Selected Publications 2015-2022
2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 Before 2015
Eisenack, Klaus. „Why Local Governments Set Climate Targets: Effects of City Size and Political Costs“. Environmental and Resource Economics, 11. September 2024. [open access]
Partelow, Stefan, Sergio Villamayor Tomás, Klaus Eisenack, Graham B. Epstein, Elke Kellner, Matteo Roggero and Maurice Tschopp (2024) “A Meta-Analysis of SES Framework Case Studies: Identifying Dyad and Triad Archetypes.” People and Nature, 2024.
Klaus Eisenack als beitragender Autor in:
Brasseur, Guy P., Daniela Jacob, und Susanne Schuck-Zöller, Hrsg. Klimawandel in Deutschland: Entwicklung, Folgen, Risiken und Perspektiven. 2., Überarb. u. erw. Auflage 2023. Berlin: Springer Berlin, 2023.
Harmáčková, Z. V., Yoshida, Y., Sitas, N., Mannetti, L., Martin, A., Kumar, R., Berbés-Blázquez, M., Collins, R., Eisenack, K., Guimaraes, E., Heras, M., Nelson, V., Niamir, A., Ravera, F., Ruiz-Mallén, I., & O’Farrell, P. (2023) "The role of values in future scenarios: What types of values underpin (un)sustainable and (un)just futures?" Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 64, 101343.
Roggero, Matteo, Anastasiia Gotgelf and Klaus Eisenack (2023) “Co-Benefits as a Rationale and Co-Benefits as a Factor for Urban Climate Action: Linking Air Quality and Emission Reductions in Moscow, Paris, and Montreal.” Climatic Change 176, no. 12 (2023): 179.
Roggero, Matteo, Jan Fjornes and Klaus Eisenack (2023) "Ambitious climate targets and emission reductions in cities: A configurational analysis" Climate Policy, 1–15.
von Dulong, A., Gard-Murray, A., Hagen, A., Jaakkola, N., and Sen, S. (2023). Stranded assets: Research gaps and implications for climate policy, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 17(1).
von Dulong, Angelika, Achim Hagen, Roman Mendelevitch and Klaus Eisenack (2023) "Buy Coal and Gas? Interfuel Carbon Leakage on Deposit Markets with Market Power". Energy Economics 117: 106434. [open access]
Gütte, Annelie M. and Matteo Roggero (2022) From a Challenge to an Opportunity: Sustainability and the “Dark Side” of Social Capital in Paros, Greece. International Journal of the Commons, 16(1), 310–326.
Eisenack, Klaus und Marius Paschen (2022) „Adapting Long-Lived Investments under Climate Change Uncertainty“. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 116 (1. Oktober 2022): 102743.
Gotgelf, Aanastasiia (2022) "Information governance for sustainable development: Exploring social dilemmas in data provision for international reporting on Land Degradation Neutrality". Environmental Science & Policy 135: 128-136
Eisenack, Klaus und Matteo Roggero. „Many Roads to Paris: Explaining Urban Climate Action in 885 European Cities“. Global Environmental Change 72 (2022): 102439.
Hagen, Achim and Jan Schneider (2022). ‘Small Climate Clubs Should Not Use Trade Sanctions’. Energy Research & Social Science 92 (October): 102777.
Lessmann, Kai, Franziska Schütze, Kai Dombrowski, Daniel Engler, Gunnar Gutsche, Achim Hagen, Christian Klein, u. a. „Der Finanzsektor als Klimaschützer? Das Potenzial von Sustainable Finance. Hintergrundpapier zum 11. Forum Klimaökonomie“. Dialog zur Klimaökonomie, 2022.
Piemontese, L., Neudert, R., Oberlack, C., Pedde, S., Roggero, M., Buchadas, A., Martin, D. A., Orozco, R., Pellowe, K., Segnon, A. C., Zarbá, L., & Sietz, D. (2022). Validity and validation in archetype analysis: Practical assessment framework and guidelines. Environmental Research Letters, 17(2), 025010.
Trout, Kelly, Greg Muttitt, Dimitri Lafleur, Thijs Van de Graaf, Roman Mendelevitch, Lan Mei, and Malte Meinshausen. 2022. ‘Existing Fossil Fuel Extraction Would Warm the World beyond 1.5 °C’. Environmental Research Letters 17 (6): 064010.
Eisenack, Klaus, Achim Hagen, Roman Mendelevitch, und Angelika Vogt. „Politics, Profits and Climate Policies: How Much Is at Stake for Fossil Fuel Producers?“ Energy Research & Social Science 77 (Juli 2021): 102092.
Hagen, Achim, und Karen Pittel. „Chancen und Risiken klimapolitischer Langfriststrategien am Beispiel des deutschen Klimaschutzgesetzes“. Wirtschaftsdienst 101, Nr. 5 (12. Mai 2021).
Hagen, Achim, und Jan Schneider. „Trade Sanctions and the Stability of Climate Coalitions“. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 109 (2021): 102504.
Eisenack, Klaus, Christoph Oberlack, and Diana Sietz. 2021. ‘Avenues of Archetype Analysis: Roots, Achievements, and next Steps in Sustainability Research’. Ecology and Society 26 (2): art31.
Neetzow, P. (2021): The Effects of Power System Flexibility on the Efficient Transition to Renewable Generation’. Applied Energy 283 (February): 116278.
Soliman, A., Thiel, A. and M. Roggero (2021): Institutional Performance of Collective Irrigation Systems: A Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis in the Nile Delta of Egypt. Sustainability 13 (3). 1–31.
Hagen, A., J.-C. Altamirano-Cabrera and H.-P. Weikard (2020) National political pressure groups and the stability of international environmental agreements, International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics,
Gotgelf, Anastasiia, Matteo Roggero, and Klaus Eisenack. 2020. “Archetypical Opportunities for Water Governance Adaptation to Climate Change.” Ecology and Society 25 (4).
Sergio Villamayor-Tomas, Christoph Oberlack, Graham Epstein, Stefan Partelow, Matteo Roggero, Elke Kellner, Maurice Tschopp and Michael Cox (2020) Using case study data to understand SES interactions: a model-centered meta-analysis of SES framework applications. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 44:48–57.
Steinhäuser, J. Micha, and Klaus Eisenack (2020) How Market Design Shapes the Spatial Distribution of Power Plant Curtailment Costs. Energy Policy 144 (September): 111591.
Villamayor-Tomas, Sergio, Irene Iniesta-Arandia and Matteo Roggero. 2020. “Are generic and specific adaptation institutions always relevant? An archetype analysis of drought adaptation in Spanish irrigation systems.” In Ecology and Society 25(1):32.
Hagen, A., P. von Mouche, and H. P. Weikard (2020). The Two-Stage Game Approach to Coalition Formation: Where We Stand and Ways to Go. Games 11(1), 3.
Sietz, Diana, Frey, Ulrich, Roggero, Matteo, Gong, Yanqing, Magliocca, Nicholas, Tan, Rong, Janssen, Peter, and Václavík, Tomáš. 2019. “Archetype analysis in sustainability research: methodological portfolio and analytical frontiers.” In Ecology and Society 24(3):34.
Eisenack, K. and M. Mier (2019) Peak-load pricing with different types of dispatchability. Journal of Regulatory Economics, DOI: 10.1007/s11149-019-09394-9
Neetzow, Paul. 2019. “How to Go Green? The Effects of Power System Flexibility on the Efficient Transition to Renewable Generation.” Working Paper des Departments für Agrarökonomie No. 96/2019. Berlin.
Hamborg, Steffen, Jasper N. Meya, Klaus Eisenack, and Thorsten Raabe. 2020. “Rethinking Resilience: A Cross-Epistemic Resilience Framework for Interdisciplinary Energy Research.” Energy Research & Social Science 59 (January): 101285.
Eisenack, Klaus, Sergio Villamayor-Tomas, Graham Epstein, Christian Kimmich, Nicholas R. Magliocca, D. Manuel-Navarrete, Christoph Oberlack, Matteo Roggero, and Diana Sietz. 2019. “Design and Quality Criteria for Archetype Analysis.” Ecology and Society 24 (3): 6.
Oberlack, Christoph, Diana Sietz, Elisabeth Bürgi-Bonanomi, Ariane de Bremont, Jampel Dell’Angelo, Klaus Eisenack, Erle C. Ellis, et al. 2019. “Archetype Analysis in Sustainability Research: Meanings, Motivations, and Evidence-Based Policy Making.” Ecology and Society 24 (2): 26.
Hagen, Achim, and Klaus Eisenack. 2019. “Climate Clubs Versus Single Coalitions: The Ambitions of International Environmental Agreements.” Climate Change Economics 10 (3).
Mendelevitch, Roman, Christian Hauenstein, and Franziska Holz. 2019. “The Death Spiral of Coal in the U.S.: Will Changes in U.S. Policy Turn the Tide?” Climate Policy, July, 1–15.
Meya, J.N., and Neetzow, P. 2019. Renewable energy policies in federal government systems, Oldenburg Discussion Papers in Economics, V-423-19.
Roggero, Matteo. 2019. Social Dilemmas, Policy Instruments, and Climate Adaptation Measures: The Case of Green Roofs. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 1–18.
Roggero, Matteo, Leonhard Kähler and Achim Hagen. 2019. Strategic cooperation for transnational adaptation: lessons from the economics of climate change mitigation. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 19 (4–5), pp 395–410
Neetzow, Paul, Mendelevitch, Roman, and Sauleh Siddiqui. 2019. Modeling coordination between renewables and grid: Policies to mitigate distribution grid constraints using residential PV-battery systems. Energy Policy, 132, 1017-1033.
Eisenack, Klaus. 2019. “Beim Kohleausstieg sollten wir uns nicht auf eine unsichtbare Hand verlassen. Nach einem ambitionierten Zeitplan sollten zuerst Braunkohlekraftwerke und –tagebaue verbindlich abgeschaltet und stillgelegt werden.”
Eisenack, Klaus, and Roman Mendelevitch. 2019. “Standpunkt Kohleausstieg ohne unsichtbare Hand.” Tagesspiegel Background.
Scherwath, Tim, Ben Wealer, and Roman Mendelevitch. 2019. “Nuclear Decommissioning after the German Nuclear Phase-Out: An Integrated View on New Regulations and Nuclear Logistics.” 1779. DIW Berlin Discussion Paper. Berlin, Germany: German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin).
Bisaro, A., Roggero, M., Villamayor-Tomas, S. (2018): Institutional Analysis in Climate Change Adaptation Research: A Systematic Literature Review. Ecological Economics 151, pp. 34-43.
Mendelevitch, Roman, Claudia Kemfert, Pao-Yu Oei, and Christian von Hirschhausen. 2018. “The Electricity Mix in the European Low-Carbon Transformation: Coal, Nuclear, and Renewables.” In Energiewende “Made in Germany,” edited by Christian von Hirschhausen, Clemens Gerbaulet, Claudia Kemfert, Casimir Lorenz, and Pao-Yu Oei, 241–282. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Holz, Franziska, Jonas Egerer, Clemens Gerbaulet, Pao-Yu Oei, Roman Mendelevitch, Anne Neumann, and Christian von Hirschhausen. 2018. “Energy Infrastructures for the Low-Carbon Transformation in Europe.” In Energiewende “Made in Germany,” edited by Christian von Hirschhausen, Clemens Gerbaulet, Claudia Kemfert, Casimir Lorenz, and Pao-Yu Oei, 283–317. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Neetzow, P., Pechan, A. and K. Eisenack (2018): Electricity storage and transmission: Complements or substitutes? Energy Economics,
Preliminary, freely available working paper version
Meya, J.N., and K. Eisenack (2018): Effectiveness of gaming for communicating and teaching climate change. Climatic Change, 149(3): 319-333,
Roggero, M., Villamayor-Tomas, S., Oberlack, Ch., Eisenack, K., Bisaro, A., Hinkel, J. and A. Thiel (2018): Introduction to the special issue on adapting institutions to climate change. Journal of Institutional Economics: Pp. 1-14.
Meya, J.N. (2018): Die internationale Klimapolitik auf dem Spielbrett. In: Hühn, C., Zürn, B., Schwägele, S., Hoffman, S. und F. Trautwein: Planspiele – Analyse und Wirkungen. Rückblick auf den Deutschen Planspielpreis 2015 und 2017. ZMS Schriftenreihe 9. Norderstedt: Books on Demand GmbH.
Drupp, M.A., Meya, J.N., Baumgärtner, S. and M.F. Quaas (2018): Economic inequality and the value of nature. Ecological Economics, 150: 340-345,
Oei, P.-Y. and R. Mendelevitch (2018): Prospects for Steam Coal Exporters in the Era of Climate Policies - A Case Study of Colombia. Climate Policy.
Mendelevitch, R. (2018): Testing Supply-Side Climate Policies for the Global Steam Coal Market – Can They Curb Coal Consumption? Climatic Change.
Meya, J.N., Kornek, U. and K. Lessmann (2018): How empirical uncertainties influence the stability of climate coalitions. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics. 18(2): 175-198,
Richter, P. M., Mendelevitch, R. and F. Jotzo (2018): Coal Taxes as Supply-Side Climate Policy: A Rationale for Major Exporters? Climatic Change.
Roßner, R. and Zikos D. (2018): The role of homogeneity and heterogeneity among resource users on Water Governance - Lessons learnt from an economic field experiment on irrigation. Water Economics and Policy.
Pham L., Otto I. Zikos D. (2018): Self-governance and the Effects of Rules in Irrigation Systems: Evidence from Laboratory and Framed Field Experiments in China, India and Vietnam. Water Economics and Policy.
Assembayeva, A., J. Egerer, R. Mendelevitch and N. Zhakiyev (2018): A spatial electricity market model for the power system: The Kazakhstan case study. Energy.
Oberlack, C. and K. Eisenack (2018) Archetypical barriers to adapting water governance in river basins to climate change, Journal of Institutional Economics 14, 527-555.
Roggero, M. and A. Thiel (2017): Adapting as usual: integrative and segregative institutions shaping adaptation to climate change in local public administrations. Journal of Institutional Economics, published online 30 August 2017, pp. 1-22.
Kasymov, U. and D. Zikos (2017): Understanding Human Actions and Institutional Change: What Are the Impacts of Power Asymmetrieson Efficiency in Pasture Use? Resources, 6, 71; doi:10.3390/resources6040071
Kasymov, U., and Hamidov, A., (2017): Comparative Analysis of Nature-Related Transactions and Governance Structures in Pasture and Irrigation Water Use in Central Asia. Sustainability, 9(9), 1633; doi:10.3390/su9091633
Hagen, A. and J. Schneider (2017) Boon or Bane? Trade Sanctions and the Stability of International Environmental Agreements, Oldenburg Discussion Papers in Economics V-403-17, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany.
Roggero M., Bisaro A., Villamayor-Tomas S. (2017): Institutions in the climate adaptation literature: a systematic literature review through the lens of the Institutional Analysis and Development framework,Journal of Institutional Economics. First View, DOI:
Kunith, A., R. Mendelevitch and D. Guehlich (2017): Electrification of a city bus network - An optimization model for cost-effective placing of charging infrastructure and battery sizing of fast charging electric bus systems, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, Forthcoming:
Baumgärtner, S., M.A. Drupp, J.N. Meya, J.M. Munz and M.F. Quaas (2017): Income inequality and willingness to pay for environmental public goods, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 85: 35–61.
Meya, J.N., Drupp, M.A., and Hanley, N. (2017): Income Inequality and the International Transfer of Environmental Values. Kiel Economics Working Paper No 2017-03. Available at:
Schmid, E., A. Pechan, M. Mehnert, K. Eisenack (2017): Imagine all these futures: On heterogeneous preferences and mental models in the German energy transition, Energy Research & Social Science 27, 45-56,
Hagen, A., L. Kähler and K. Eisenack (2017): Transnational Environmental Agreements with Heterogeneous Actors, In S. Çağatay (ed.) Economics of International Environmental Agreements: a Critical Approach, Abingdon: Routledge, 79-96.
Eisenack, K., Marscheider, N., Meyer, E. and L. Bethlehem (2017): KEEP COOL mobil – Das Planspiel zum Klimawandel für mobile Endgeräte, final report. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, AZ: 31740-43/0.
Oberlack, C., Winiger, A., Kupferschmied, P., Sietz, D. and K. Eisenack (2017): Research Workshop Archetype Analysis in Sustainability Research, Workshop Report, 2nd – 4th May 2017, University of Bern, Switzerland.
Vetter, A., E. Chrischillis, K. Eisenack, C. Kind, P. Mahrenholz and A. Pechan (2016): Anpassung an den Klimawandel als neues Politikfeld, In: G. Brasseur, D. Jacob und S. Schuck-Zöller (Eds.) Klimawandel in Deutschland: Entwicklung, Folgen, Risiken und Perspektiven, Springer, 325-334.
Eisenack, K. (2016) ) Institutional adaptation to cooling water scarcity for thermoelectric power generation under global warming, Ecological Economics 124, 153-163. []
Eisenack, K. and L. Kähler (2016) Adaptation to climate change can support unilateral emission reductions, Oxford Economic Papers 68 (1), 258-278. [DOI:10.1093/oep/gpv057]
Yu, L. and Farrell, K.N. (2016) The Chinese perspective on pastoral resource economics: a vision of the future in a context of socio-ecological vulnerability. Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz. 35(2), IN PRESS.
Hagen, A., J.-C. Altamirano-Cabrera and H.-P. Weikard (2016) The Influence of Political Pressure Groups on the Stability of International Environmental Agreements, Oldenburg Discussion Papers in Economics V-391-16, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany.
Oei, P.-Y., and R. Mendelevitch. (2016) European Scenarios of CO2 Infrastructure Investment until 2050, The Energy Journal 37 (SI3).
Meya, J.N., Neetzow, P., Neubauer, L., Pechan, A. (2016): Die Menge macht’s? Das EEG 2017 und die Folgen für die deutsche Energiewende. Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, 11/16, online.
Droste, N./ Meya, J.N. (2016): Ecosystem services in infrastructure planning – a case study of the projected deepening of the Lower Weser river in Germany. In: Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, [DOI:]
Rotter, M., E. Hoffmann, A. Pechan, R. Stecker (2016): Competing priorities: how actors and institutions influence adaptation of the German railway system. In: Climatic Change, 137 (3), 609-623
Schmid, E., B. Knopf, A. Pechan (2016): Putting an energy system transformation into practice: The case of the German Energiewende, in: Energy Research & Social Science, 11, S. 263-275. []
Zikos, D. and Hagedorn, K (2016): Competition for Water Resources from the European Perspective. In J.R. Ziolkowska, J.M. Peterson, (editors): Competition for Water Resources: Experiences and Management Approaches in the US and Europe. Elsevier: Cambridge, MA.
Dresse, A., Nielsen, J. Ø., Zikos, D. (2016): Moving beyond natural resources as a source of conflict: Exploring the human-environment nexus of environmental peacebuilding. THESys Discussion Paper No. 2016-2. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 22p.
Ibele B., Sandri, S. and Zikos D. (2016): Endogenous versus exogenous rules in water management: an experimental cross-country comparison. Mediterranean Politics.
Spijker, E., Jepma, C., Hofman, E., Joosten, G., Hoenders, L., Eisenack, K., Neubauer, L., Hönsch, S., Brunekreeft, G., Palovic, M. (2015). A level playing field for the European biogas and biomethane markets - Case of the Netherlands and Germany: policy environment, key differences and harmonisation issues. Bericht, Projekt Grün Gas
Topping, C.J., Fjelsted Alrøe, H., Farrell, K.N. and Grimm, V. (2015) Per aspera ad astra: through complex population modelling to predictive theory. The American Naturalist 186(5):669-674. [doi: 10.1086/683181]
Scheidel, A. and Farrell, K.N. (2015) Small-scale cooperative banking and the production of capital: Reflecting on the role of institutional agreements in supporting rural livelihood in Kampot, Cambodia. Ecological Economics 119:230–240. [doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2015.09.008]
Latorre, S, Farrell, K.N., Martinez-Alier, J. (2015) The commoditization of nature and socio-environmental resistance in Ecuador: an inventory of Accumulation by Dispossession cases, 1980-2013. Ecological Economics 116:58-69. [doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2015.04.016]
Watanabe, S. and Farrell, K.N. (2015) Unintended Economic Consequences of Biotrade in Namibian Marula Plant Oil: a Study of Changing Patterns of Economic Behaviour. Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie, Band 24: 265-274. []
Holz, F., C. Haftendorn, R. Mendelevitch, and C. v. Hirschhausen (2015) The COALMOD-World Model: Coal Markets until 2030, In The Global Coal Market - Supplying the Major Fuel for Emerging Economies, edited by Richard K. Morse and Mark C. Thurber. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Neetzow, P. (2015). Electricity storage operation under different cost and market structures. In K. Eisenack (Ed.), Contributions to the institutional economics of the energy transition. Oldenburg Discussion Papers in Economics V-385-15.
Roggero, M. (2015). Adapting institutions: exploring climate adaptation through institutional economics and set relations. Ecological Economics 118, p. 114–122. DOI 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2015.07.022
Hamidov, A., Thiel, A. and Zikos D. (2015): Institutional design in transformation: A comparative study of local irrigation governance in Uzbekistan. Environmental Science & Policy, 53B: 175-191
Thiel, A., Mukhtarov, F. and Zikos D. (2015): Crafting or designing? Science and politics for purposeful institutional change in Social–Ecological Systems. Environmental Science & Policy, 53B: 81-86.
Zikos, D., Sorman, A., Lau, M. (2015): Beyond water security: asecuritisation and identity in Cyprus. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 15(3):309-326.
Baerlein, T., Kasymov, U., Zikos, D. (2015): Self-Governance and Sustainable Common Pool Resource Management in Kyrgyzstan. Sustainability, 7 (1): 496-521.
Fayyad, M., Sandri, S., Weiter M., Zikos D. (eds) (2015): Social Water Studies in the Arab Region. State of the Art and Perspectives. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Seminar für Ländliche Entwicklung. 217 pages.
Eisenack, K., S. Moser, E. Hoffmann, R. Klein, C. Oberlack, A. Pechan, M. Rotter, and C. Termeer (2015) Reply to: Opening up the black box of adaptation decision making, Nature Climate Change 5, 494-495.
Ruppert-Winkel, C., R. Arlinghaus, S. Deppisch, K. Eisenack, D. Gottschlich, B. Hirschl, B. Matzdorf, T. Moelders, M. Padmanabhan, T. Plieninger, K. Selbmann and R. Ziegler (2015) Characteristics, emerging needs and challenges of transdisciplinary sustainability science: Experiences from the German Social-Ecological Research Program, Ecology & Society 20 (3), 13.
Before 2015
Eisenack, K., S. Moser, E. Hoffmann, R. Klein, C. Oberlack, A. Pechan, M. Rotter, and C. Termeer (2014) Explaining and overcoming barriers to climate change adaptation, Nature Climate Change 4, 867–872.
Pechan, A. and K. Eisenack (2014) The impact of heat waves on electricity spot markets, Energy Economics 43, 63-71.
Eisenack, K. (2014) The inefficiency of private adaptation to pollution in the presence of endogenous market structure, Environmental and Resource Economics 57 (1), 81-99.
Oberlack, C. und K. Eisenack (2014) Alleviating barriers to urban climate change adaptation through international cooperation, Global Environmental Change 24, 349-362.
Siebenhüner, B., Arnold, M., Eisenack, K. and K. Jacob, K. (2013): Long-term policies: setting the scene. In B. Siebenhüner, M. Arnold, K. Eisenack & K. Jacob (Eds.) Long-Term Governance of Social-Ecological Change, 1-25, Abingdon: Routledge.
Reckien, D. and K. Eisenack (2013) Climate change gaming on board and screen: a review, Simulation & Gaming 44 (2-3), 249-267.
Eisenack, K. (2013) Interdisciplinary communication and education with a board game on climate change, Simulation & Gaming 44 (2-3), 324-344.
Stecker, R., Mohns, T. and K. Eisenack (2012): Anpassung an den Klimawandel – Agenda Setting und Politikintegration in Deutschland. Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik und Umweltrecht (ZfU), 2, 179-208.
Eisenack, K. (2012): Archetypes of adaptation to climate change. In M. Glaser, G. Krause, B. Ratter and M. Welp (Eds.), Human/Nature Interactions in the Anthropocene: Potentials of Social-Ecological Systems Analysis, 107-122. New York, NJ: Routledge.
Eisenack, K., O. Edenhofer and M. Kalkuhl (2012) Resource rents: the effects of energy taxes and quantity instruments for climate protection, Energy Policy 48, 159-166.
Eisenack, K. (2012) Adaptation financing in a global agreement: is the adaptation levy appropriate?, Climate Policy 12, 491-504.
Eisenack, K. and R. Stecker (2012) A framework for analyzing climate change adaptations as actions, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 17 (3), 243-260.
Eisenack, K., R. Stecker, D. Reckien and E. Hoffmann (2012) Adaptation to climate change in the transport sector: a review of actions and actors, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 17 (5), 451-469.
Schlüter, M., R. R. J. McAllister, R. Arlinghaus, N. Bunnefeld, K. Eisenack, F. Hölker, E.J. Milner-Gulland, B. Müller, E. Nicholson, M. Quaas, M. Stöven (2012) New horizons for managing the environment: a review of coupled social-ecological systems modeling, Natural Resource Modeling 25 (1), 219-272.
Reckien, D., K. Eisenack and M. Lüdeke (2011) Land consumption by urban sprawl - a new approach to deduce urban development scenarios from actors’ preferences, Environmental Modeling and Assessment 16:465–477.
Reckien, D. and K. Eisenack (2010) Urban sprawl: using a game to sensitize stakeholders to the interdependencies among actors' preferences, Simulation & Gaming 41 (2), 260-277.
Leimbach, M. and K. Eisenack (2009) A trade algorithm for multi-region models subject to spillover externalities, Computational Economics 33 (2), 107-130.
von Bloh, W., C. Bounama, K. Eisenack, B. Knopf and O. Walkenhorst (2008) Estimating the biogenic enhancement factor of weathering using an inverse viability method, Ecological Modelling 216, 245-251.
Eisenack, K., V. Tekken and J. Kropp (2007) Stakeholder perceptions of climate change in the Baltic Sea region, Coastline Reports 8, 245-255.
Eisenack, K. (2007): A common framework for qualitative and quantitative modelling. Working Papers of the 21st Annual Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning, Aberystwyth.
Eisenack, K., J. Kropp and H. Welsch (2006) A qualitative dynamical modelling approach to capital accumulation in unregulated fisheries, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 30, 2613-2636.
Eisenack, K., J. Scheffran and J. Kropp (2006) Viability analysis of management frameworks for fisheries, Environmental Modelling and Assessment 11, 69-79.
Eisenack, K. (2003) Qualitative viability analysis of a bio-socio-economic system, in P. Salles and B. Bredeweg (Ed.): Working Papers of 17th Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning, Brasilia, 63-70.
Welsch, H. and K. Eisenack (2002) Energy costs, endogenous innovation and long-run growth, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 222 (4), 490-499.
Eisenack, K. and G. Petschel-Held (2002) Graph theoretical analysis of qualitative models in sustainability science, in N. Agell and J. A. Ortega (Ed.): Working Papers of 16th Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning, Sitges, Spanien, Edicion Digial@tres, Sevilla, 53-60.
Eisenack, K. and J. Kropp (2001) Qualitative modeling and simulation of a coupled bioeconomic system, in G. Biswas (Ed.): Working Papers of 15th Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning, San Antonio, Texas, 182-187.
Eisenack, K. and J. Kropp (2001) Assessment of management options in marine fisheries by qualitative modelling techniques, Marine Pollution Bulletin 43 (7-12), 215-224.