Projects in Process
- AnthropoScenes
- CliWaC: Climate and Water under Change: Emerging challenges and strategies for coordinated action in the model region Berlin-Brandenburg
- CREATE-HU: Governance of marine ecosystems and biodiversity of the German Baltic See from a political economy perspective
- CREATE-2-HU: Konzepte zur Reduzierung der Auswirkungen anthropogener Drücke und Nutzungen auf marine Ökosysteme und die Artenvielfalt; Vorhaben: Governance mariner Ökosysteme und Biodiversität der deutschen Ostsee aus einer politökonomischen Perspektive
- E-SKA: Scaling successful energy transition cooperations horizontally; Sub-Project: Archetype and scaling analysis
- Junior Research Group PECan: The political economy of climate policy and finance
- KEEP COOL: The board game on climate change
- Urban Climate Governance