Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Konrad Hagedorn

Senior Professor






Personal Information


Hagedorn, Konrad, Prof. Dr. sc. agr. habil., Dr. h.c.

Date of birth

15 December 1948

Place of birth

Leer (Lower Saxony), Germany


        Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
        Faculty of Life Sciences
        Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences
        Division of Resource Economics   

        Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Germany

        Phone: +49 30 2093 46360, Email: k.hagedorn (at)


Educational Background



Post-doctorate (“Habilitation”): Dr. sc. agr. habil. and venia legendi in Ag-ricultural Economics, Göttingen University, Germany


Post-doctoral thesis („Habilitationsschrift“): „Das Institutionenproblem in der agrarökonomischen Politikforschung“ (Institutions as a Research Problem in Agricultural Economics).


Doctorate: Dr. sc. agr., summa cum laude, in Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Göttingen University, Germany


Doctoral dissertation: „Agrarsozialpolitik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland“ (Social Policy for Agriculture in the Federal Republic of Germany)


Diploma: Dipl.-Ing. agr. in Agricultural Sciences, Göttingen University

1968 -1975

Study Programme in Agricultural Sciences with specialisation in Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences, Göttingen University, Germany

Academic and Employment History


2014 to date

Initiator of the “Berlin Workshop in Institutional Analysis of Social-Ecological Systems” (WINS) at Humboldt University Berlin

2013 to date

Member of the Integrative Research Institute at Humboldt University Berlin “Transformations of Human-Environment Systems” (IRI THESys)

2010 to date

Senior Fellow in the Department of Economic and Technological Change of the Center for Development Research Bonn (ZEF), Germany

2009 to date

Affiliated Faculty of the “Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis”, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA


Visiting Scholar at Indiana University, Bloomington, USA, in the “Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis”, Indiana University

Since 1994

University Professor at Humboldt University Berlin, Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, Division of Resource Economics, Germany

Since 1994

Executive Director of the Institute of Co-operative Sciences at Humboldt University Berlin, Germany


Special Chair in Socio-Economic Aspects of Transformation Processes in Central and Eastern European Agriculture at Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands


Director & Professor at the Institute of Structural Research of the Federal Agricultural Research Centre Braunschweig-Völkenrode (FAL), Germany


Interim Chair of Horticultural Market Analysis at the Department of Horticultural Economics at the Hannover University, Germany


Senior Researcher at the Institute of Structural Research of the Federal Agricultural Research Centre Braunschweig-Völkenrode (FAL), Germany


Visiting Scholar funded by German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) at the University of California, Berkeley, USA


Junior Researcher at the Department of Agricultural Economics, Division of Agricultural Policy, Göttingen University, Germany


Memberships, Functions and Awards

  • Membership: German Association of Agricultural Economics (GEWISOLA), German Economic Association (VfS), European Association of Agricultural Economics (EAAE), International Asso-ciation of Agricultural Economics (IAAE), International Association for the Study of Common Property (IASC), International Society for New Institutional Economics (ISNIE), European Socie-ty for Ecological Economics (ESEE), International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE), German Association of Institutes for Cooperative Studies (AGI) (Chairman 2010-2013), etc.
  • Thematic Groups: Committee on Environmental and Resource Economics (AURÖ) of the Ger-man Economic Association (VfS); Interdisciplinary Working Group (IAG) Global Change and Regional Development of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science (BBAW); Social-Ecological Systems Club (SES Club); European Group for the Study of Socio-Ecological & So-cio-Technical Systems (The European SETS Consortium), Research Network of Academic Researchers of Agricultural Cooperatives (eRNAC), etc
  • Review Groups: Review Board 207 of the German Research Foundation (DFG) “Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Horticulture and Veterinary Medicine” 2005-2009; Competency Team of Research Priority 4a on “Integrated Land, Water and Forest Management at Landscape Level” (BEAF); European Commission pool of Framework Programme proposal reviewers
  • Project reviewer: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), German Feder-al Ministry of Development Cooperation (BMZ), Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), German Research Foundation (DFG), European Science Foundation (ESF), Volkswagen Foun-dation (VS), German Federal Environmental Foundation (BMU), German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH), and others
  • Journal reviewer: German Journal of Agricultural Economics, European Review of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Economics, Ecological Economics, Land Use Policy, Journal of Envi-ronmental Planning and Management, Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, Ecological Economics, Ecology and Society, and other journals
  • Editorial Boards: “Journal of Environmental Policy and Law”; “Emerging Megacities”; “Czech Journal of Agricultural Economics”; “Agricultural Economics Research, Policy and Practice in Southern Africa (AGREKON)”; “Applied Agricultural and Forestry Research”, edt. by the Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute

  • Editor of the Book Series “Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources” (ICAR), (with Volker Beckmann), published by Shaker, Aachen, Germany (more than 50 books)
  • Editor of the Book Series “Emerging Megacities” (with Christine Werthmann, Ramesh Chenna-maneni and Dimitrios Zikos), published by Europäische Hochschulschriften, Frankfurt, Germany
  • Chairman of the Board of the Institute for Co-operative Studies at Humboldt-Universität (IfG)
  • Board of International Erasmus Mundus M.Sc. Rural Development (IMRD)

    (until 2016)

  • Programme Director of M.Sc. Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM)

    (until 2016)

  • Award of Honorary Doctorate from Plovdiv Agricultural University, Bulgaria, in 2004
  • Member of the Board of Trustees of the German Raiffeisen Foundation since 2012


Selected Research Projects

  • KATO Comparative Analysis of the Transition Process in the Agricultural Sector of Central and Eastern European Countries, funded by Volkswagen Foundation (1997-2001)
  • GRANO Approaches towards Sustainable Agriculture in North-East Germany, together with ZALF, funded by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (1998-2002)
  • CEESA Central and Eastern European Sustainable Agriculture, funded under the EU 5th Framework Programme (2000-2003)
  • PINE Promoting Institutions for Natural Resource and Environmental Management in Central and Eastern Europe, with Elinor Ostrom, Humboldt Foundation (2002-2005)
  • IDARI Integrated Development of Agricultural and Rural Institutions in CEEC, funded under the EU 5th Framework Programme (2002-2005)
  • ITAES Integrated Tools to Design and Implement Agro-Environmental Schemes, funded under the EU 6th Framework Programme (2004-2007)
  • MEACAP Impact of Environmental Agreements on the CAP, funded under the EU 6th Framework Programme (2004-2006)
  • SEAMLESS System for Environmental and Agro-economic Modeling; Linking European Science and Society, funded under the EU 6th Framework Programme (2004-2009)
  • SENSOR Sustainability Impact Assessment: Tools for Environmental, Social and Economic Effects of Multifunctional Land Use in European Regions, funded under the EU 6th Framework Programme (2004-2009)
  • Megacity II Climate and Energy in a Complex Transition Process towards Sustainable Hyderabad, funded by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (2008-2013)
  • CAPRI Collective Action and Property Rights for Poverty Reduction, funded by German Federal Ministry of Development Cooperation, with IFPRI, Washington D.C. (2004-2006)
  • ASIA Link Recreate Restructuring Higher Education in Resource and Environmental Economics in East-Asian Transition Economies, funded by the EU (2005-2008)
  • ETHIOPIA The Role of Local Level Institutions Towards Enhancing Sustainable Rural Livelihoods in Ethiopia, funded by German Research Foundation (2003-2004)
  • SUPPORT OF DEMOCRACY IN THE UKRAINE Developing Multi-Level and Decentralized Implemen-tation Capacity for Natural Resource Management and Environmental Policies: A contribution to polycentric governance in an emerging democracy (2009)
  • RSP Making Rural Services Work for the Poor, funded by German Federal Ministry of Development Cooperation, with IFPRI, Washington D.C. (2007-2010)
  • RESEARCH GROUP Structural Change in Agriculture. Project 11: Cooperative and Bureaucratic Modes of Institutional Change, German Research Foundation (2007-2010)
  • SoCo Soil Conservation and Policy Measures: Case Studies, funded by EU (2007-2008)
  • GoCon Governing Farmland Conversion in the Quest of Sustainability: A Comparative Study of China and Germany, funded by Robert Bosch Foundation (2008-2010)
  • INAF  “Institutions of Sustainability” as an Analytical Framework and Research Heuristics funded by German Research Foundation (2010-2012)
  • ELaN Development of an Integrated Approach to Land Management for Sustainable Use of Water and Matter in North-Eastern Germany, Sub-project 9 “Property Rights and Transactions” funded by the German Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) (2011-2015)
  • SASCHA Sustainable Land Management and Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change for the Western Siberian Corn-belt; funded by the German Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) (2011-2016)
  • SUNRISE Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in an Institutional Perspective; funded by the German Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) (2009-2012)
  • econCCadapt Economics of Climate Change Adaptation - Integrating Economic Modeling and Institutional Analysis at Different Scales; funded by the German Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) (2009-2012)
  • Coop Support for Farmers’ Cooperatives; funded by the European Commission (2010-2012)
  • HORTINLEA Institutional Arrangements in Horticulture and Collective Action along the Value Chain (2013-2018)
  • InDeCA Designing Social Institutions in Transition: Promotion of Institutional Development for Common Pool Resources Management in Central Asia
  • Inimbio – Institutional Implications of the Development of the Bioeconomy (2017-2019)





Publication list (pdf)