Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Agrifood Chain Management

Agrifood Governance in Telecoupled Systems

Study Project Announcement


Topic: Agrifood Governance in Telecoupled Systems: Food Safety and Quality Standards Across Global Agrifood Chains (SoSe 2025)

Responsibles: Dr. Claudia Coral, Prof. Dr. Dagmar Mithöfer

Description: This study project examines how governance mechanisms and trade systems
interact in global agrifood chains, focusing on food safety assurance and quality standards
implementation across physically and institutionally distant systems. Using a telecoupling
framework—which analyzes socioeconomic and environmental interactions between distant
systems—the study investigates how value chain actors in selected agrifood chains navigate
global market pressures while maintaining product integrity and meeting stringent quality
Through multiple case studies, including the European honey sector, students will analyze how
food safety governance structures evolve across geographical and institutional scales,
examining trade relationships and power asymmetries that affect quality assurance. The
project explores how different dimensions of "distance" (social, institutional, and physical)
influence food safety and food fraud prevention systems, and how new governance
arrangements emerge in response.
Students will map how specific actors, interests, and resources become significant in food
system governance, particularly regarding quality control and safety standards. By examining
these relationships and analyzing how different forms of distance affect governance
transformation, the project aims to develop recommendations for strengthening food safety
governance mechanisms while supporting fair trade in agrifood value chains.

Details: SoSe 2025, SWS: 8, Credit Points: 12 ECTS (Thaer-Institute). Exam: written report. Registration with AGNES required.

First meeting: Wednesday 23, April  11:00 am, date for regular meeting will be set together at the first meeting

Place: Room 1131, Invalidenstraße 42, 10115 Berlin

Format: In-person

Moodle link:  (to be updated)

Participants: Students of 3./4. semester in the programmes M.Sc. Integrated Natural
Resource Management, International Master in Rural Development, Agricultural Economics,
International Master of Horticultural Sciences.

The number of participants of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin is limited to 10-12 students. In
case of high demand, a waiting list might be established.