Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Agrifood Chain Management

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Thaer-Institute | Agrifood Chain Management | Teaching | Current Topic Proposals for Final Theses

Current Topic Proposals for Final Theses

Master Thesis Topic Announcements



Master's Thesis Opportunity

Topic: Food Fraud Vulnerabilities in the EU Honey Supply Chain: A Telecoupling Approach

Join our innovative research project investigating vulnerabilities to honey fraud in the European beekeeping sector. Through a telecoupling approach within the Horizon Europe WATSON project, we analyze distant linkages, social dynamics, material flows, and governance discrepancies that exacerbate vulnerabilities to food fraud. We're seeking a master's student with a background in economics, agricultural or development economics, natural resource management, geography, sustainability sciences or related fields of study to conduct literature reviews, analyze trade and consumption dynamics, and perform expert interviews to develop targeted recommendations for reducing food fraud vulnerabilities in the honey supply chain. For complete details about this master's thesis opportunity, including requirements and benefits, please klick this Link.