the primary school – Who learns from whom?). Berlin: Cornelsen Verlag, 91-96.


Lochner, J. (2019). Moderator of the panel discussion: North-South exchange - Change of perspectives. Closing event of the Slow Food project Edible Connections. Slow Food. Berlin. 13.12.2019.


Lochner, J. (2019). Intercambios virtuales de huertos escolares y mi tesis de doctorado. Presentation at the Universidad Intercultural del Estado de Tabasco. Vicente Guerrero. 06.11.2019.


Lochner, J. (2019). Virtual School Garden Exchange - A systematic literature review. Presentation at the European Conference on Educational Research. Hamburg. 05.09.2019.


Lochner, J. (2019). Virtual School Garden Exchange - What for? Presentation at the Emerging Researchers' Conference der European Conference on Educational Research. Hamburg. 03.09.2019.


Lochner, J. (2019). Virtueller Schulgartenaustausch - Wozu Schulgärten global vernetzen? Presentation at the International Congress Green Care & 4. Tagung der Wissenschaftsinitiative zum Lernort Bauernhof. Wien. 09.07.2019.


Lochner, J. (2019). Virtual School Garden Exchange. Presentation at the International Alumni Project Seminar Education for Sustainable Development – Sharing and Linking International Best-Practice Approches. Vilm. 06.05.2019.


Lochner, J., Nikolska, N. & Makowski, J. (2019). Virtueller Schulgartenaustausch - Multiperspektivische Beobachtungen. Presentation at the Tagung 4. Berlin-Brandenburger Beiträge zur Bildungsforschung. Berlin. 19./20.03.2019


Lochner, J. (2018). ¡Huertos escolares del mundo a intercambiar experiencias! Presentation at the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Lima. 14.12.2018.


Lochner, Johanna (2018). Virtual school garden exchange - getting the global perspective of Education for Sustainable Development in local school gardens. Presentation at the conference: "Telecollaboration and virtual exchange across disciplines: in service of social inclusion and global citizenship". Krakow. 25.-27.04.2018.


Lochner, Johanna; Fonseca, Giovanni; Morel, Wendy; Ocampo, Maria (2017).
Education facing climate change. Workshop on the Symposium "Machen ist
wie wollen - nur besser. From Knowledge to action: ESD versus Climate
Change". Bonn. 14.11.2017.


Lochner, Johanna (2017). Global learning in local school gardens through virtual school garden exchange. Posterpresentation at the 9th World Environmental Education Congress, Vancouver, Canada. 9.-15.07.2017.


Lochner, Johanna (2017). Global learning in local school gardens through virtual school garden exchange. Presentation at the Symposium GreenEd 2017, Berlin: Haus der Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft. 11.05.2017.


Lochner, Johanna (2017). Global learning in local school gardens through virtual school garden exchange. Presentation at the seminar of the Division of Vocational Teaching in Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 02.02.2017.


Lochner, Johanna (2016). Global learning in local school gardens through virtual school garden exchange. Presentation at the annual conference of the Verband Botanischer Gärten. Berlin. 22.09.2016.


Lochner, Johanna; Fonseca, Giovanni und Nkosi, Thamsanqa (2016). Go! Global Garden. Workshop on the 1. Congress of the African-German Youth Initiative. Bonn. 01.07.2016.


Lochner, Johanna (2016). Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung – Jugend bewegt. Presentation and panel discussion on the UNESCO-Day at the educaton fair didacta. Köln. 17.02.2016.


Lochner, Johanna und Ocampo, Maria (2015). Go! Global Garden. Presentation at the international conference 'World Encounter on Sustainable Actions: 1st Edition: Educating. Resilient. Societies.'. Saltillo/Mexiko. 24.11.2015.


Lochner, Johanna (2015). Go! Global Garden. Workshop on the World Environmental Education Congress. Göteborg/Schweden. 01.07.2015.


Lochner, Johanna (2015). Urban Biodiversity Trail. Posterpresentation on the World Environmental Education Congress. Göteborg/Schweden. 01.07.2015.


Lochner, Johanna (2015). Gardening rocks. Panel discussion on the Slow Food Fair. Stuttgart. 10.04.2015.


Lochner, Johanna (2013). Vielfalt statt Einfalt: Plant diversity in Peru. Presentation in the Palmengarten der Stadt Frankfurt am Main. 28.06.2013.


Lochner, Johanna (2013). Environmental communication in the botanical garden of the University Kassel. Presentation in the Centro de Investigación Cientifica de Yucatan. Merida/Mexiko. 12.03.2013.