- Johanna Lochner is our new PhD student since 1st October. Welcome to our Division! 05.10.2017
- Johanna Lochner has made a poster presentation at the conference 9. World Environmental Education Congress in Vancouver, Canada, 9.-15.07.2017. Presentation title: Global learning in local school gardens through virtual school garden exchange. 27.09.2017
- Grundlagen von Waldökosystemen und Forstwirtschaft –
Beispiele von Waldbeständen in und um Berlin 04.09.2017
- Our seven interns have successfully completed their internships in our division. We wish you further success and much joy in your vocational training! 04.09.2017
- Friederike Grimme successfully completed her work in our project IGA-Workcamps "Green Professions". We wish you further success and joy in your teaching career! 04.09.2017
- Johanna Lochner is awarded a doctoral scholarship of the Heinrich-Böll Foundation. Congratulation! 15.06.2017
- Jil Soika and Manuela Hager have successfully completed their works in our Division. We wish you a further success in your carrier! 31.05.2017
- The Symposium GreenEd 2017 was held on May 11.-13.2017. Thank you very much for your contributions and collaborations! 19.05.2017.
- Johanna Lochner presents at the Symposium GreenEd 2017, 11.-13.05.2017. Presentation title: Globales Lernen in lokalen Schulgärten durch virtuellen Schulgartenaustausch. 19.05.2017.
- Dieter Franz Obermaier presents at the Symposium GreenEd 2017, 11.-13.05.2017. Presentation title: Phänomene des Lebendigen in der agrarwissenschaftlichen Fachdidaktik. 19.05.2017.
- Eva-Maria Alfing made a presentation at the conference Tagung des Bundesrings Agrarwirtschaftlicher Berufsschullehrer (BAB), 28.-29.04.2017. Presentation title: Förderung systemischen Denkens im berufstheoretischen Fachunterricht am Beispiel des Ausbildungsberufs „Landwirt/-in”. 02.05.2017
- Johanna Lochner is our new guest researcher. Welcome to our Division! 19.04.2017
- Our project IGA-Workcamps "Green Professions" has published an article on our project and workcamps: Obermaier D. F. and Robischon M. 2017. IGA Workcamps "Grüne Berufe". B&B Agrar 2-2017: 20-21. 08.04.2017