Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics


Regional Structures in Transition: Third research and funding phase of the Commission for Research on Social and Political Change in the New Federal States

Start: 1993
End: 1996

The objective of the project was to present and analyze the most important agricultural policy measures in the regulation and support of the transformation process, which were applied in the former East Germany in agriculture, forestry, horticulture and rural areas following the reunification of Germany in 1990. This was carried out partly through summarizing the main results of research previously undertaken by project participants, and partly through new and further document analysis, evaluation and interviews. On this basis, a description of the relevant political and policy areas was presented, which includes the design and main effects of the policy instruments, as well as the structure of the agricultural sector remaining from the former GDR. In a next step, a deeper examination of selected measures was carried out. This focused on transition principles and accompanying instruments which supported the re-structuring of the agricultural producers co-operatives, the adjustment of agricultural structures in the New Federal States, the privatization of former nationalized land, and on the effects of the implementation and further development of the EU agricultural reforms in eastern Germany.

Researcher: Volker Beckmann, Markus Rudolph, Bernd Klages

Project Partners: Commission for Research on Social and Political Change in the New Federal States

Lead Overall projekt: Prof. Dr. Hans Bertram

Lead HU-Subproject: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Konrad Hagedorn

Funding: German Federal Ministry for Education, Science, Research and Technology (BMBF) and German Federal Ministry for Labor Relations and Social Affairs (BMA)

Project Website:

Publications and Presentations:

HAGEDORN, K.; BECKMANN, V.; KLAGES, B.; RUDOLPH, M. (1997): Politische und ökonomische Rahmenbedingungen für die Entwicklung ländlicher Räume in den neuen Bundesländern. In: Becker, A. (Hrsg.): Regionale Strukturen im Wandel. Beiträge zu den Berichten der Kommission für die Erforschung des sozialen und politischen Wandels in den neuen Bundesländern e.V. (KSPW). Opladen: Leske + Budrich