Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics

Ph.D. programme


Guidelines Applied by the Division of Resource Economics - Ph.D. Programme for the Doctoral Degree


Information of the Faculty of Life Sciences to PhD-Study


PhD-Regulations of the Faculty of Life Sciences (valid from March 05, 2015)


Information about the PhD Procedure at the Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture (Doctoral candidates who are registered under the past PhD Regulations can either continue under the old or change over to the new PhD Regulations. A respective binding statement has to be made in writing until 05 March 2017.
After that date, the new PhD Regulations are valid exclusively.)

The doctoral students network of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Research Colloquium on Institutional and Resource Economics (FoKo)
Scientific Colloquium for Ph.D. students and Postdocs in the


Doctoral Certificate Programme in Agricultural Economics
Training Programme for Doctoral Students in the Field of Agricultural and Food Economics

Modules offered by the Division of Resource Economics in the Doctoral Certificate Programm in Agricultural Economics

Theory, Analysis and Empirical Study of Institutions and Organisations
