Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics

Post-Doc and Project Coordinator






Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture
Department of Agricultural Economics
Division of Resource Economics
Philippstr. 13, D-10099 Berlin Germany






Research Interests


Currently he is working at Humboldt University in Berlin, coordinating the project “Sustainable Hyderabad”.
His research interests and publications are focusing on: environmental governance issues, action research, environmental conflict and cooperation, bottom-up participatory mechanisms, water politics and experimental research on common pool resources.

Academic Career


Since April 2010

Project Coordinator at the Department of Agricultural Economics, Division of Resource Economics, Humboldt University, Berlin

2008 – 2010

Research Fellow at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Für Umweltforschung (UFZ), Leipzig

2006 – 2007

Guest Researcher at the Institut für Regionalentwicklung und Strukturplanung (IRS), Berlin

2000 - 2006

Researcher at the Institute of Urban Environment and Human Resources and Panteion University

2000 - 2005

Lecturer on Environmental Issues at Public/Municipal/Private Vocational Training Institutes

Academic Background



Panteion University of Political and Social Sciences, Department of Regional Development
PhD thesis on “Policies of Sustainable Water Resource Management for Urban Uses” 2000-2007
Award of degree: Dr.
Grade of excellence


University of Liverpool, Department of Civic Design
Master thesis on “Management Issues of the Marine Park in Alonissos” 1998-1999
Award of Degree: M.B.A. in Environmental Management


University of Piraeus, Department of Statistics and Insurance Science
1993 - 1998
Award of Degree: Ptychio in Statistics and Insurance Sciences (Economist)



Other Activities



Author and coordinator of the funded “The Cypriot Natural Resources as a Common Space” small-scale project proposal. Co-author and participant in other successful national and European research proposals.

Long teaching experience in different settings (colleges, universities, summer schools of various EU States).

Reviewer in international journals

Experienced chair/organiser of conference sessions

Grants and Memberships


2008 –2010
2006 - 2007

Marie Curie Research Fellowship (post doc) in UFZ, Leipzig
Research Grant by the Peace Research Institute of Oslo – Cyprus Centre (PRIO)
10-month research grant for Young Academics and Scientists by DAAD

Member of the European Society of Ecological Economics
Member of the Hellenic Economic Chamber
Founding Member of the Network for the Water Resource Management of Magnesia Prefecture
Member of the Hellenic Association on Water Resource Management
Member of the Hellenic Society for the Study and the Protection of the Mediterranean Monk Seal





Publications  (pdf)

Selected Publications


Baerlein, T., Kasymov, U., Zikos, D. (2015): Self-Governance and Sustainable Common Pool Resource Management in Kyrgyzstan. Sustainability 7 (1): 496-521.

Bhuvanachithra C.,Janssen M.,Rommel J. and Zikos D. (2014): Commuters' Mode Choice as a Coordination Problem: A Framed Field Experiment on Traffic Policy in Hyderabad, India. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 65:9-22.

Zikos, D. and Thiel, A. (2013) Action Research’s potential to foster institutional change for urban water management, Water, 5:356-378.

Zikos, D. and Sorman, A. (2013): Does Water Recognize Borders? Reconciliation through Water in Cyprus. Cyprus Dossier, 5:71-73.

Zikos , D. and Roggero, D. (2012): The Patronage of Thirst: Exploring Institutional Fit on a Divided Cyprus. Ecology & Society, 18(2): 25.