Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - International Agricultural Trade And Development

Summer Term 2024


Lecture Time: April 15 - July 20, 2024



International Macroeconomics and Agricultural Trade/Open Economy, Macroeconomics and International Agricultural Trade (VL-Verz. 20103/20103A)

Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Harald Grethe and Dr. Davit Stepanyan, Tutorial: Felix Kütz

Lecture (4 SWS):

Mo, 12:15 - 13:45 pm, hs. 12, seminar room 2.01

Voluntary tutorial (2 SWS):

Fr, 10:15 am - 11:45 am, hs. 12, lecture hall 3

For further information see AGNES.


Economics of Agricultural and Rural Development (VL-Verz. 20161)

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Tilman Brück and Jonathan Garcia

Lecture (4 SWS):

Thu, 1:15 - 4:45 pm, hs. 12, lecture hall 3

For further information see AGNES.

Institutions and Instruments of Development Co-operation (VL-Verz. 20230)

Lecturer: Dr. Denise Sumpf

Part 1: Thur, May 2, Fr, May 3 and, if needed, Sat, May 4 (half day)
Part 2: July 4 - 6, hs. 12, seminar room 2.26

For further information please contact Dr. Sumpf at


Special Topics in Agricultural Economics - Environmental Institutions and Governance (VL-Verz. 20435)

Lecturer: Dr. Martin Scheele

Lecture (4 SWS):

Fr, 8 - 12 am, hs. 4, lecture hall 4

Please register with Martin Scheele at in order to be registered here (Moodle).

For further information see Agnes.

Introduction to Simulation Models in Market and Policy Analysis (VL-Verz. 20436)

Lecturers: Prof. Harald Grethe, Dr. Zuhal Elnour, Dr. Jonas Luckmann, Martial Houessou, Thierry Kinkpe, Peter Mwangi and Davide Pignotti

Seminar (4 SWS):

Mo, 2:15 - 3:45 pm, IN 42, lecture hall 2

Lecture: downloadable materials provided via Moodle

For further information see AGNES.


Topics in Agricultural and Food Policy (VL-Verz. 20437)

Lecturers: Prof. Peter Feindt and Prof. Harald Grethe

Brussels exkursion  (4 SWS): July 1-4, 2024

For further information see brochure and Moodle-link see AGNES.

Please register with Sarah Bedford until April 17, 2024.