Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics

PhD Student




Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture
Department of Agricultural Economics
Division of Resource Economics

Lusienstrasse 53, Raum 303

D-10099 Berlin



+49(0)30 2093 6239


+49 (0)30 2093 6497


majdi.gouja.1 (at)

Research Interests

  • Marine and coastal protected areas (MPA): institutional analysis of policy implementation processes and research on the interactive governance with focus on the insight of the dynamic, complexity, diversity and scale of the system-to-be-governed (natural and socio-economic dimension), the governing system and the governing interactions.
  • Specially Protected Areas of the Mediterranean: qualitative case study analysis with focus on islands.
  • Applying the framework “Institutions of Sustainability” (IOS) and using the “interactive governance theory” for exploring the functioning and outcomes of sustainability concepts: local Agenda 21, Observatory of Sustainable Development and Specially Protected Areas on the Tunisian island Jerba.

Academic Career

Since 04.08

Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture

Department of Agricultural Economics

PhD student at the Division of Resource Economics

04.06 – 12.07

Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture

Department of Agricultural Economics

Individual Post gradual complementary study "International Agrarian Development

1988 – 1993

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin / Technische Universität Berlin

Faculty of Food Technology

Department of Dairy Technology

Diploma Engineer Food Technologist


1987 – 1988

Herder Institute for Languages

Diploma in German Language


Other Activities

2003 - 2006

Gouja Consulting – Tunis 

Consultant for Dairy Industry

Local Agent for the firms Aplma GmbH Germany and


2001 – 2003

Cheese Factory SOCOMIS – Tunis Production Manager.

1999 – 2001

Firm FAWAHA – Tunis

Technical Consulting and Sales Engineer in B2B- Business

Ingredients and Machineries for Food Industries – Local Agent for the Firms IREKS GmbH, RAPS GmbH, DMV-International and Fibosa S.A.

1994 – 1998

Cheese Factory SCANDI – Tunis

QC/QA Manager.