Julian Sagebiel
Julian Sagebiel Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät Department für Agrarökonomie Fachgebiet Ökonomik ländlicher Genossenschaften Luisenstraße 53 D-10099 Berlin |
Tel: | +49-30-2093-6547 |
Fax: | +49-30-2093-6501 |
Email: | julian.sagebiel (at) hu-berlin.de |
- Mikroökonometrie
- Nachfrageanalyse
- Diskrete Entscheidungsmodelle
- Bewertung nicht gehandelter Güter
Akademische Laufbahn (Download CV)
Seit 10/2017 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Fachgebiet Landschaftsökonomie im Insitut für Landschaftsarchitektur und Umweltplanung der Technischen Universität Berlin |
04/2013- 10/2017 |
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung (IÖW), Berlin |
11/2011- 03/2017 |
Doktorand im Forschungsprojekt "MEGACITIES 2 - Climate and Energy in a Complex Transition Process towards Sustainable Hyderabad - Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies by Changing Institutions, Governance Structures, Lifestyles and Consumption Patterns" |
01/2009 - 06/2013 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Forschungsprojekt "MEGACITIES 2 - Climate and Energy in a Complex Transition Process towards Sustainable Hyderabad - Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies by Changing Institutions, Governance Structures, Lifestyles and Consumption Patterns" |
Akademischer Hintergrund
09/2003-09/2008 | Studium der Internationalen Wirtschaft an der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg Abschluss als Diplom-Volkswirt Diplomarbeit: "Motivational Structure of Altruism under Efficiency Conditions" |
07/2006-12/2006 | Studium der Internationalen Wirtschaft an der Macquarie University Sydney, Australia (DAAD Full Grand) |
04/2005-07/2006 | Studentische Hilfskraft am Fachgebiet "Wirtschaftspolitik" (Prof. Weimann), Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg |
Stipendien und Auszeichnungen
07/2006-12/2006 | Stipendium des "Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdiensts" (DAAD) für Studium an der Macquarie University Sydney, Australia (1 Semester) |
2016 | Raiffeisen - Schulze-Delitzsch-Förderpreis 2016 (Dissertation) |
Rommel, K.; Sagebiel, J. (2017). Preferences for micro-cogeneration in Germany: Policy implications for grid expansion from a discrete choice experiment. Applied Energy 206, 612-622.
Müller, M.; Hanisch, M.; Malvido, A.; Rommel, J.; Sagebiel, J. (2017). The Structural Effect of Cooperatives on Price Volatility in the European Dairy Sector. Applied Economics Letters, in press. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13504851.2017.1346358
Ghosh, R.; Goyal, Y.; Rommel, J.; Sagebiel, J. (2017). Are small firms willing to pay for improved power supply? Evidence from a contingent valuation study in India. Energy Policy 109, 659-665.
Stamm, J.; Dittrich, A.; Spänhoff, B.; Berendonk, T.; Bilinski, W.; Branß, T.; Ettmer, B.; Haase, U.; Hirschfeld, J.; Lindow, M.; Mietz, S.; Müller, N.; Orlik, S.; Richter, L.; Sagebiel, J.; Stengert, M.; Stratmann, L.; Seidel, M.; Worischka, S.; Lüderitz, V. (2017). Lösungen für ein regionales ökologisches Hochwasserrisikomanagement und eine naturnahe Gewässerentwicklung. Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft KW 4/2017, 229-237.
Sagebiel, J. (2017). Valuing improvements in electricity supply using discrete choice experiments: Preferences of private households in India and Germany. Dissertation. edoc Server der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Sagebiel, J.; Glenk, K.; Meyerhoff, J. (2017). Spatially Explicit Demand for Afforestation. Forest Policy and Economics 78, 190-199.
Sagebiel, J. (2017). Preference Heterogeneity in Energy Discrete Choice Experiments: A Review on Methods for Model Selection. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 96, 804-811.
Kimmich, Ch.; Sagebiel, J. (2016). Empowering irrigation: A game-theoretic approach to electricity utilization in Indian agriculture. Utilities Policy 43, 174-185.
Hirschfeld, J.; Weller, P.; Sagebiel, J.; Elsasser, P. (2016). Ökonomische Bewertung von Ökosystemleistungen der Landnutzung In: Fick, Johanna; Gömann, Horst (Hg.): Wechselwirkungen zwischen Landnutzung und Klimawandel. Springer, Heidelberg (im Erscheinen).
Rommel, J.; Sagebiel, J.; Müller, J. R. (2016). Quality Uncertainty and the Market for Renewable Energy: Evidence from German Consumers. Renewable Energy 94, 106-113.
Sagebiel, J.; Schwartz, C.; Rhozyel, M.; Rajmis, S.; Hirschfeld, J. (2016). Economic Valuation of Baltic Marine Ecosystem Services: Blind Spots and Limited Consistency. ICES Journal of Marine Sciences 73(4), 991-1003.
Müller, J. R.; Sagebiel, J. (2015). Machen Genossenschaften Ökostrom wertvoller? Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinnützige Unternehmen 38(2-3), pp. 226-237.
Sagebiel, J.; Kimmich, Ch.; Müller, M.; Hanisch, M.; Gilani, V. (2015). Enhancing Energy Efficiency in Irrigation: A Socio-Technical Approach in South India. SpringerBrief in Environmental Sciences. Springer, Dordrecht
Sagebiel, J.; Glenk, K.; Meyerhoff, J. (2015). A simple method to account for spatially-different preferences in discrete choice experiments. Paper presented at the 150th EAAE Seminar: The spatial dimension in analysing the linkages between agriculture, rural development and the environment, October 22–23, 2015 in Edinburgh, UK.
Gebauer, J.; Sagebiel, J. (2015). Wie wichtig ist Wachstum für KMU? Ergebnisse einer Befragung von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen. Schriftenreihe des IÖW 208/15.
Sagebiel, J.; Glenk, K.; Meyerhoff, J. (2015). Does the place of residence affect land use preferences? Evidence from a discrete choice experiment in Germany. Paper presented at the Workshop on Non-Market Valuation 2015, June 22–23, 2015 in Nancy, France.
Weller, P.; Sagebiel, J.; Jacobsen, J.B.; Meyerhoff, J. (2015). Do varying attributes in a discrete choice experiment form a context influencing people’s willingness to pay? Paper presented at the International Choice Modelling Conference 2015, May 10–14, 2015 in Austin, USA.
Magliocca, N. R.; van Vliet, J.; Brown, C.; Evans, T. P.; Houet, T.; Messerli, P.; Nicholas, K. A.; Ornetsmüller, Ch.; Sagebiel, J.; Schweizer, V.; Verburg, P. H.; Yu, Q. (2015). From meta-studies to modeling: Using synthesis knowledge to build broadly applicable process-based land change models. Environmental Modelling & Software 72, pp. 10-20.
Sagebiel, J.; Kimmich, Ch. (2014). Building local capacities to improve the quality of electricity for agriculture and to enhance energy efficiency. In: Mahrin, B. (ed.), Capacity Development: Capacity Development Approaches for Future Megacities, Jovis Verlag, Berlin, pp.38-46.
Sagebiel, J.; Rommel, K. (2014). Preferences for electricity supply attributes in emerging megacities - Policy implications from a discrete choice experiment of private households in Hyderabad, India. Energy for Sustainable Development 21, pp. 89-99.
Sagebiel, J.; Müller, J.R.; Rommel, J. (2014). Are consumers willing to pay more for electricity from cooperatives? Results from an online Choice Experiment in Germany. Energy Research and Social Sciences 2, pp. 90-101.
Petschow, U.; Hirschfeld, J.; Sagebiel, J. (2014). Ökosystemleistungen - Einführung in das Schwerpunktthema. Ökologisches Wirtschaften 29(2), pp. 14-15.
Hirschfeld, J.; Sagebiel, J. (2014). Äpfel, Birnen und Biodiversität. Ökologisches Wirtschaften 29(2), pp. 25-26.
Sagebiel, J.; Kohler, F.; Rommel, J.; Goyal, V. (2013). Governance of Solar Photovoltaic Off-Grid Technologies in Rural Andhra Pradesh: Some implications from the field. In: Eltrop, L.; Fahl, U.; Telsnig, T. (eds.), Energy and Sun: Sustainable Energy Solutions for Future Megacities, Jovis Verlag, Berlin, pp. 27-36.
Kimmich, Ch.; Sagebiel, J. (2013). Peri-Urban Linkages: Improving Energy Efficiency in Irrigation to Enable Sustainable Urban Transition. In: Eltrop, L.; Fahl, U.; Telsnig, T. (eds.), Energy and Sun: Sustainable Energy Solutions for Future Megacities, Jovis Verlag, Berlin, pp. 37-46.
Sagebiel. J.; Rommel, J. (2013). Analysing Consumer Preferences: Implications for Energy Policy in Andhra Pradesh. Sustainable Hyderabad Policy Brief Discussion Series No 8, Humboldt University zu Berlin, Berlin.
Kimmich, Ch.; Janetschek, H.; Meyer-Ohlendorf, L.; Meyer-Ueding, J.; Sagebiel, J.; Reusswig, F.; Rommel, K.; Hanisch, M. (2012). Methods for Stakeholder Analysis: Exploring actor constellations in transition and change processes towards sustainable resource use and the case of Hyderabad, India. Emerging megacities 1/2009. Europäischer Hochschulverlag, Bremen.
Sagebiel, J.; Hanisch, M. (2012). Implementing Cooperative and Technical Solutions to Increase Energy Efficiency in Irrigation. Future Megacities Action Brief AB 6, German Federal Ministry for Education and Research, Berlin.
Hanisch, M.; Müller, M.; Rommel, J.; Sagebiel, J.; Karikallio, H.; Pakarinen, S.; Pyykkönen, P. (2012). The Coop Effect on Price Stabilization in the Dairy Sector. Sector Report. Project: Support for Farmers' Cooperatives. Contract Number: 30-CE-0395921/00-42. (retrievable from http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/external-studies/support-farmers-coop_en.htm)
Boevsky, I.; Hanisch, M.; Sagebiel. J. (2012). The Role of Post-Socialist Production Cooperatives in Bulgaria. Sectoral Case Study Report. Project: Support for Farmers' Cooperatives. Contract Number: 30-CE-0395921/00-42. (retrievable from http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/external-studies/support-farmers-coop_en.htm)
Hanisch, M.; Sagebiel. J. (2012). The Role of Post-Socialist Production Cooperatives in East Germany. Sectoral Case Study Report. Project: Support for Farmers' Cooperatives. Contract Number: 30-CE-0395921/00-42. (retrievable from http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/external-studies/support-farmers-coop_en.htm)
Müller, J.; Rommel, J.; Sagebiel, J. (2011). Are Consumers Willing to Pay More for Electricity from Cooperatives? Preliminary Results from an Online Choice Experiment. Paper presented at the International Conference ‘Cooperative Responses to Global Challenges’ Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 21–23 March 2012, Berlin, Germany.
Rommel, K.; Sagebiel, J. (2011). Nachhaltige Entwicklung von Megacities am Beispiel Südindien: Was können Einspeisetarife dazu beitragen. In: Servatius, H.; Schneidewind, U; Rohlfing, D. (eds.): Smart Energy: Wandel zu einem nachhaltigen Energiesystem, pp. 431–451, Springer, Dordrecht.
Rommel, K.; Sagebiel, J. (2011). Can consumer preferences help to design Feed In Tariffs: An Investigation from a Choice Experiment in India. Paper presented at the International Conference of the IAEE, June 19–23, 2011 Stockholm, Sweden.
Sagebiel, J. (2011). Comparing the Latent Class Model with the Random Parameters Logit: A Choice Experiment Analysis of Highly Heterogeneous Electricity Consumers in Hyderabad, India. Paper presented at the International Choice Modelling Conference 2011, July 04–06, 2011 in Leeds, UK.
Sagebiel, J. (2011). Consumer Preferences for Improvements of Power Supply Quality: Results from a Choice Experiment in Hyderabad, India. In: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (ed.): Conference Proceedings "Future Megacities in Balance", Young Researchers' Symposium, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Vol. 66. October 9–10, 2010, Essen.
Rommel, K.; Sagebiel, J. (2011). De-central Power Generation as Suitable Supplement to Urban Power Distribution Systems: Results from a Consumer Behaviour analysis in Hyderabad. Paper presented at the 13th Biennial Conference of the IASC from January 10–14, Hyderabad, India.
Hanisch, M.; Kimmich, Ch.; Rommel, J.; Sagebiel, J. (2010). Coping with Power Scarcity in an Emerging Megacity: A Consumers’ Perspective from Hyderabad. International Journal of Global Energy Issues 33(3/4), pp. 189–204.
Rommel, K.; Sagebiel, J.; Hanisch, M.; Werthmann, Ch. (2010). Energy Consumption Patterns and Preferences of Private Households: Results from Two Surveys in Hyderabad. Sustainable Hyderabad Deliverable 8/2010. (retrievable from http://www.sustainable-hyderabad.de/New_publications/projectreports.html)
Rommel, K.; Hanisch, M.; Deb, K.; Sagebiel. J. (2010). Consumer Preferences for Improvements of Power Supply Quality: Results from a Choice Experiment in Hyderabad, India and Implications for Energy Policy. Paper presented at the European Conference of the IAEE, August 25–28, 2010 in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Hanisch, M.; Meyer-Ueding, J.; Sagebiel, J. (2009). In Search of Low-Emission Pathways: Document and Stakeholder Analysis on Kirana Retailers and Energy Consumers and Background Study on Kirana Retailers. Sustainable Hyderabad Deliverable 15/2009.