Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Thaer-Institute | Resource Economics | Events | WINS Seminar series (Seminar of the Berlin Workshop in Institutional Analysis of Social-Ecological Systems)

WINS Seminar series (Seminar of the Berlin Workshop in Institutional Analysis of Social-Ecological Systems)

Prof. Simon Dietz: Feeding the World, Leaving the Land: a Macroeconomic Approach to Malthusian Problems
  • When May 18, 2017 from 05:15 to 06:45
  • Where HU main building, R 2071
  • iCal

Prof. Simon Dietz (ESRC Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science): Feeding the World, Leaving the Land: a Macroeconomic Approach to Malthusian Problems


Note: Change of time and venue!


IRI THESys Public Lecture 17:15-18:45 hrs., HU main building, R 2071