Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Gender And Globalisation


Prof. Dr. Christine Bauhardt - Foto Prof. Dr. Christine Bauhardt

Main areas of research: Societal relationships to nature and gender, feminist economic critique, migration and urban development




Prof. Dr. Christine Bauhardt at Verlag Barbara Budrich - Handbook Politik und Geschlecht: Feministische Politische Ökologie, Ressourcenpolitik und Queer Ecologies

The gender binary and the socially and culturally constructed gender hierarchy justify the parallelization of the exploitation of natural resources and the ReProductivity of women. "Resource policy" calls for an end to the appropriation of women's labour and their environmental knowledge and for their inclusion in environmental policy decisions. Queer ecologies make it possible to free care responsibility from its ties to quasi-natural re-production relations and to politicize it. Read the publication (German).


Prof. Dr. Christine Bauhardt - FrauenUmweltbewegungen - Digitales Deutsches Frauenarchiv - Publication of contribution: 24. April 2024

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The women's environmental movements of the 1970s and 1980s in West Germany criticized the domination of nature and the control of women's bodies as a patriarchal project of domination. However, the term 'ecofeminism' to analyze the destruction of the environment and life is controversial among activists. Read about it in the Digital German Women's Archive (German).

Article publication - Ecofeminist perspectives on the socio-ecological transformation of the Green New Deal

The "European Green Deal" and similar (infrastructure) investment-oriented policies aim to achieve green growth. However, they do not take into account the necessities of social reproduction. This, however, would be a prerequisite for a policy that puts people's needs first. Link to download by clicking on the headline.



Christine Bauhardt (2022): Ecofeminist Political Economy: Critical Reflections on the Green New Deal. In: Post-Capitalist Futures: Paradigms, Politics, and Prospects (Samuel Alexander, Sangeetha Chandrashekeran, Brendan Gleeson)


Christine Bauhardt (2022): For More Than Forty Years on the Bookshelves: The Death of Nature – A Tribute to Carolyn Merchant. In: Ethics and the Environment 27 (1) 22, 1-16.


Curriculum Vitae

  • Winter term 18/19 Senior Fellow at DFG Kolleg Postwachstumsgesellschaften at Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena.

  • Summer term 2014 visiting Professor at Klara Marie Faßbinder für Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung am Fachbereich VI -- Raum- und Umweltwissenschaften -- der Universität Trier

  • Summer term 2013 research fellow at the Gender Institute, London School of Economics

  • 2006-2008 - Speaker for the Center of transdisciplinary Gender Studies, Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin

  • Since 2005 - Professor of Gender and Globalisation, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

  • 2003 -Habilitation at tthe Faculty of Spacial Planning, Universität-Dortmund


Book publications (selection)

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Recent Essays

  • 2019 - Nature, care and gender. Feminist Dilemmas. In: Feminist Political Ecology and the Economics of Care: In Search of Economic Alternatives. Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics. London: Routledge. (Hg., gem. mit Wendy Harcourt)

  • 2017 - Living in a Material World. Entwurf einer queer-feministischen Ökonomie. In: Gender (1) 2017, S. 99-114

  • 2014 - Solutions to the Crisis? Green New Deal, Degrowth, and Solidarity Economy: Alternatives to the Capitalist Growth Economy from a Feminist Economics Perspective.  In: Ecological Economics 102 (2014), pp. 60-68

  • 2013 - Rethinking gender and nature from a material(ist) perspective: Feminist economics, queer ecologies and resource politics. In: European Journal of Women's Studies 20 (4), pp. 361-375

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Prizes and awards