Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Economics of Agricultural Cooperatives


Every first Wednesday a month at 11:30 am, doctoral students as well as master students, preparing their thesis at the division, have the opportunity to present their research projects in the colloquium to receive ideas and suggestions from other doctoral students.

Date Topic Responsible
13.12.2017 Leadership in Agricultural Machinery Circles – Experi-mental Evidence from Tajikistan Malte Müller

Ostrom's design principles and the efficacy/ sustainability of groups (cooperatives)

Anke Wolff
13.09.2017 Does transportation matter for tobacco farmers: Evidence from China Juning Lin
02.08.2017 The struggles to govern urban commons: Lessons from reclaimed public spaces from Istanbul and Berlin Tuba Inal Cekic & Markus Hanisch    
07.06.2017 INICO results from QCA Margitta Minah & Agustina Malvido
08.03.2017 The Revisited Role of Dairy Cooperatives in Argentina Agustina Malvido
07.09.2016 Social Cooperatives: definition, typology and data Marleen Thürling
17.08.2016 Transformation in Food Systems Wiebke Hampel
18.05.2016 Investigating the Impact of the Energy Performance Certificate for Residential Buildings and Housing Cooperatives in Germany Amely Gundlach
14.04.2016 Social Coops in Germany: at the crossroad of social entrepreneurship and civic engagement Marleen Thürling

Are farmers’ organizations inclusive of the poor?

Discussing the concept of inclusion and empirical implications in maize cooperatives in Solwezi District, Zambia

Margitta Minah & Agustina Malvido

Social Preferences and Cooperation in Post-War Tajikistan

Malte Müller
16.03.2016 Governance and managerial effort in consumer-owned enterprises Murray Fulton
09.03.2016 Cooperatives and Farm Gate Prices for Agricultural Produce: Multilevel Evidence on Non-Varietal Wine in Mendoza, Argentina Agustina Malvido
13.01.2016 The role of cooperatives in promoting Climate Smart Agriculture - the case of Uganda Marleen Poot
02.12.2015 Comparative Qualitative Analysis Carla Dohmwirth
02.12.2015 Social cooperatives in Germany Marleen Thürling
04.11.2015 Assessing inclusion in agricultural cooperatives using QCA methodology: the case of Central Province in Zambia Agustina Malvido
07.10.2015 Value Chains of Fresh Vegetable in Ethiopia Esther Robbe & Gerlinde Behrendt
09.09.2015 Cooperatives and Farm Gate Prices for Agricultural Produce: Multilevel Evidence on Non-varietal Wine in Mendoza, Argentina Jens Rommel
02.09.2015 Inclusion in Cooperatives Margitta Minah & Agustina Malvido
26.08.2015 "Pathways to energy-efficient buildings": An evaluation of non-economic factors influencing homeowners' behavior regarding energy-efficient measures.   Mira Wenzel
12.08.2015 In-group, between-group and out-group favoritism in horizontal and hierarchical groups Malte Müller
22.07.2015 What is rural innovation? Merli Reidolf
01.07.2015 Local elites and the implementation of the community-driven land consolidation project Ziming Liu
03.06.2015 The impact of Dairy Cooperatives on the Economic Empowerment of Rural Women in Karnataka Carla Dohmwirth
06.05.2015 Discrete choice modeling for electricity quality – Empirical evidence and methodical advances Julian Sagebiel
01.04.2015 Understanding Land Cooperatives in Rural China Ziming Liu