Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Internationaler Agrarhandel und Entwicklung

Summer School Sudan 2021

Agricultural and Food Economics, Simulation Modelling and Policy Analysis


The summer school is carried out by the International Agricultural Trade and Development Group at Humboldt-University of Berlin. The three-week program from 12.09.2021 to 30.09.2021, comprises methods of agricultural and food policy analysis with a focus on simulation models. It consists of three one-week workshops:


Besides the workshops, the speakers of summer school offer the following four public lectures:

Lecture 1:

16.09.2021 - Contemporary challenges to the economy and agriculture in Sudan: what can economy-wide models contribute? (PD. Dr. Khalid Siddig)

Lecture 2:    

20.09.2021 - To vocationalize or not to vocationalize? Impacts of agricultural vocational education and training in Sudan (Zuhal Elnour)

Lecture 3:    

23.09.2021 - Economics of Nile river basin management: competition or cooperation? (Dr. Jonas Luckmann)

Lecture 4:

30.09.2021 - Can scientific policy advice contribute to practical agricultural and food policy design? Experiences from Germany (Prof. Dr. Harald Grethe)


For more information, please refer to this website or the summer school flyers (short or long).

For application to participate in the summer school and/or any related questions, please email to and copy to Please note that the application deadline is 15.08.2021.




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