Nr. | SiAg Working Paper Series |
1 | Petrick, M. (2008): The disciplinary influence of physics, biology, and chemistry on economic modelling, Overview and implications for understanding agricultural change. |
2 | Sandri, S., Schade, C., Mußhoff, O., Odening, M. (2009): Holding on for too long? An experimental study on inertia in entrepreneurs’ and non-entrepreneurs’ disinvestment choices. |
3 | Huettel, S., Margarian, A. (2009): The Role of Small Farms in Structural Change. |
4 |
Artinger, Sabrina; Schade, Christian (2013): Schade, C., Boewe, S., Krause, K. (2009): Characterizing the female entrepreneur – Comparing behavior in a market entry experiment with other groups of individuals. |
5 | Balmann, A., Musshoff, O., Larsén, K. (2009): Does vertical integration reduce investment reluctance in production chains? An agent-based real options approach. |
6 | Margarian, A. (2009): The regional specifity of structural change in agriculture. An assessment of the role of farmers’ strategic behaviour on the land market. |
7 | Schmid, J., Häger, A., Jechlitschka, K., Kirschke, D. (2010): Programming rural development funds – An interactive linear programming approach applied to the EAFRD program in Saxony-Anhalt. |
8 | Schade, C., Schroeder, A., Krause, K.O. (2010): Coordination after gains and losses: Is prospect theory’s value function predictive for games? |
9 | Petrick, M. Zier, P. (2010): Regional employment impacts of Common Agricultural Policy measures in Eastern Germany A difference-in-differences approach. |
10 | Silke Hüttel; Rashmi Narayana; Martin Odening (2011): Measuring dynamic efficiency under uncertainty. |
11 |
Silke Hüttel, Simon Jetzinger, Martin Odening (2012): Forced Sales and Farmland Prices. |
12 |
Martin Petrick, Patrick Zier (2012): Common Agricultural Policy effects on dynamic labour use in agriculture. |
13 |
Christian Schade, Avichai Snir (2012): When the stress of quitting meets the cost of playing: An Experiment on to quit or not to quit? |
14 |
Simone Pieralli, Silke Hüttel, Martin Odening (2013): A model of firm exit under inefficiency and uncertainty. |
15 |
Jan-Henning Feil, Oliver Mußhoff und Tobias Roeren-Wiemers (2013): Einzelbetriebliche Auswirkungen politischer Strukturreformen in der Landwirtschaft: |
16 |
Jan-Henning Feil (2013): Investment, disinvestment and policy impact analysis in the dairy sector: a real options approach. |
17 |
Silke Hüttel, Matthias Ritter, Viacheslav Esaulov, Martin Odening (2014): |
18 |
Kim J. Zietlow and Harald von Witzke (2014): |
19 |
Kim J. Zietlow (2014): |
SP | Publications of the subprojects |
1 | Progrebna, G., Krantz, D., Schade, C., Keser, C. (2011): Words versus Actions as a Means to influence Cooperation in Social Dilemma Situations, online and accepted for publication in Theory and Decision 2011, |
1/2 /5 |
Sandri, S., Schade, C., Mußhoff, O., Odening, M. (2010): Holding On for Too Long? – An Experimental Study on Inertia in Entrepreneurs’ and Non-Entrepreneurs’ Disinvestment Choices. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 76: 30–44. |
1 | Schade, C. (2009): Entrepreneurial decision making: A paradigm rather than a set of questions. [editorial article]. Journal of Business Venturing 25, 173-174, doi:10.1016/j.jbusvent.2008.05.005. |
1 | Schade, C., Burmeister-Lamp, K. (2009): Experiments on entrepreneurial decision making: A different lens through which to look at entrepreneurship. Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship, Jg. 5(2), 81–134. |
1 | Schade, C., Siegel, D. (2008): International issues in entrepreneurship. [editorial article]. Small Business Economics, Jg. 31(1). |
1 | Koellinger, P., Minniti, M., Schade, C. (2008): Seeing the world with different eyes: Gender differences in perceptions and the propensity to start a business. Discussion Paper Nr. 08-035/3, Tinbergen Institute. |
1 | Schade, C., Koellinger, P. (2007): Heuristics, biases, and the behavior of entrepreneurs. M. Minniti et al. (ed.): Entrepreneurship, the engine of growth. Westport, London, USA: Praeger, Vol.1, 141-163. |
2/7 | Odening, M., Grethe, H. (Eds.) (2012): Structural Change in Agriculture. European Review of Agricultural Economics, Special Issue of the 114th EAAE Seminar on Structural Change in Agriculture, Berlin 2010, Volume 39 Issue 1. |
2 | Odening, M., Filler, G. (2011): Volatile Agrarmärkte - Wie viel Intervention ist erforderlich? In: Lange, J. (Hrsg.): Dasselbe in grün? Die Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik nach 2013. Loccumer Protokolle 3/11. Evangelische Akademie Loccum, S.195-201. |
2 | Hüttel, S., Jongeneel, R. (2011): How has the EU milk quota affected patterns of herd-size change? European Review of Agricultural Economics, doi: 10.1093/erae/jbq050. |
2 | Hüttel, S. (2009): Structural Change in Agriculture – An Empirical Analysis. Berichte aus der Agrarökonomie. Shaker Verlag, Aachen. |
2 | Huettel, S., Jongeneel, R. (2009): Impact of the EU Milk Quota on Structural Change in the Dairy Sectors of Germany and The Netherlands. Paper presented at International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference, August 16-22, 2009, Beijing, China. |
2/6 | Huettel, S., Margarian, A. (2009): Structural Change in the West German Agricultural Sector. Agricultural Economics 40 (2009) supplement: 759-772. |
2 | Zinych, N., Odening, M. (2009): Capital Market Imperfections in Economic Transition: Empirical Evidence from Ukrainian Agriculture. Agricultural Economics 40 (6): 677-689. |
2 | Zinych, N., Odening, M. (2009): How costly are (Agricultural) Investments during Economical Transition? A Critical Literature Appraisal. Paper presented at International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference, August 16-22, 2009, Beijing, China. |
2 | Zinych, N. (2009): Ukrainian Agriculture in Economic Transition: The Role of Financing and Capital Access for Investment. Berliner Schriften zur Agrar- und Umweltökonomik, Band 15. |
2/5 | Hinrichs, J., Mußhoff, O., Odening, M. (2008): Economic Hysteresis in Hog Production. Applied Economics, Vol. 40, Issue 3: 333-340. |
2 | Huettel, S., Jongeneel, R. (2008): Structural Change in the Dairy Sectors of Germany and the Netherlands - A Markov Chain Analysis. 12th Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists - EAAE 2008, August 26-29, Ghent, Belgium. |
2/5 | Huettel, S., Mußhoff, O., Odening, M., Zinych, N. (2008): Estimating Investment Equations in Imperfect Capital Markets. Working Paper Series CRC ‘Economic Risk’, Discussion Paper 2008-016. |
2/5 | Huettel, S., Mußhoff, O., Odening, M. (2007): Investment reluctance: Irreversibility or imperfect capitalmarkets? Evidence from German panel data. Annual meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA) in Portland, OR (USA), 29.07.-01.08.2007. |
2 | Odening, M., Huettel, S. (2008): Investment Behaviour and Capital Markets under the 2003 CAP Reform - Some General Considerations. In: Crisoiu, A., Curtis, J. (eds.): Income and Factor Markets under the 2003 CAP Reform - Workshop Proceedings. European Commission (JRC), EUR 23422 EN: 65-70. Available at EC (JRC) IPTS. |
2 | Zinych, N., Odening, M., Huettel, S. (2007): Financial constraints ineconomic transition: empirical evidence from Ukrainian large farms.IAAE-EAAE-Seminar ‚ Agricultural economics and transition - What was expected, what we observed, the lessons learned’, Corvinius Universität, Budapest (Hungary). |
2 | Zinych, N., Odening, M. (2007): Financial Constraints and Investment in Ukrainian Agriculture. In: Nagel, U. J., Knierim, A. (eds.): Proceedings of the Green Week Scientific Conference "Managing Economic, Social and Biological Transformations", 17.-18.01. 2007, Berlin: 155-162. |
3/2 /1 | Musshoff, O., Odening, M., Schade, C., Maart-Noelck, S., Sandri, S. (2013): Inertia in disinvestment decisions: Experimental evidence. European Review of Agricultural Economics 40(3):463-485. doi:10.1093/erae/jbs032. |
3 | Reise, C.; Mußhoff, O.; Granoszewski, K.; Spiller, A. (2012): Which Factors Influence the Expansion of Bioenergy? An Empirical Study of the Investment Behaviours of German Farmers. In: Ecological Economics 73 (1): 133-141. |
3 | Weber, R.; Mußhoff, O. (2012): Is Agricultural Microcredit Really More Risky. Evidence from Tanzania. 123rd European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) Seminar, February 23-24, 2012, in Dublin, Ireland. |
3 | Tubetov, D.; Maart, S.; Mußhoff, O. (2012): Experimental Examination of a Volatile Farmland Investment Decision. 123rd European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) Seminar, February 23-24, 2012, in Dublin, Ireland. |
3/5 | Appel, F.; Mußhoff, O.; Balmann, A. (2011): Improving an Agent-based Model by Using a Business Management Game. 17th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance of the Society for Computational Economics (SCE), June 29 - July 1, 2011, in San Francisco, USA. |
3/5 | Feil, J.H.; Mußhoff, O.; Balmann, A. (2011): The Effects of Different Political Schemes on the Willingness to Invest, Firm Profitability and Economic Efficiency in the Dairy Sector - An Agent-Based Real Options Approach. 122nd European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) Seminar “Evidence-Based Agricultural and Rural Policy Making: Methodological and Empirical Challenges of Policy Evaluation”, February 17-18, 2011, in Ancona, Italy. |
3 | Hengel, P.; Hirschauer, N.; Mußhoff, O. (2011): How Business Management Games can be Used to Analyze the Boundedly Rational Behaviour of Economic Agents. 18th Congress of the International Farm Management Association (IFMA), March 20-25, 2011, in Christchurch, New Zealand. |
3/2 /1 | Maart, S.C., Mußhoff, O., Odening, M., Schade, Ch. (2011): Closing down the Farm: An Experimental Analysis of Disinvestment Timing. EAAE 2011 Congress "Change and Uncertainty: Challenges for Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources" at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. |
3/2 /1 |
Maart, S. C., Mußhoff, O., Odening, M., Schade, Ch. (2011): Zum Desinvestitionsverhalten landwirtschaftlicher Unternehmer: Ergebnisse einer Experimentellen Untersuchung. In: Weingarten, P., Banse, M., Gömann, H., Isermeyer, F., Nieberg, H., Offermann, F., Wendt, H. (2011) (Hrsg.): Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der wissenschaftlichen Politikanalyse. Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues, Landwirtschaftsverlag, Münster-Hiltrup, Band 46: 109-122. |
3 | Maart, S.C., Mußhoff, O. (2011): Optimal Timing of Farmland Investment - An Experimental Study on Farmers’ Decision Behavior. Joint Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA) and the Northeast Agricul-tural and Resource Economics Association (NAREA), July 24-26, 2011, in Pitts-burgh, USA. |
3 | Mußhoff, O.; Hirschauer, N.; Hengel, P. (2011): Are Business Management Games a Suitable Tool for Analyzing the Boundedly Rational Behavior of Economic Agents? In: Modern Economy 2 (4): 468-478. |
3 | Mußhoff, O.; Hirschauer, N. (2011): A Behavioral Economic Analysis of Bounded Rationality in Farm Financing Decisions: First Empirical Evidence. In: Agricultural Finance Review 71 (1): 62-83. |
3/2 /1 | Mußhoff, O.; Odening, M.; Schade, C.; Maart, S.C.; Sandri, S. (2011): Disinvestment Behavior of Agricultural Entrepreneurs: Experimental Results. 18th Congress of the International Farm Management Association (IFMA), March 20-25, 2011, in Christchurch, New Zealand. |
4 | v. Schlippenbach, V., Teichmann, I. (2012), The Strategic Use of Private Quality Standards in Food Supply Chains, accepted for publication in: American Journal of Agricultural Economics. |
4 | Baake, P., v. Schlippenbach, V. (2011), Quality Distortions in Vertical Relations, Journal of Economics 103(2), 149-169. |
5 | Graubner, M., Balmann, A., Sexton, R. (2011): Spatial Price Discrimination in Agricultural Product Procurement Markets: A Computational Economics Approach, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 93 (4): 949-967. |
5 | Graubner, M., Koller, I., Salhofer, K., Balmann, A. (2011): Cooperative versus non-cooperative spatial competition for milk in the presence of farm marketing cooperatives, European Review of Agricultural Economics 38 (1): 99-118. |
5 | Sahrbacher, C., Balmann, A., Ostermeyer, A., Schönau, F. (2011): Kappung als zahnloser Tiger?, Agra-Europe, Vol. 52, No. 46, S.1-6 (Dokumentation). |
5 | Brady, M., Kellermann, K., Sahrbacher, C., Jelinek, L. (2009): Impacts of Decoupled Agricultural Support on Farm Structure, Biodiversity and Landscape Mosaic: Some EU Results. Journal of Agricultural Economics 60(3), 563–585. |
5 | Happe, K., Schnicke, H., Sahrbacher, C., Kellermann, K. (2009): Will they stay or will they go? Simulating the dynamics of single-holder farms in a dualistic farm structure in Slovakia. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics (in press). |
5 | Kellermann, K., Sahrbacher, A., Sahrbacher, C., Balmann, A. (2009): Consequences of a progressive reduction of direct payments in Germany: paving the way for post-2013? Agrarwirtschaft 58(4), 198-208. |
5 | Sahrbacher, C., Jelinek, L., Kellermann, K., Medonos, T. (2009): Past and future effects of the Common Agricultural Policy in the Czech Republic. Post-Communist Economies (accepted for publication). |
5 | Balmann, A., Appel, F. (2008): Hohe Agrarpreise: Traum oder Alptraum für die Landwirtschaft? Forschungsreport - Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, Verbraucherschutz, 1/2008, S.30-31. |
5 | Balmann, A., Schaft, F. (2008). Zukünftige ökonomische Herausforderungen der Agrarproduktion: Strukturwandel vor dem Hintergrund sich ändernder Märkte, Politiken und Technologien. Archiv für Tierzucht - Archives of Animal Breeding 51 (Sonderheft): 13-24. |
5 | Happe, K., Balmann, A., Kellermann, K., Sahrbacher, C. (2008). Does structure matter? The impact of switching the agricultural policy regime on farm structures. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 67(2): 431-444. |
5 | Kellermann, K., Sahrbacher, C., Balmann, A. (2008): Land markets in agent based models of structural change. Seminar paper at the 107th EAAE Seminar - Modelling Agricultural and Rural Development Policies, January 31 - February 1, 2008, Seville, Spain. |
5 | Mußhoff, O.; Hirschauer, N.; Waßmuß, H. (2009): Sind landwirtschaftliche Unternehmer bei der Fremdkapitalaufnahme begrenzt rational? - Eine empirische Analyse. In: Berichte über Landwirtschaft Band 87 (2): 234-245. |
5 | Mußhoff, O.; Hirschauer, N. (2009): Optimizing Production Decisions using a Hybrid Simulation-Genetic Algorithm Approach. In: Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 57 (1): 35-54. |
5 | Mußhoff, O.; Hirschauer, N.; Waßmuß, H. (2009): The Role of Bounded Rationality in Farm Financing Decisions - First Empirical Evidence. Paper presented at the 27th International Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), August 16-22, 2009 in Beijing, China. |
5 | Mußhoff, O.; Hirschauer, N. (2008): Improved Program Planning Generates Large Benefits in High Risk Crop Farming - A Profitable Application of Time Series Models and Stochastic Optimization. In: XIIth European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) Congress, August 26-29, 2008 in Ghent, Belgium. |
5 | Mußhoff, O., Hirschauer, N. (2008): Adoption of Organic Farming in Germany and Austria ‑ An Integrative Dynamic Investment Perspective. In: Agricultural Economics 39 (1): 135-145. |
5 | Mußhoff, O., Hirschauer, N. (2008): Investment Planning under Uncertainty and Flexibility ‑ The Case of a Purchasable Sales Contract. In: Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 52 (1): 17-36. |
5 | Sahrbacher, C., Kellermann, K., Balmann, A. (2008): Winners and losers of policy changes – What is the role of structural change? Seminar paper at the 107th EAAE Seminar - Modelling Agricultural and Rural Development Policies, January 31 - February 1, 2008, Seville, Spain. |
5 | Samuelsson J., Larsen, K., Lagerkvist, C-J, Andersson, H. (2008): Risk, return and incentives aspects on partnerships in agriculture. Food Economics – Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica C 5(1): 14-23 |
6 | Brockmeier, M., Pelikan, J. (2008): Agricultural Market Access: A Moving Target in the WTO Negotiations. Food Policy 33 (3) 250-259. |
6 | Brockmeier, M., Pelikan, J., Klepper, R. (2008): WTO-Verhandlungen und die GAP, Agrarwirtschaft 57 (3/4) 165-177.< |
6 | Pelikan, J., Brockmeier, M. (2008): To What Extent do Tariff Aggregation Measures Influence the Outcome of Empirical Analyses? Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 56 (4) 413-427. |
6 | Pelikan, J. und Brockmeier, M. (2008): Methods to Aggregate Import Tariffs and their Impacts on Modeling Results, Journal of Economic Integration 23 (3) 685-708. |
6 | Pelikan, J., Brockmeier, M. (2008): Im Dschungel der Importzölle, Agrarwirtschaft, 57 (2) 119-129. |
6 | Brockmeier, M., Pelikan, J. (2007): WTO-Verhandlungen: Warum eine Einigung so schwierig und dennoch so wichtig ist. Agrarwirtschaft, 56 (2). |
6 | Margarian, A. (2008): Sind die Pachten im Osten zu niedrig oder im Westen zu hoch? Arbeitsberichte des Bereichs Agrarökonomie 1/2008, Institut für Betriebswirtschaft, vTI Braunschweig. Pachten |
6 | Margarian, A. (2007): Mehr-Ebenen-Modelle in der Analyse agrarstruktureller Entwicklungen - Methodik und Implikationen. Agrarwirtschaft 56(2007), Heft 7. Mehr-Ebenen-Modelle |
7 | Deppermann, A., Grethe, H., Offermann, F. (2011): Distributional effects of the CAP on western German farm incomes and regional farm income disparity, Contributed paper at the XIIIth EAAE Congress “Change and Uncertainty”, Zurich, Switzerland, August/September 2011. |
7 | Deppermann, A., Grethe, H., Offermann, F. (2011): An ex-ante analysis of distributional effects of the CAP on western German farm incomes, Contributed paper at the 122nd EAAE Seminar “"Evidence-based Agricultural and Rural Policy Making: Methodological and Empirical Challenges of Policy Evaluation”, Ancona, February 2011. |
7 | Deppermann, A., Grethe, H., Offermann, F. (2010): Effekte einer EU-Agrarmarktliberalisierung auf Betriebsebene: Simulationen anhand eines europäischen Agrarsektormodells und eines Angebotsmodells für den deutschen Agrarsektor, Beitrag auf der 50. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V. "Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der wissenschaftlichen Politikanalyse", Braunschweig, September /October 2010. |
7 | Deppermann, A., Grethe, H., Offermann, F. (2010): Farm Level Effects of EU Policy Liberalization: Simulations Based on an EU-Wide Agricultural Sector Model and a Supply Model of the German Agricultural Sector, Contributed paper at the 114th EAAE Seminar “Structural Change in Agriculture”, Berlin, April 2010. |
7 | Möller, T. and H. Grethe (2010), Good Prospects: Cereal and Oilseed Production in Germany under Climate Change. Poster at the 114th EAAE Seminar “Structural Change in Agriculture”, Berlin, April 2010. |
7 | Möller, T. and H. Grethe (2010), Climate Change and Agriculture in 2050: Assessing Prospects for European Cereal and Oilseed Markets. Contributed paper at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association 2010 Annual Meeting, July 25-27, 2010, Denver, Colorado. |
7 | Möller, T., Grethe, H., Waha, K. and C. Müller (2011): Modeling Climate Change Impacts on European Agriculture:Does the Choice of Climate Models matter? Poster paper at the XIIIth EAAE Congress “Change and Uncertainty”, Zurich, Switzerland, August/September 2011. |
7/2 /10 |
Artavia, M., Deppermann, A., Filler, G., Grethe, H., Häger, A., Kirschke, D., Odening, M. (2011): Ertrags- und Preisinstabilität auf Agrarmärkten in Deutschland und der EU. In: Weingarten, P., Banse, M., Gömann, H., Isermeyer, F., Nieberg, H., Offermann, F., Wendt, H. (2011) (Hrsg.): Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der wissenschaftlichen Politikanalyse. Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues, Landwirtschaftsverlag, Münster-Hiltrup, Band 46: 259-274. |
7 | Artavia, M., Grethe, H., Möller, T., Zimmermann, G. (2009): Correlated Order Three Gaussian Quadratures in Stochastic Simulation Modelling. Contributed paper at the Twelfth Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Chile. |
7 | Balkhausen, O., Banse, M., Grethe, H. (2008): Modelling CAP Decoupling in the EU: A Comparison of Selected Simulation Models and Results. Journal of Agricultural Economics. 1 (59): 57–71. |
7 | Banse, M., Grethe, H. (2008): Top Down, and a little Bottom Up: Modelling EU Agricultural Policy Liberalization with LEITAP and ESIM. Contributed paper at the 11th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Helsinki, Finland. |
7 | Grethe, H., Nolte, S., Banse, M. (2008): Modelling the Effects of EU Sugar Market Liberalization on Area Allocation, Production and Trade. In: Bartova L. and R. M'barek (ed.): Modelling Agricultural and Rural Development Policies: Proceedings, Selected Papers, 107th EAAE Seminar, 29th January-1st February, 2008, Sevilla. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg: 211-223. Sugar |
7 | Banse, M., Grethe, H. (2008): Effects of the New Biofuel Directive on EU Land Use and Agricultural Markets. Seminar paper at the EAAE-Seminar Modelling Agricultural and Rural Development Policies, January 31 – February 1, 2008, Seville, Spain. Biofuels |
7/ 10 | Grethe, H., Häger, A., Kirschke, D. (2007): Aspekte der Agrarpolitik 2006. In: Agrarwirtschaft 56 (1): 1-9. |
8 | Traber, T., Kemfert, C. (2009): Impacts of the German Support for Renewable Energy on Electricity Prices, Emissions, and Firm Profits. In: Energy Journal 30 (3) pp. 155-178. |
8 | Kemfert, C. (2008): Die andere Klima-Zukunft: Innovation statt Depression. Murmann, Hamburg. |
8 | Kemfert, C., Schneider, F. (2009): Der Emissionshandel in Deutschland und Österreich - ein wirksames Instrument des Klimaschutzes? In: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 10 (1) S. 92-122. |
8 | Kemfert, C., Holz, F., Hirschhausen, C. (2009): Perspectives of the European Natural Gas Markets Until 2025. In: The Energy Journal. Volume 30, Special Issue. S. 137-150. |
8 | Kemfert, C., Diekmann, J. (2009): Emissions Trading and Promotion of Renewable Energy: We Need Both. In: Weekly Report [Elektronische Ressource] 5 (2009), 14, S. 95-100. |
9 | Petrick, M., Zier, P. (2012): Common Agricultural Policy effects on dynamic labour use in agriculture. Food Policy, Bd. 37, S. 671-678. |
9 | Freier, M., Petrick, M., Glauben, T. (2012): Aspekte der Agrarpolitik 2011, German Journal of Agricultural Economics, Bd. 61, S. 1-12. |
9 | Petrick, M., Zier, P. (2011): Beschäftigungseffekte der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik in der ostdeutschen Landwirtschaft. IAMO Policy Brief No. 1, Halle (Saale). |
9 | Petrick, M., Zier, P. (2011): Regional employment impacts of Common Agricultural Policy measures in Eastern Germany: a difference-in-differences approach, Agricultural Economics, Vol. 42, pp. 183-193. |
9 | Zier, P., Petrick, M., Glauben, T. (2011): Aspekte der Agrarpolitik 2010, German Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 60, Supplement, pp. 1-20. |
9 | Petrick, M., Carter, M. (2009): Critical Masses in the Decollectivisation of Post-Soviet Agriculture. European Review of Agricultural Economics 36:231–252. |
9 | Petrick, M., Zier, P. (2009): Political Determinants of Agricultural Employment: The Case of East Germany after 1989. Paper presented at IAMO Forum 2009. |
9 | Petrick, M. (2008): The Co-evolution of Semantics and Policy Paradigms: 50 Years of Europe’s Common Agricultural Policy. Intereconomics - Review of European Economic Policy 43:246–252. |
9 | Petrick, M. (2008): Theoretical and methodological topics in the institutional economics of European agriculture. With applications to farm organisation and rural credit arrangements. (Habilitation thesis). IAMO, Halle (Saale). |
9 | Petrick, M., Gramzow, A. (2008): Decentralised rural governance in a post-socialist economy: a case of community-based agricultural marketing in Poland. In: Kochendörfer-Lucius, G., Pleskovic, B. (eds.): Agriculture and Development. World Bank, Washington D.C., 175–183. |
9 | Petrick, M. (2007): Abwanderung und Widerspruch: Reaktionen auf wirtschaftlichen Anpassungsdruck in den Agrarsektoren Deutschlands und Polens und ihre Interdependenzen seit 1989. Osteuropa - Wirtschaft 52:301–329. |
10 | Häger, A., Kirschke, D. (2007): Politik für den ländlichen Raum 2007+. Raumforschung und Raumordnung 65 (4): 275-287. |
10 | Kirschke, D., Häger, A., Jechlitschka, K., Wegener, S. (2007): Distortions in a Multi-Level Co-Financing System: The Case of the Agri-Environmental Programme of Saxony-Anhalt. In: Agrarwirtschaft 56 (7): 297-304. |
10/ 2/5 | Kirschke, D., Odening, M., Häger, A., Mußhoff, O. (2007): Strukturwandel im Agrarsektor. In: humboldt-spektrum 14 (1): 24-31. |
10 | Schmid, J.C. (2008): Entscheidungsproblematik und -unterstützung in der Politikgestaltung für den ländlichen Raum – Regionale Prioritätensetzung am Beispiel Sachsen-Anhalts. M.Sc.-Arbeit an der Landwirtschaftlich-Gärtnerischen Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. |
10 | Ziolkowska, J. (2007): Agrar-Umweltpolitik in Polen nach dem EU-Beitritt: Bewertungs- und Gestaltungsansätze und Fallstudie für die Wojewodschaft Vorkarpaten. Aachen: Shaker (Berliner Schriften zur Agrar- und Umweltökonomik 12). |
10 | Ziolkowska, J. (2008): Evaluation of agri-environmental measures: Analytic Hierarchy Process and cost-effectiveness analysis for political decision-making support. International Journal of Rural Management 4 (1-2): 1-24. |
10 | Ziolkowska, J. (2009): Environmental benefit, side effects, and objective-oriented financing of agri-environmental measures. International Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied Research 2 (1): 71-88. |
11 | Hagedorn, K. (2007): Towards an Institutional Theory of Multifunctionality. In: Mander, Ü., Helming, K., Wiggering, H. (eds.): Multifunctional Land Use. Meeting Future Demands for Landscape Goods and Services. Springer:Heidelberg, Berlin: 105-124. |
11 | Hagedorn, K. (2008a). Integrative and Segregative Institutions: a Dichotomy for Nature-related Institutional Analysis. In: Schäfer, Caroline, Rupschus, Christian und Uwe Jens Nagel (Eds.): Enhancing the Capacities of Agricultural Systems and Producers. Marggraf. Weikersheim: 26-38. |
11 | Hagedorn, K. (2008). Particular Requirements of Institutional Analysis in Nature-related Sectors. European Review of Agricultural Economics 35 (3):357-384. |
11 | Beckmann, V. and J. Wesseler (2007). Spatial Dimension of Externalities and the Coase Theorem: Implications for Co-existence of Transgenic Crops. Regional Externalities. W. Heijman. Berlin and Heidelberg, Springer: 223-242. |
11 | Beckmann, V. and C. Schleyer (2007). Neue Formen der Kooperation von Landwirten bei der Befürwortung und Ablehnung der Agro-Gentechnik. Agro-Gentechnik im ländlichen Raum: Potenziale, Konflikte und Perspektiven. B. Köstner, M. Vogt and B. van Saan-Klein. Dettelbach, J.H. Röll Verlag: 219-243. |
11 /9 | Consmüller, N., Beckmann, V. and M. Petrick (2009). The Adoption of Bt-maize in Germany – An Econometric Analysis. In: Crop Plant Resistance to Biotic and Abiotic Factors: Current Potential and Future Demand. Eds. F. Feldmann, D.V. Alford and C. Furk. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Plant Protection and Plant Health in Europe, Berlin Germany, 14-16 May, pp. 530-541. |
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