Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics

Dissertation of Andreas Kutschke

New Political Economy of Determination and Assessment of Airborne Emissions and Immissions from Animal Husbandry Facilities in the German Approval Process Practice

Start: July 2003
End: July 2013

The mechanisms used for determining and assessing airborne emissions and immissions from animal husbandry facilities are remarkably heterogeneous and dynamic. The legal nature, binding authority and application procedures of the relevant standards are extremely different. Furthermore, their use regularly requires the application of value-based decision-making elements. If a decision is made on the legal approval prerequisites for erection of, or modifications to, animal husbandry facilities, the state of the technology and the requirements for a fair and correct location, then this affects the structure of the rural site. The development of new assessment systems or the defence of old ones can be used as a platform for political influence. Ideological battles over the direction of commercial agricultural development, ethical questions on animal husbandry and regional commercial development aspects can all find a voice here. Assessment uncertainties result in room for manoeuvring that can be exploited to the benefit of specific interests. Discretionary room for decision making in the official execution of power, the concealing of culpable process delays, application-oriented lobbying, the improvement of the position of objectors and stimulation for research all depend on this. Through their influence on the development and interpretation of legislation, administrative regulations and private codes the players can open up political areas that turn immission protection into a vehicle supporting non immission protection interests. The methods of the New Political Economy theory should be used to examine the interwoven interests and room for manoeuvring of the players within the scope of immission approval processes for animal husbandry facilities and also the effects of their actions.

Researcher: Kutschke, Andreas


Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Konrad Hagedorn