Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - 165th EAAE Seminar 2019 Agricultural Land Markets

Call for Papers

The seminar invites an international scientific audience in the fields of agricultural economics, agricultural policy, farm management and any other field referring to the subject.

Participants, who intend to contribute a paper, are invited to submit an extended abstract of maximal 2 pages in English by November 04, 2018 (--> submission).

The abstract should indicate:

  1. the question addressed,

  2. the concepts and theories to which one refers,

  3. the methodology used, and

  4. the results obtained.

Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by December 07, 2018. The deadline for the final submission of accepted papers is March 03, 2019.
All accepted papers will be published on 165th EAAE Seminar Agricultural Land Markets at
A selection of contributed papers will be published in a special issue of the European Review of Agricultural Economics (ERAE) after an external review process following the journal’s guidelines.

download the flyer of the call


The seminar will be based on oral presentations in plenary sessions by invited speakers and in parallel workgroups. Expected topics to be covered by the papers include the following items:

  • Drivers of land prices

  • Market microstructure and price formation in land markets

  • Urban sprawl, the interaction of rural and urban land markets

  • Bargaining power in rural and urban land markets

  • Efficiency of agricultural land markets

  • Impact of existing and proposed regulations on price formation and the allocation of land

  • Land market dynamics, developing land market institutions, and land use intensity

  • Environmental issues in land markets

  • Ethical principles in agricultural land markets

  • Interaction of land markets and structural change in agriculture

  • Theoretical advances to better understand agricultural land markets

  • Advances in empirical methods to analyse land markets