Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Ressourcenökonomie

Abgeschlossene Graduierungsarbeiten


  Jan Goymann A Computational Approach to Climate Strategies and Co-Benefits of Urban Climate Action: the Case of Cologne (M.Sc.)
  Madalena Cabeças Domingues Transnational Municipal Networks and Climate Change Mitigation in European Cities (M.Sc.)
  Monika Orlowski Betreiberleistungen und ihre Rolle in Konflikten um große Freiflächenphotovoltaikanlagen
Community benefits and their role in conflicts over large ground-mounted solar parks (M.Sc.)
  Peter Wieland The Green Party and Local Climate Action - An Instrumental Variable Analysis of German Municipalities (M.Sc.)
The Influence of Climate Policy Stringency on Corporate Climate
Performance (M.Sc.)
  Hans Farias Dynamics and Health for Chile's Water Markets: A Qualitative
Comparative Analysis (M.Sc.)
  Aina Askhabalieva Advocacy potential of climate and air quality co-benefits of city
administration in Berlin (M.Sc.)
  Lilly Hock

Net Zero climate alliances of financiers and carbon emission in
the real world (M.Sc.)

  Sylvia Schmidt

Institutions and Information on the Governance of Groundwater in Central Asia (M.Sc.)

  Natalie Kern

Assessing Water Management Strategies in Berlin and Brandenburg: An Analysis of the Adaptation of Water Supply to Regional Challenges (M.Sc.)

  Zijuan Zeng

Conflicts and Barriers around Large Scale Solar Power Plant Implementation (B.Sc.)

  Jana Jansen

Collaborating Crafts for Carbon Cut: Understanding the Role of Craft Guilds in the Sustainability Transformation (M.Sc.)

  Fynn Lüking

Costs of flood protection measures / Kosten von Hochwasserschutzmaßnahmen (B.Sc.)

  Isaac Sserwanga

Modelling trends of climate change: Impacts of wildfires and distribution of vulnerable species (M.Sc.)

  Raphael Gutwein

Policy Change Processes in Fisheries Management - The Role of Delays in Policy Learning in Complex Social-Ecological Systems (M.Sc.)

  Nadja Bates

A novel burden-sharing approach: allocating responsibility for carbon dioxide removal to the Carbon Majors (M.Sc.)

  Marius Schuster

Intermediation in Policy Translation and Assemblage: From Piecemeal Solutions to a Systemic Retrofit of Berlin’s Drainage Infrastructure (M.Sc.)

  Vera Plümer

German Leaders and Laggards in Urban Climate Governance (M.Sc.)

  Leonie Stumpf

Livelihoods of Small-Scale Fishers in Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica (M.Sc.)

  Marlen Laudien


Agricultural drought vulnerability in Brandenburg - A composite index assessment (M.Sc.)

  Maximilian Wolff


Climate policy-induced asset stranding in the coal power sector and policies implemented by central banks (M.Sc.)

  Katja Buchmiller


Calibrating the Climate Change Game KEEP COOL with Agent-Based Model (M.Sc.)

  Jonathan Opitz


Climate cooperation among cities - Heterogeneity in a simulated game theoretical model (M.Sc.)

  Salome Schafroth


Zusammenhang zwischen den wirtschaftlichen Voraussetzungen und den politischen Anforderungen an den kommunalen Klimaschutz (B.Sc.)

  Jonas Vogel


Urban Climate Mitigation Planning (M.Sc.)

  Mohamedarif Mohamediqbal Patel


A qualitive comparative analysis of urban climate action in the global south: A case of Indian cities (M.Sc., second supervisor)


John Anderson

Urban Climate Action: drivers of climate change mitigation policy in French and Spanish cities (M.Sc)


Lukas Berger

Climate Policy, Health Policy and Age – A multidimensional political economy analysis (M.Sc)

  Ece Caliskan Drivers of climate policies: A machine learning approach (M.Sc., second supervisor)
  Jan Fjornes

Urban mitigation paths of CDP cities - A Qualitative Comparative Analysis (M.Sc.)


Rebecca Freitag

How Media Frames of a Carbon Tax in German Daily Newspapers Have Contributed to its Acceptability (M.Sc.)


Carlotta Krone-Danhier


KEEP COOL Mobile and Urban Climate Action – Comparing Real-Life and In-Game Action Situations (M.Sc.)


Maria Okumura


Consumer eyes on greenwashing: a quantitative study on greenwashing perception and its effects and drivers (M.Sc.)

  Sophie Reinbold

Exploring barriers and opportunities for international environmental
monitoring and reporting: the case of soil organic carbon in Kyrgyzstan (M.Sc.)


Nele Schäfer

Outcomes of climate change litigation: an international empirical analysis (M.Sc.)


Valerie Kwan

Governing local climate action: Leadership, coordination
and cooperation for mitigation and adaptation in
smaller German municipalities (M.Sc.)


Lindsay Graham

Perceptions and Climate Adaptation: Case Study of Agroecology in Crete (M.Sc.)


Magdalena Bauer

A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of local climate action across municipalities in Southern and Eastern Europe (M.Sc.)


Annelie Gütte

The Role of Relational and Cognitive Social Capital in Environmental Collective Action (M.Sc.)


Finn-Rasmus Hingst

Barriers to urban climate change adaptation planning – Applying fuzzyset QCA to identify constraining conditions to climate change adaptation for cities in Germany (M.Sc.)

  Michael Claussner European Renewable Energy Portfolios: Mitigating Weather Risks through Diversification (M.Sc.)
  Lara Wähling

The impact of Market Power and Fossil Fuel Emission Intensities on the Choice between Demand- and Supply-side Climate Policies (M.Sc.)

  Miira Koltermann

Spielen für den Klimaschutz - Eine Vergleichsstudie von Varianten des Klimaspiels KEEP COOL (M.Sc.)

  Sebastian Ott

Climate Change and Financial Archetypes: How climate change transition risks are redistributed through divestments, share buybacks, and bankruptca proceedings (M.Sc.)

  Yanhua Shi

The Transformative Role of Information and Knowledge governance on Climate Change Adaptation: a Systematic Review (M.Sc.)

  Marcos Paulo Pedrosa Alves

Modeling the impacts of grazing on grass yields and soil carbon stocks: A machine learning approach (M.Sc.) *

  Raquel Gonzaga de Oliveira

Corporate Sustainability Commitments: What is the Missing Link to transform Commitments into Action and end Soy supply chain driven Deforestation in Brazil? (M.Sc.) *

  Quian Che

Strategic Inter-fossil Fuel effects of Climate Policies: a Game-theoretic Analysis (M.Sc.)

  Philipp Schadt

Exploring Urban Climate Action: Eine Faktorenanalyse (B.Sc.)

  Karli Moore

Cost Effectiveness of Greenhouse Gas Reductions through Afforestation of Agricultural Land in the Arkansas Delta (M.Sc.) *

  Antonia Schuster Socio-metabolic class theory and statistical analysis of German population survey data. An interdisciplinary approach of assessing socio metabolic classes on the German society and the inherent role of different types of capital on carbon emissions (M.Sc.) *
  Minseong Jeong The sum is greater than its parts:
theoretical evidence for renewable targets in federal systems (M.Sc.)
  Joseph MacPherson Transboundary spillovers of climate change adaption measures: a systematic review (M.Sc.)
  Julia Epp

Mapping and Explaining the Emergence and Effectiveness of Climate Cooperative Initiatives

  Hauke Ebert

The role of power structures for a social-ecological transformation

  Lea Fink

What drives firms to successfully cooperate on climate change? – An institutional analysis of the Science Based Targets Initiative

  Nicole Möller

Trade Unions' Participation in International Networks for Energy Democracy and Climate Change Mitigation

  Michela Cannovale-Palermo

Institutional barriers to climate change adaptation during Expo 2015, Milan (M.Sc.)

  Nike Arning Linking Land Access and Collective Irrigation Management (M.Sc.)
  Francis Leonard Beeson

The Political Economy of the Environment and Resources (M.Sc.)

  Sam Oxenaar Government-fossil fuel industry interdependencies. Mapping financial and organizational interdependencies between the Dutch government and the fossil fuel industry (M.Sc.)
  Anastasia Gotgelf Opportunities for water governance adaptation to climate change (M.Sc.)
  Diego Calderon The role of property rights in solving externalities: A case study on armed conflict and gold mining in Colombia's Pacific region (M.Sc.) *
  Verena Maas Observing responsible food consumption in families living in Ecuador. Getting closer to food sovereignty with civil action?(M.Sc.) *
  Manuel Arredondo Ecological design in the Mexican rainforest under uncertainty and surprise: A case study of the Flor de Marqués Ejido as a public experiment according to Gross (2010) (M.Sc.) *
  Isabelle Riebow Adaptive co-management of wild horses in Kosciuszko National Park, Australia: Defining the policy problems (M.Sc.) *

Maren Birkenstock


Jonathan Barth



* Extern First Supervisor