Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics

PhD. Student






Humboldt University of Berlin
Faculty of Life Science
Division of Resource Economics
Philippstraße 13
10099 Berlin



+49-30-2093-6735 (Office)

+49-15784385713 (Handy)




 minhdaovfu (at)

Research Interests

o       Institutions and institutional changes in forestry sector of Vietnam

o       Business management

o       Local impact assessment of forest/ agricultural policies

o       State-run forestry enterprise renovation

o       Community forest management

o       Risk management in agriculture/ forestry

o       Developing market of agricultural/forest product for rural/ mountainous regions.

o       Leasing of public forest.

o       Establishing and developing market for production forestland use rights

Academic Career

10.99 – 04.08

Lecturer and Researcher at the Department of Business Management, Faculty of Economics and Business Management, Vietnam Forestry University.

Supervising bachelor theses.

05.08 – 05.09

Deputy Head of the Department of Business Management, Faculty of Economics and Business

Management, Vietnam Forestry University.


Supervising bachelor theses.

10.09 - now

PhD. Student at the Division of Resource Economics, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany.

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Konrad Hagedorn

Academic Background


Hanoi Agricultural University, Vietnam
Graduate studies in Agricultural Economics, 2001-2004
Master thesis on "Research on the status of wooden paper materials production and supply in Phutho province in the integration"

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ngo Thi Thuan
Award of degree: Master of Economic Science, 11.2005


Vietnam Forestry University
Bachelor in Business Management, 1995-1999

Bachelor thesis on “Establishing a join-venture model between forestry state-own enterprises and households in forest plantation for paper materials at Doan Hung - Phutho province”.

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Tuan

Award of degree: Bachelor of Business Administration, 06.1999

International Education

Vietnam Academy of Social Science (VASS) - Social Science Research Council (SSRC - USA)

Social Science Interdisciplinary Research Training Program, 02.2005 – 11.2005


§         Teaching activities: Responsibility for courses in Vietnam:

1. Business Management.

2. Technology Management

3. Strategy Management

4. Applied IT in Economics and Business Management

Other activities

Research activities

MARD’s projects

Establishing a convention for forest protection based on the mountainous community in Hoabinh province, MARD’s project, 2000.

Participation responsibility: Field Staff

Evaluating the situation of performing the Decision No.178/2001/QĐ-TTg and proposing the reform of benefit policy for the forestland and forests allocated and released individuals, households and communities, MARD’s project (2004– 2005).

Participation responsibility: Membership of the research group

Defining the bases of mechanism and policy establishment to impulse the 661 program’s production forest plantation in the phase of 2006-2010, MARD’s project, 2007.

Participation responsibility: Membership of the research group

Research on the theory and practice bases of establishing of forest leasing policy, building and developing the market for production forestland in Vietnam, MARD’s project, 2007 - 2009.

Participation responsibility: Secretary of the research project.

VFU’s projects

Building materials and cost norms for practice at VFU, VFU’s project (2004 – 2005).

Participation responsibility: Membership of the research group

Proposing solutions for risk management in business for industrial materials planted forests, VFU’s project (2006).

Chief of the research project: Nguyen Minh Dao


Farmers’ behavior toward risk in agriculture: A case study at Lochoa commune – Namdinh city, The ISST program (2005), Sponsored by FORD Foundation.

Chief of the research project: Nguyen Minh Dao

Awards and Memberships

University Honors of Excellent Lecturer in the academic years of 2006 – 2007, 2007 - 2008.

