Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Economics of Agricultural Cooperatives

Theses at the Division

Possible topics of our research projects are for example:


  • Knowledge transfer and social innovation in rural areas
  • Cooperation and Cooperative organization
  • Collective Action and Self-help groups
  • Insitutional and Political Analysis

Students interested in writing their thesis within the division of Economics of Agricultural Cooperatives please send a brief proposal of their graduation project to

Students can present their work in the colloquium at the division in order to receive valuable comments and suggestions.
Additionally, students have the opportunity to participate in the Master-Colloquium of the division of Resource Economics [link].

Current Theses:

  Till Fennel Die Genossenschaft als Mittel zur Generierung und Verbreitung von Sozialem Kapital auf lokaler Ebene [working title] (M.Sc.)
  Hanna Höfer Schrumpfung gestalten! Herausforderungen und Potenziale gemeinwesenorientierter Genossenschaften in ländlichen Regionen Ostdeutschlands [working title] (M.Sc.)

Completed Theses:

2019 Naturschutzkonflikte und Sensibilisierung durch Theater - Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel des Traumschüff Theaters und des Mensch-Biber-Konflikts in Brandenburg (M.Sc.)

Wir sind alle Eigentümer! Eine qualitative Untersuchung zu Potenzialen und Problemen von Multi-Stakeholder-Genossenschaften (M.Sc.)

Horizontal cooperation as a strategy for the future: German livestock & meat marketers`cooperatives (M.Sc.)

Ecosystem Service Assessment of the Warnow Estuary - An Application in an Urban Modified Water Body (M.Sc.)

Evaluating the performance of local farmers' associations in Taiwan - A benchmarking approach (M.Sc.)

Direct Trade Coffee - Analyzing Direct Trade from an Institutional Economics perspective (M.Sc.)


Sustainability assessment under uncertainty: using the SMART-Farm Tool to compare sustainability performances of typical oil palm plantations in Malaysia (M.Sc.)
  Aufarbeitung elektrischer und elektronischer Geräter - Ein Geschäftsmodell für die Kreislaufwirtschaft (M.Sc.)
  Agricultural Cooperatives as Knowledge Intermediaries: the case of Uganda (M.Sc.)
2016 Overcoming the Tenant Landlord Dilemma – An Investigation of the Impact of Coopera-tive Ownership on the Capitalization of Energy Efficiency (M.Sc.)
  The role of agriculture cooperatives and farmer organizations on the sustainable agricultural practices adoption in Uganda (M.Sc.)
  Exploring the determinants of side-selling in agricultural coopertive: The case of 6 rice cooperatives in Ecuador (M.Sc.)
  Pathways to energy efficient buildings
An evaluation of factors influencing homeowners’ decision-making regarding renovations to improve energy efficiency (M.Sc.)
2015 „Verschenkte Zeit“ eine Untersuchung zur Motivation und Förderung ehrenamtlicher Mitarbeit in Genossenschaften (M.Sc.)
  Under Contract: Comparative Analysis and Relative Risk in Livestock Production Contracts (M.Sc.)
  Understanding the Determinants of Capacity in Smallholder Collective Enterprises - Lessons from the Cocoa Sector in Peru (M.Sc.)
Revisiting the Concepts of Microfinance Commercialisation and Farm
Based Organisations (FBOS) in the Attainment of Collective Action
Outcomes: A Case Study of FBOS in Ghana (M.Sc.)
  Landwirtschaftliche Erzeuger-Verbraucher-Gemeinschaften - Die Gestaltung von Kooperationsbeziehungen im Spannungsfeld zwischen wirtschaftlicher Tätigkeit und Selbsthilfe (Diplom)



The impact of Dairy Cooperatives on the Economic Empowerment of Rural Women in Karnataka (M.Sc.)



Coordinated technology adoption in rural India - Insights from a field experiment (M.Sc.)



Agricultural Cooperatives and Market Efficiency: The Case of Wine in Mendoza, Argentina (M.Sc.)

2013 Why (not) cooperate? An analysis of the intention of Romanian fruit-and-vegetable farmers to join producer groups (M.Sc.)


  The market for GM-free cotton – a market for “lemons”?
Intentional and unintentional behavioural induced non-compliance in supply chains for products with hidden attributes (M.Sc.)
  Rural electricity supply in crisis - evaluation study on a demand-side intervention in the indian power sector (M.Sc.)
2012 Forest Governance in the Ecuadorian Amazon: The Organization of Logging and the Role of the Regulatory Framework for Forest Management (M.Sc.)


A case analysis of the value chain of typical food items: The contribution of traditional retailers to sustainability and food security in Hyderabad - Comparing a Kirana store and a supermarket (M.Sc.)

The field research was supported by the Stiftung für Tropische Agrarforschung [link]. 
    The effects of external institutions on cooperative behaviors: An experiment on pesticide use in Mekong Delta of Vietnam (M.Sc.)
2010    Cooperatives and self-help organizations and their potential role for poverty alleviation and food security in the emerging megacity Hyderabad, India (Study Project)

The field research was supported by the Vater und Sohn Eiselen-Stiftung [link].
   Ethnic heterogeneity, economic inequality, and external leadership in group-based finance: Evidence from Uganda (M.Sc.)

Determinants of off-farm and non-farm diversification for smallholder maize farmers in Central Malawi (M.Sc.)

2009   The role of informal institutions in the provision of rural services to rural communities in South Coast, Guatemala (M.Sc.)

The field research was supported by the Vater und Sohn Eiselen-Stiftung [link].
   A contractual analysis of conservation agreements in Northwestern Ecuador (M.Sc.)
   Economic analysis of SHG-institutions - Microfinance delivery models in India (M.Sc.)
       Eine Falluntersuchung des Projekts 'Land als Einkommensquelle' in Bulgarien (B.Sc.)
2008   The role of services for small farmers' agricultural growth -
A study of Maddur taluk, in Mandya district, Karnataka, India

The field research was supported by the Vater und Sohn Eiselen-Stiftung [link].
  Rural services and poverty alleviation in Uganda (M.Sc.)
2007   Institutional analysis of participatory development projects: A literature review (M.Sc.)
  Analyzing the impact of decentralization on responsiveness to local preferences in rural municipalities in Bolivia (M.Sc.)
  The impact of international cooperation on rural producer organizations: Case study of a dairy association in Bolivia (M.Sc.)
2006   The role of cooperatives in organizing the food supply chain in Vietnam (M.Sc.)
2004   Property reform in Ukraine - The analysis of agricultural ownership transformation (M.Sc.)
   Der Integrationsprozess in der russischen Landwirtschaft aus Sich der Neuen Institutionenökonomie - Das Beispiel der Entstehung und Entwicklung von Agro-Holdinggesellschaften (Diploma)