Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Internationaler Agrarhandel und Entwicklung

Publications / Veröffentlichungen

2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014

2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004



Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals

Luckmann, J. (2024): Editorial Note. Water Economics and Policy 10 (1): 2101004 (8 pages). DOI:

Muder, A., J. Luckmann and J.C. Schmid (2024): Large-scale agricultural investments and local food security – Evidence from a mixed-method case study in Benin. Food Security (2024). DOI:

Zöllmer, J. and H. Grethe (2024): Enabling free movement but restricting domestic policy space? The price of mutual recognition. European Policy Analysis 10 (3): 380-411. DOI:


Other publications

Grethe, H. (2024): Die Chance für eine bessere Agrarpolitik nutzen. Interview der Woche, AGRA Europe, Nr. 4, 26. Januar 2024 (pdf).




Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals

Abay, K.A., L. Abdelfattah, C. Breisinger and K. Siddig (2023): Evaluating cereal market (dis)integration in less developed and fragile markets: The case of Sudan. Food Policy 114.

Abay, K.A., C. Breisinger, J. Glauber, S. Kurdi, D. Laborde and K. Siddig (2023): The Russia-Ukraine war: Implications for global and regional food security and potential policy responses. Global Food Security 36 (2023).

Basheer, M., V. Nechifor, A. Calzadilla, S. Gebrechorkos, D. Pritchard, N. Forsythe, J.M. Gonzalez, J. Sheffield, H.J. Fowler and J.J. Harou (2023): Cooperative adaptive management of the Nile River with climate and socio-economic uncertainties. Nature Climate Change 13: 48-57. DOI:

Elnour, Z., H. Grethe, K. Siddig and S. Munga (2023): Malaria control and elimination in Kenya: economy-wide benefits and regional disparities. Malaria Journal 22 (2023): 1-19. DOI:

Elshennawy, A. and K. Siddig (2023): Terrorism and inbound tourism in Egypt: Economy-wide and distributional impacts. Review of Development Economics (March 10, 2023): 1910-1933. DOI:

Feuerbacher, A. and J. Luckmann (2023): Labour-saving technologies in smallholder agriculture: An economy-wide model with field operations. The Australian Journal of Resource and Agricultural Economics 67 (1): 56-82. DOI:

Kinkpe, A.T., J. Luckmann and H. Grethe (2023): Welfare effects of food-processing development in agriculture-based economies: a CGE analysis for Benin. Applied Economics. DOI:

Nowack, W., T.R. Popp, J.C. Schmid and H. Grethe (2023): Does agricultural structural change lead to a weakening of the sector’s social functions? – A case study from north-west Germany. Journal of Rural Studies 100 (May 2023). DOI:

Thom, F., A. Gocht and H. Grethe (2023): EU agriculture under an import stop for food and feed.  The World Economy. DOI:

Wittern, J., J. Luckmann and H. Grethe (2023): Cashew processing in Ghana – A case for infant industry support? Food Policy 119 (Aug. 2023). DOI: (open access).


Other publications

Abdul-Jalil, S., A.T. Kinkpe, Z. Elnour. H. Grethe, C.S. Aballo, C.C. Acakpo, B.O.K. Gado, E.F. Hounnou, J. Luckmann, F. Thom, M.D. Toure, F. Vlavonou, J. Volkholz et T.V. Yorou (2023): Impacts du changement climatique sur l'agriculture et l’ensemble de l’économie du Bénin avec différentiation des Pôles de Développement Agricole (PDA). International Agricultural Trade and Development Group, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany. (pdf)

Abdul-Jalil, S., A.T. Kinkpe, Z. Elnour. H. Grethe, C.S. Aballo, C.C. Acakpo, B.O.K. Gado, E.F. Hounnou, J. Luckmann, F. Thom, M.D. Toure, F. Vlavonou, J. Volkholz and T. V. Yorou (2023): Climate change impacts across agroecological zones on agriculture in Benin: an economy-wide analysis. International Agricultural Trade and Development Group, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany. (pdf)

Elnour, Z., H. Grethe, M. Guyo, S. Kakungu, A. Orango, S. Abdul-Jalil, M. Bar, M. Gachukia, A.T. Kinkpe, B. Loktari, J. Luckmann, S. Maingi, P. Mwangi, M.W.O. Omolo, F. Thom and J. Volkholz (2023): Climate change impacts across agroecological zones on agriculture in Kenya: an economy-wide analysis. International Agricultural Trade and Development Group, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany. (pdf)

Grethe, H. (2023): Von wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis zur Entscheidung in der Agrar- und Ernährungspolitik – Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten. KTBL (2023) (Ed.):  Bewerten und Entscheiden in der Landwirtschaft: 173-175.

Grethe, H. and C. Chemnitz (2023): The EU's Common Agricultural Policy from 2028 onwards: Impulse Paper on the Design of the EU Framework. (pdf)

Grethe, H. und C. Chemnitz (2023): Die Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik der EU ab 2028: Impulspapier zur Ausgestaltung des EU-Rahmens. (pdf)

Grethe, H. (2023): Von wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis zur Entscheidung in der Agrar- und Ernährungspolitik – Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten. KTBL (2023) (Ed.):  Bewerten und Entscheiden in der Landwirtschaft: 173-175.

Hounnou, E.F., A.T. Kinkpe, Z. Elnour, H. Grethe, S. Abdul-Jalil, C.C. Acakpo, P. Antonio, E. Couthon-Kinsou, M. Davakan, J. Luckmann, F. Thom, M.D. Toure, J.Y. Koto, K.A. Yergo et E. Zinsou (2023): Effets de la subvention des engrais sur l'agriculture et le bien-être des ménages au Bénin. International Agricultural Trade and Development Group, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany. (pdf)

Hounnou, E.F., A.T. Kinkpe, Z. Elnour, H. Grethe, S. Abdul-Jalil, C.C. Acakpo, P. Antonio, E. Couthon-Kinsou, M. Davakan, J. Luckmann, F. Thom, M.D. Toure, J.Y. Koto, K.A. Yergo and E. Zinsou (2023): Effects of fertilizer policy on agriculture and household welfare in Benin. International Agricultural Trade and Development Group, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany. (pdf)

Kinkpe, A.T., H. Grethe, S. Abdul-Jalil, P. Antonio, A.A. O. Ayedoun, E. Counthon-Kinsou, M. Davakan, Z. Elnour, E.F. Hounnou, J. Luckmann, F. Thom et E. Zinsou (2023): Effets de l’augmentation des prix mondiaux des engrais et des produits vivriers sur l'agriculture, le bien-être des ménages et l'ensemble de l’économie au Bénin. International Agricultural Trade and Development Group, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany. (pdf)

Kinkpe, A.T., H. Grethe,S. Abdul-Jalil, P. Antonio, A.A. O. Ayedoun, E. Counthon-Kinsou, M. Davakan, Z. Elnour, E.F. Hounnou, J. Luckmann, F. Thom and E. Zinsou (2023): Effects of high global prices of fertilizer and food on agriculture, household welfare and the economy as a whole in Benin. International Agricultural Trade and Development Group, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany. (pdf)

Kinkpe, A.T., Z. Elnour, H. Grethe, M. Gachukia, S. Mailu, M. Mugure, S. Abdul-Jalil, S. Kakungu, B. Loktari, J. Luckmann, M. Murunga, M.W.O. Omolo and F. Thom (2023): Effects of high global prices of fertilizer and staple foods on the Kenyan economy and household welfare. International Agricultural Trade and Development Group, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany. (pdf)

Luckmann, J. und O. Luckmann (2023): Aussetzung der Mindestflächenstilllegung in der EU: Auswirkungen auf globale Getreidemärkte. Ländlicher Raum 01/2023 - Agrarsoziale Gesellschaft e.V.

Luckmann, J., A.T. Kinkpe, Z. Elnour, H. Grethe, C.S. Aballo, S. Abdul-Jalil, A.A. O. Ayedoun, E. Covi, B.O.K. Gado, F.A. Gnikpo, E.F. Hounnou, G. Ounde, O.A.C. Sedegnan, F. Thom, F. Vlavonou et F.T.V. Yorou (2023): Impacts d'une augmentation des terres agricoles irriguées sur l'économie béninoise. International Agricultural Trade and Development Group, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany. (pdf)

Luckmann, J., A.T. Kinkpe, Z. Elnour, H. Grethe, C.S. Aballo, S. Abdul-Jalil, A.A. O. Ayedoun, E. Covi, B.O.K. Gado, F.A. Gnikpo, E.F. Hounnou, G. Ounde, O.A.C. Sedegnan, F. Thom, F. Vlavonou and F.T.V. Yorou (2023): Impacts of an increase in irrigated agricultural land on the Beninese economy. International Agricultural Trade and Development Group, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany. (pdf)

Luckmann, L., Z. Elnour, H. Grethe, S. Mailu, B. Maina, S. Maingi, S. Abdul-Jalil, A.T. Kinkpe, M.W.O. Omolo and F. Thom (2023): Impacts of an increase in irrigated agricultural land on the Kenyan economy. International Agricultural Trade and Development Group, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany. (pdf)

Omolo, M.W.O., Z. Elnour, H. Grethe, A.T. Kinkpe, K.K. Boss, M. Guyo, B. Maina,  A. Orango, S. Abdul-Jalil, J. Luckmann and F. Thom (2023): Effect of a fertilizer subsidy on the agricultural sector and household welfare in Kenya. International Agricultural Trade and Development Group, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany. (pdf)

Thom, F., A.T. Kinkpe, H. Grethe, S. Abdul-Jalil, E. Covi, Z. Elnour, F.A. Gnikpo, E.F. Hounnou, J. Luckmann, G. Ounde, O.A.C. Sedegnan, J.Y. Koto et K. A. Yergo (2023): Mutation de préférence en faveur des produits nationaux au Bénin. International Agricultural Trade and Development Group, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany. (pdf)

Thom, F., A.T. Kinkpe, H. Grethe, S. Abdul-Jalil, E. Covi, Z. Elnour, F.A. Gnikpo, E.F. Hounnou, J. Luckmann, G. Ounde, O.A.C. Sedegnan, J.Y. Koto, K. A. Yergo (2023): Preference shift towards domestic products in Benin. International Agricultural Trade and Development Group, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany. (pdf)

Thom, F., Z. Elnour, K. Boss, M. Mugure, S. Njogu, S. Abdul-Jalil, H. Grethe, A.T. Kinkpe, J. Luckmann and M.W.O. Omolo (2023): Effects of a tariff and a preference shift towards domestically produced maize in Kenya. International Agricultural Trade and Development Group, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany. (pdf)



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Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals

Agbahey, J., K. Siddig, H. Grethe and J. Luckmann (2022): Trade policy in a sovereign Palestinian State: What are the options in a final settlement? The World Economy, 00: 1-25. DOI:

Brettin, S. und W. Nowack (2022): Mit Corporate Social Responsibility die Transformation der Landwirtschaft vorantreiben? GAiA 31 (4): 202-206. (Link)

Luckmann, J. (2022): Editorial. Water Economics and Policy 7 (4): 2101004 (8 pages). doi: 10.1142/S2382624X21010049.

Stepanyan, D., G. Zimmermann and H. Grethe (2022): Stochastic simulation with informed rotations of Gaussian quadratures. Economic Systems Research 35 (1): 30-48.


Other publications

Chemnitz, C. und H. Grethe (2022): Agora Agrar: "Wir wollen keine Papiere für die Schublade schreiben". Interview in topagrar online, 19.05.2022. (pdf)

Elnour, Z., K. Siddig and H. Grethe (2022): A 2019 Social Accounting Matrix for Kenya Including Malaria Epidemiological and Agroecological Zones. Working Paper 103.

Elshof, G., J. Luckmann and K. Siddig (2022): A 2018 Social Accounting Matrix for Germany depicting waste and recycling accounts for a circular economy. Working Paper No. 102. Department of Agricultural Economics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Grethe, H. (2022): Grethe sieht Umbau der Tierhaltung am Scheideweg. Interview in Agra-Europe 18/22, Länderberichte: 1-4. (Link)

Grethe, H. (2022): Bruchstücke einer Strategie. Interview in DIE ZEIT 21/2022, Wirtschaft: 27. (Link)

Grethe, H., P. Feindt, S. Hackfort, D. Mithöfer, M. Odening, M. Ritter and K. Siddig (2022) (eds.): Transformationsprozesse im Agrar- und Ernährungssystem: Herausforderungen für die Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften. Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V., Band 57. Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH, Münster.

Grethe, H. (2022): Wir müssen viel weniger Fleisch und Milchprodukte produzieren und essen. Interview in Der Spiegel, online 28.8.2022. (Link)

Grethe, H. (2022): Nasse Moore – ein Megaprojekt unserer Zeit. Gastbeitrag in top agrar, 10/2022: 48-51. (Link)

Grethe, H. (2022): Alle müssen mitziehen – Wiedervernässung von Mooren. bioland, September 2022: 20-21 (gekürzte top agrar Version). (Link)

Kinkpe, A.T., J. Luckmann, H. Grethe and K. Siddig (2022): A 2019 Social Accounting Matrix for Benin with Detailed Representation of Agriculture and Food Processing Sectors. Working Paper No. 101. Department of Agricultural Economics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Luckmann, J., C. Chemnitz and O. Luckmann (2022): Auswirkungen einer Änderung der Flächenstilllegung in der EU auf den globalen Getreidemarkt. Schriften zur Ökologie, Heinrich Böll Foundation.


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Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals

Agbahey, J., K. Siddig and H. Grethe (2021): Economy-wide effects of cross-border labor mobility: The case of Palestinian employment in Israel. Journal of Policy Modeling 43 (5): 964-981.

Basheer, M., V. Nechifor, A. Calzadilla, K. Siddig, M. Etichia, D. Whittington, D. Hulme and J.J. Harou (2021): Collaborative management of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam increases economic benefits and resilience. Nature Communications 12 (5622). DOI: (Link).

Feuerbacher, A.,  A. Rai, H. Lofgren, K. Sander and H. Grethe (2021): Policies to reconcile forest conservation and rural development: A pathway to bridge the forest transition in Bhutan? Land Use Policy 109: 105647. DOI

Gocht, A., N. Consmüller, F. Thom and H. Grethe (2021): Economic and environmental consequences of the ECJ Genome Editing Judgment in Agriculture. MDPI/Agronomy 2021, 11 (6).

Martinez, J., A. Spiller, B. Renner, L. Voget-Kleschin, H. Grethe, U. Arens-Azevedo, A. Balmann, H.K. Biesalski, R. Birner, W. Bokelmann, M. Gauly, U. Latacz-Lohmann, H. Nieberg, M. Pischetsrieder, M. Qaim, J.C. Schmid, F. Taube und P. Weingarten (2021): Faire Ernährungsumgebungen gestalten. Zeitschrift für das gesamte Lebensmittelrecht (ZLR) 5/2021: 589-614. (Link)

Nowack, W., J.C. Schmid and H. Grethe (2021): Social dimensions of multifunctional agriculture in Europe – towards an interdisciplinary framework (Open Access). International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability (IF2.905), Pub Date: 2021-09-19. DOI:

Siddig, K., M. Basheer and J. Luckmann (2021): Economy-wide assessment of potential long-term impacts of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on Sudan. Water International. (Link).

Starosta, S., J.C. Schmid und A. Bergschmidt (2021): Tierwohl am Schlachthof erfassen. Eine Expertenbefragung zur Identifizierung und Eingrenzung von Schlachthofbefunden. Berichte über Landwirtschaft 99 (1).

Stepanyan, D., H. Grethe, G. Zimmermann, K. Siddig, A. Deppermann, A. Feuerbacher, J.  Luckmann, H. Valin, T. Nishizawa, T. Ermolieva and P. Havlik (2021): Multiple rotations of Gaussian quadratures: An efficient method from uncertainty analyses in large-scale simulation models. Environmental Software & Modeling, 136.


Other Publications

Grethe, H., J. Martinez, B. Osterburg, F. Taube und F. Thom (2021): Klimaschutz im Agrar- und Ernährungssystem Deutschlands: Die drei zentralen Handlungsfelder auf dem Weg zu Klimaneutralität. Gutachten für die Stiftung Kllimaneutralität.

Grethe, H. und H. Hennies (2021): Klimaschutz in der Landwirtschaft umsetzen – Grethe und Hennies im Doppelinterview. Agra-Europe, Nr. 24, Länderberichte: 1-4. (Link)

Grethe, H. (2021): Landwirtschaft, Agrarpolitik und Biodiversität. In: SDSN (Hrsg.): Naturschutzpolitischer Aufbruch jetzt: Für ein Jahrzehnt des naturschutzbasierten Klimaschutzes und der Biodiversitätspolitik. Orientierungspapier Biodiversität für die Koalitionsverhandlungen. Oktober 2021: 15-17.

Grethe, H. und B. Steeb (2021): Lidl fordert die Umsetzung des Borchert-Plans - Der Handel erwartet von der neuen Bundesregierung Bewegung für den Umbau von Tierwohlställen. Lidl-Manager Steeb und Prof. Grethe über Tierwohlfinanzierung, Kennzeichnung und die Rolle des Staates. top agrar online vom 22.11.2021. (Link)

Häger, A. und J.C. Schmid (2021):  Fleischproduktion in Deutschland: Rabiater Strukturwandel. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland, Le Monde Diplomatique (eds.): Fleischatlas 2021.

Kinkpe, T., J. Luckmann and H. Grethe (2021): Improving livelihoods in agriculture-based economies through processing sector development: A CGE analysis on Benin. Presented at the 24th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, 23-25 June 2021, Virtual Conference.

Kirschke, D., A. Häger and J.C. Schmid (2021): New trends and drivers for agricultural land use in Germany. Weith T., T. Barkmann, N. Gaasch, S. Rogga, C. Strauß and J. Zscheischler (eds.): Sustainable Land Management in a European Context. Human-Environment Interactions, Springer, Vol. 8: 39-61. DOI:

Luckmann, J. (2021): Meat waste: a lot less than the whole fog. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Friends of the Earth Europe, Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (eds.): Meat Atlas 2021.

Luckmann, J. (2021): Verschwendung in Deutschland – Viel zu wenig wird vermieden.  Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland, Le Monde Diplomatique (eds.): Fleischatlas 2021.

Marentis, A.G., J. Luckmann und K. Siddig (2021): Social Accounting Matrix for Chile. Working Paper No. 100. Department of Agricultural Economics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Schmid, J.C. (2021): Kulturwandel Fleisch - Verhängnisvolle Symbolik. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland, Le Monde Diplomatique (eds.): Fleischatlas 2021.


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Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals

Agbahey, J., K. Siddig and H. Grethe (2020): Implications of labor supply specifications in CGE models: A demonstration for employment of Palestinian labor in Israel and its impact on the West Bank economy. Economic Analysis and Policy 68: 265-284. DOI:

Agbahey, J., K. Siddig, H. Grethe and S.  McDonald (2020): Labor exports from Palestine to Israel: a boon or bane for the West Bank economy? IZA Journal of Labor Policy 10 (8). DOI:

Feuerbacher, A., S. McDonald, C. Dukpa and H. Grethe (2020): Seasonal rural labor markets and their relevance to policy analyses in developing countries. Food Policy 93. DOI:

Luckmann, J. (2020): Editorial - Volume 6 Issue 2. Water Economics and Policy 6 (2): 2001002 (7 pages). DOI: 10.1142/S2382624X2001002X.

Mosa, A., H. Grethe and K. Siddig (2020): Economy-wide effects of reducing the time spent for water fetching and firewood collection in Ethiopia. Environmental Systems Research 9 (1): 1-18. DOI:

Mosa, A., H. Grethe and K. Siddig (2020): Macroeconomic effects of improving road transport infrastructure in Ethiopia: A computable general equilibrium model analysis. Journal of Economics and International Finance 12 (3): 105-119. DOI:

Popp, T.R. and W. Nowack (2020): Resilience through the Financialisation of Risks? The Case of a Dairy System in Northwest Germany. Sustainability 2020 (12): 6226. (pdf)

Siddig, K., D. Stepanyan, M. Wiebelt, H. Grethe and T. Zhu (2020): Climate change and agriculture in the Sudan: Impact pathways beyond changes in mean rainfall and temperature. Ecological Economics, 169 (106566), March 2020. DOI:

Spiller A., B. Renner, L. Voget-Kleschin, U. Arens-Azevedo, A. Balmann, H.K. Biesalski, R. Birner, W. Bokelmann, O. Christen, M. Gauly,  H. Grethe, U. Latacz-Lohmann, J.  Martínez, H. Nieberg, M. Pischetsrieder, M. Qaim,  J.C. Schmid, F. Taube und P. Weingarten (2020): Promoting sustainability in food consumption: Developing an integrated food policy and creating fair food environments. Berichte über Landwirtschaft, Special Issue 233. DOI:

Spiller A., B. Renner, L. Voget-Kleschin, U. Arens-Azevedo, A. Balmann, H.K. Biesalski, R. Birner, W. Bokelmann, O. Christen, M. Gauly,  H. Grethe, U. Latacz-Lohmann, J.  Martínez, H. Nieberg, M. Pischetsrieder, M. Qaim,  J.C. Schmid, F. Taube und P. Weingarten (2020): Politik für eine nachhaltigere Ernährung. Eine integrierte Ernährungspolitik entwickeln und faire Ernährungsumgebungen gestalten. Berichte über Landwirtschaft, Sonderheft 230. DOI:


Other Publications

Gocht, A., N. Consmüller, F. Thom and H. Grethe (2020): Economic and environmental consequences of the ECJ genome editing judgement in agriculture. Thünen Working Paper no. 150. Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries.

Grethe, H. (2020): Jugendorganisationen bauen Brücken für die Agrarreform. Gastkommentar. topagrar online, 7.12.2020. (pdf)

Grethe, H., J. Luckmann, K. Siddig and T. Kinkpe (2020): Ex-ante Analysis of the “National Investment Plan for Agriculture, Food and Nutritional Security” of Benin - Is the Envisaged Productivity Growth Pro-Poor? Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn und Eschborn, Germany.

Grethe, H., J. Luckmann, K. Siddig and T. Kinkpe (2020): How pro-poor are productivity gains in agriculture? The case of the national agricultural investment plan of Benin. Presented at the 23rd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, 17-19 June 2020. Virtual Conference.

Luckmann, J., K. Siddig and J. Agbahey (2020): Redistributing Water Rights between the West Bank and Israel – More Than a Zero-sum Game? Presented at the 26th Annual Conference of the Economic Research Forum, July 1st 2020. Virtual Conference.

Poganietz, W.R., E. Angenendt, M. Blesl, E. Petig, H.S. Choi and H. Grethe (2020): Zukünfte der Bioökonomie: eine modellbasierte Analyse möglicher Transformationspfade. In: Konrad, W., D. Scheer and A. Weidtmann (eds.): Bioökonomie nachhaltig gestalten. Springer, Berlin: 187-222.


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Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals

Asravor, J., N.A. Wiredu, K. Siddig and E.E. Onumah (2019): Evaluating the Environmental-Technology Gaps of Rice Farms in Distinct Agro-Ecological Zones of Ghana. Sustainability 11 (7): 1-16. DOI:

Choi, H.-S., H. Grethe, S.K. Entenmann, M. Wiesmeth, M. Blesl and M. Wagner (2019): Potential trade‐offs of employing perennial biomass crops for the bioeconomy in the EU by 2050: Impacts on agricultural markets in the EU and the world. Global Change Biology - Bioenergy published by Wiley Online Library. DOI:

Hounnou, F.E., H. Dedehouanou, A. Zannou, J. Agbahey and G. Biaou (2019): Economy-Wide Effects of Climate Change in Benin: An Applied General Equilibrium Analysis. In: Sustainability 2019, 11 (23): 6569. DOI:

Latacz-Lohmann U., A. Balmann, R. Birner, O. Christen, M. Gauly, R. Grajewski, H. Grethe, J. Martínez, H. Nieberg, M. Pischetsrieder, B. Renner, N. Röder, J.C. Schmid, A. Spiller, F. Taube, L. Voget-Kleschin, und P. Weingarten (2019): Designing an effective agri-environment-climate policy as part of the post-2020 EU Common Agricultural Policy. In: Berichte über Landwirtschaft, Special issue 227. DOI:

Latacz-Lohmann U., A. Balmann, R. Birner, O. Christen, M. Gauly, R. Grajewski, H. Grethe, J.  Martínez, H. Nieberg, M. Pischetsrieder, B. Renner, N. Röder, J.C. Schmid, A. Spiller, F. Taube, L. Voget-Kleschin und P. Weingarten (2019): Zur effektiven Gestaltung der Agrarumwelt- und Klimaschutzpolitik im Rahmen der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik der EU. In: Berichte über Landwirtschaft, Sonderheft 227. DOI:

Martínez, J., P. Weingarten, A. Balmann, R. Birner, O. Christen, M. Gauly, H. Grethe, U. Latacz-Lohmann, H. Nieberg, M. Pischetsrieder, B. Renner, J.C. Schmid, A. Spiller, F. Taube und L. Voget-Kleschin (2019): Administrative simplification of the EU Common Agricultural Policy – Possibilities, approaches and constraints. Berichte über Landwirtschaft. Sonderheft 226. DOI:

Martínez, J., P. Weingarten, A. Balmann, R. Birner, O. Christen, M. Gauly, H. Grethe, U. Latacz-Lohmann, H. Nieberg, M. Pischetsrieder, B. Renner, J.C. Schmid, A. Spiller, F. Taube und L. Voget-Kleschin (2019): Möglichkeiten, Ansatzpunkte und Grenzen einer Verwaltungsvereinfachung der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik der EU. In: Berichte über Landwirtschaft. Sonderheft 226. DOI:

Nowack, W. and H. Hoffmann (2019): ‘We are fed up’ – encountering the complex German call for sustainable, small-scale agriculture. In: The Journal of Peasant Studies. DOI:

Nowack, W., J.C. Schmid und H. Grethe (2019): Wachsen oder weichen!? Eine Analyse der agrarstrukturellen Debatte im Kontext der EU-Agrarpolitik nach 2020. In: GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 28 (4): 356–364. (pdf)

Stepanyan, D., H. Grethe and K. Siddig (2019): Comment on "A Monte Carlo filtering application for systematic sensitivity analysis of computable general equilibrium results". In: Economics Bulletin 39 (3): 1925-1929.

Woldie, G. and K. Siddig (2019): Macroeconomic and distributional impacts of exchange rate devaluation in Ethiopia: A computable general equilibrium approach. In: Heliyon 5 (12), December 2019, e02984. DOI:


Other Publications

Ashiabi, N.J. Luckmann and H.  Grethe (2019): When Pastoralists become Farmers: Economy-wide Effects of Sedentarisation. Presented at the 22nd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, 19-21 June 2019, Warsaw, Poland.

El-Shennawy, A. and K. Siddig (2019): Shocks to Inbound Tourism in Egypt:  A Recursive Dynamic Assessment Until 2020. The Egyptian Center for Economic Studies (ECES). Working Paper No. 199, January 2019.

Helmy, I., H. Ghoneim, K. Siddig and C. Richter (2019): Reaping the Harvest of Economic Reforms: The Case of Social Safety Nets in Egypt. The Egyptian Center for Economic Studies (ECES). Working Paper No. 200, February 2019.

Luckmann, J., K. Siddig and J. Agbahey (2019): A new agreement on water access in the West Bank- What is at stake? An economy-wide cross-border-analysis. Presented at the 22nd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, 19-21 June 2019, Warsaw, Poland.

Schmid, J.C. und A. Häger (2019): Strukturwandel in Deutschland. Kleine unter Druck. In: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Bund für Umwelt und Natuschutz Deutschland und Le Monde Diplomatique (Hrsg.): Agrar-Atlas 2019. Berlin. (English version:

Siddig, K., M. Basheer, J. Luckmann and H. Grethe (2019): Long-term economy-wide impacts of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on Sudan. Contributed paper at the 22nd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Warsaw, Poland. Purdue University, West Lafayette.

Stepanyan, D., H. Grethe, G. Zimmermann, K. Siddig, A. Deppermann, A. Feuerbacher, J. Luckmann, H. Valin, T. Nishizawa, T. Ermolieva and P. Havlik (2019): Multiple Rotations of Gaussian Quadratures: An Efficient Method for Uncertainty Analyses in Large-Scale Simulation Models. Presented at the 22nd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Warsaw, Poland.

Thom, F. and H. Grethe (2019): Practice Makes Perfect. The Infant Industry Argument for Protection in a Dynamic CGE Model. Presented at the International Conference on Economic Modeling and Data Science (EcoMod2019), July 10-12, 2019 in Ponta Delgada, Portugal.


… nach oben ^



Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals

Fathelrahman, E., K. Siddig, S. Al-Qaydi and S. Muhammad (2018): Options for maintaining fishery production in the United Arab Emirates due to climate change adaption strategies. In: Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture 30 (1). DOI:

Feuerbacher, A., J. Luckmann, O. Boysen, S. Zikeli and H. Grethe (2018): Is Bhutan destined for 100% organic? Assessing the economy-wide effects of a large-scale conversion policy. In: PLOS ONE, June 13, 2018. DOI:

Grethe, H., U. Arens-Azevedo, A. Balmann, H.K. Biesalski, R. Birner, W. Bokelmann, O. Christen, M. Gauly, U. Knierim, U. Latacz-Lohmann, J. Martínez, H. Nieberg, F. Offermann, M. Pischetsrieder, M. Qaim, B. Renner, J.C. Schmid, A. Spiller, F. Taube, L. Voget-Kleschin and P. Weingarten (2018): For an EU Common Agricultural Policy serving the public good after 2020: Fundamental questions and recommendations. In: Berichte über Landwirtschaft, Special Issue 225. DOI:

Grethe, H., U. Arens-Azevedo, A. Balmann, H.K. Biesalski, R. Birner, W. Bokelmann, O. Christen, M. Gauly, U. Knierim, U. Latacz-Lohmann, J. Martinez, H. Nieberg, F. Offermann, M. Pischetsrieder, M. Qaim, B. Renner, J.C. Schmid, A. Spiller, F. Taube, L. Voget-Kleschin und P. Weingarten (2018): Für eine gemeinwohlorientierte Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik der EU nach 2020: Grundsatzfragen und Empfehlungen. In: Berichte über Landwirtschaft, Sonderheft 225. DOI:

Nketiah-Amponsah, E., N. Ashiabi and M. Abubakari (2018): Effect of Electricity Consumption on Foreign Direct Investment in Selected Sub-Saharan African Countries. In: The Empirical Economics Letters 17 (4) (April 2018).

Puttkammer, J. and H. Grethe (2018): Who with Whom in Biofuel Policy? Coalitions in the Media Discourse on Liquid Biofuels in Germany. In: Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society (GAIA) 27 (2): 235-244.

Wanga, Y., L.Y. Khor and K. Siddig (2018): Socioeconomic Factors Determining Fertilizer Use in China for Different Crops: Same Factors, Different Effects. In: Agronomy Journal 110 (5): 1–7. DOI:


Other Publications

Agbahey, J., K. Siddig and H. Grethe (2018): Labour leisure trade-off meets a mobility function to model cross-border movements of labor between Palestine and Israel. The 21st Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, June 13-15, 2018, Cartagena, Colombia.

Agbahey, J., K. Siddig and H. Grethe (2018): Implications of different factor market conditions in CGE: an application to Palestinian employment in Israel and its impact on the West Bank economy. EcoMod2018, July 4, 2018 - July 6, 2018, Venice, Italy.

Agbahey, J., K. Siddig, H. Grethe and J. Luckmann (2018): Trade policy options to improve Palestine’s food security. Economic Research Forum, Oct. 2018.

Agbahey, J., K. Siddig, H. Grethe and J. Luckmann (2018): Trade Policy in a Sovereign Palestinian State: What are the Options in a Final Settlement? Working Paper Series. Economic Research Forum, Oct. 2018.

Elshennawy, A. and K. Siddig (2018): Terrorism and Inbound Tourism: A General Equilibrium Analysis for Egypt. The 21st Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, June 13-15, 2018, Cartagena, Colombia. EcoMod 2018 July 4, 2018 - July 6, 2018. Venice, Italy.

Feuerbacher, A. and H. Grethe (2018): Implications of the seasonality of labour for rural livelihoods and agricultural supply response. The 21st Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, June 13-15, 2018, Cartagena, Colombia.

Grethe, H. (2018): Die Verschwendung ist ein Skandal. Interview in DIE ZEIT 4/2018.

Grethe, H. (2018): Wie geht es mit den Direktzahlungen weiter? Interview in top agrar 7/2018: 34-36. (pdf)

Grethe, H. (2018): Grethe beklagt fehlenden Mut in der Agrarpolitik. Interview in Agra-Europe 24 (18), Länderberichte: 32-36.

Grethe, H. (2018): "Demonizing global trade" no fix for agri-food emissions. Interview in Clean Energy Wire 27. September 2018.

Grethe, H. und J.C. Schmid (2018): Vom Relikt zum Zukunftsmodell? EU-Agrarpolitik im Wandel. In: politische ökologie 154: 84-91.

Helmy, I., C. Richter, K. Siddig and H. Ghoneim (2018): An Analysis of Social Welfare Programmes in Egypt. EcoMod2018, July 4, 2018 - July 6, 2018, Venice, Italy.

Luckmann J. and D. Stepanyan (2018): Water pricing under climate uncertainty – an economy-wide model considering precipitation stochastics. Presented at the 21st Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Cartagena de Indias, Columbia, June 2018.

Mohammed, Z., K.  Siddig and H. Grethe (2018): Investments in Agricultural Vocational Training in the Sudan: Incorporating Child Labor in Educational CGE models. Annual International Conference on Economic Modeling (EcoMoD 2018), Venice, Italy, July 2018.

Nishizawa, T., A. Feuerbacher, D. Stepanyan and H. Grethe (2018): Bhutan’s Quest for Increased Food Self-sufficiency under Crop Yield Uncertainty: A Stochastic CGE Model Approach. Contributed paper at International Conference on Economic Modeling (EcoMod 2018), Venice, Italy, July 4-6, 2018.

Nowack, W., J.C. Schmid und  H. Grethe (2018): Agrarstruktur Und Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik – Eine Analyse der Deutschen Debatte. Posterbeitrag auf der 58. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus (GEWISOLA), Kiel, 12.-14. September 2018. (Poster)

Siddig, K., S. Elagra, H. Grethe and A. Mubarak (2018): A post-separation Social Accounting Matrix for the Sudan. MENA RP Working Paper 8. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C. and Cairo, Egypt.

Siddig, K., D. Stepanyan, M. Wiebelt, T. Zhu and H. Grethe (2018): Climate change and agriculture in the Sudan: Impact pathways beyond changes in mean rainfall and temperature. MENA RP Working Paper 13. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C. and Cairo, Egypt.

Siddig, K., D. Stepanyan, T. Zhu, M. Wiebelt and H. Grethe (2018): Beyond mean rainfall and temperature changes: distributional effects of stochastic yield variability in the Sudan. Contributed paper at IAAE Triennial Conference. 30th International Conference of Agricultural Economists Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. July 28 – August 2, 2018.

Stepanyan, D. (2018): Application of Gaussian Quadratures in the Global Biosphere Management Model (GLOBIOM) as an Efficient Approach to Uncertainty Analysis. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria.

Stepanyan, D., K. Siddig, H. Grethe and G. Zimmermann (2018): Remarks on uncertainty analysis in large-scale simulation models. Contributed paper at International Conference on Economic Modeling (EcoMod 2018), Venice, Italy, July 4-6, 2018.

Stepanyan, D., S. Siddig, H. Grethe and G. Zimmermann  (2018): Remarks on uncertainty analysis in large-scale simulation models. Presented at the International Conference on Economic Modeling and Data Science (EcoMod2018), Venice, Italy.

Woldie, G. and K. Siddig (2018): Macroeconomic and Distributional Impacts of Currency Devaluation in Ethiopia: An Assessment of Recent Central Bank Moves. EcoMod2018, July 4, 2018 - July 6, 2018, Venice, Italy.


… nach oben ^



Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals

Asante-Addo, C., J. Mockshell, K. Siddig, M. Zeller, K. Siddig and II.S. Egyir (2017): Agricultural credit provision: What really determines farmers` participation and credit rationing? In: Agricultural Finance Review 77 (2). DOI: https://dWeitere Nachrichten…

Grethe, H. (2017): The Economics of Farm Animal Welfare. In: Annual Review of Resource Economics 9: 75-94.

Husen, N., T. Loos, T. and K. Siddig (2017): Social Capital and Agricultural Technology Adoption among Ethiopian Farmers. In: American Journal of Rural Development 5 (3).


Other Publications

Agbahey, J., H. Grethe, H. Bradford and S. Lelissa-Gegeri (2017): Trade policies in Sub-Saharan Africa: Consistency with domestic policies and implications for sustainable and inclusive agricultural deveolpment. SLE Discussion Paper 06/2017.

Agbahey, J., K. Siddig and H. Grethe (2017): Labor exports from Palestine to Israel: between regretting the past and hoping for a better future. Annual International Conference on Economic Modeling (EcoMoD 2017), Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 217.

Agbahey, J., K. Siddig, H. Grethe and J. Luckmann (2017): Trade policy in a sovereign Palestinian state: what are the options in a final status? Contributed paper at the 20th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, West Lafayette, USA, June 2017.

Feuerbacher, A. and J. Luckmann (2017): Modelling field operations in a computable general equilibrium model: An application to labour shortages in Bhutan. Annual International Conference on Economic Modeling, Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 2017.

Feuerbacher, A. and H. Grethe (2017): Incorporating seasonality of labour markets in a general equilibrium framework. The 20th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, West Lafayette, USA, June 2017.

Feuerbacher, A., H. Grethe and C. Dukpa (2017): The Mountain Hazelnut Venture scheme and its implications for food security in Bhutan. The 3rd Global Food Security Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, December 2017.

Feuerbacher, A., H. Grethe and C. Dukpa (2017): A 2012 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Bhutan with a detailed representation of the agricultural sector: Technical Documentation. Working Paper No. 94. Department of Agricultural Economics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Latacz-Lohmann, U., J.C. Schmid and L. Schulze-Pals (2017): EU-Agrarpoltiik nach 2020: Wohin geht die Reise? In: top agrar 6/2017: 34-37.

Loos, T. and A. Feuerbacher (2017): The role of imported food, market access and income diversification on dietary diversity in rural and urban Bhutan. The 3rd Global Food Security Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, December 2017.

Siddig, K. (2017): Water in National Economic Planning: Utilization, Challenges and Valuation. Fifth Nile Basin Development Forum 2017: Investing in Nile cooperation for a water secure future, Kigali, Rwanda, October 23-25, 2017.

Siddig, K. (2017): Water in National Economies: Utilization, Challenges, Valuation. Nile Basin Economic Forum, Entebbe, Uganda, May 16-17, 2017.


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Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals

Ashiabi, N., E. Nketiah-Amponsah and B. Senadza (2016): The effect of health expenditure on selected maternal and child health outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: International Journal of Social Economics 43 (12):1386-1399. DOI:

Deppermann, A., Offermann, F. and H. Grethe (2016): Redistributive effects of CAP liberalisation: From the sectoral level to the single farm. In: Journal of Policy Modeling. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpolmod.2015.11.002.

Deppermann, A., F. Offermann, J. Puttkammer and H. Grethe (2016): EU Biofuel Policies: Income Effects and Lobbying Decisions in the German Agricultural Sector. In: Renewable Energy 87 (1): 259-265.

Feuerbacher, A., M. Siebold, A. Chhetri, C. Lippert and K. Sander (2016): Increasing forest utilization within Bhutan´s forest conservation framework: The economic benefits of charcoal production. In: Forest Policy and Economics 73: 99-111.

Luckmann, J., D. Flaig, H. Grethe and K. Siddig (2016): Modelling Sectorally Differentiated Water Prices: An Application to the Israeli Water Economy. In: Water Resources Management 30: 2327-2342. DOI: 10.1007/s11269-015-1204-7.

Luckmann, J., H. Grethe and S. McDonald (2016): When water saving limits recycling: Modeling economy-wide linkages of wastewater use. In: Water Research 88: 972-980. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2015.11.004.

Luckmann, J. (2016): Special Issue on Economy-Wide Models of Water Development and Management. Editorial. In: Water Economics and Policy 2 (4). DOI: 10.1142/S2382624X16020033.

Schmid, J.C., A. Knierim and U. Knuth (2016): Policy-induced innovation networks on climate change adaption - An ex-post analysis of collaboration success and its influencing factors. In: Environmental Science & Policy 56: 67-79.

Siddig, K. and H. Grethe (2016): The Natural Gas Sector in Post-Revolution Egypt. In: Journal of Policy Modeling. 38 (5): 941-953. DOI:

Weingarten, P., J. Bauhus, U. Arens‐Azevedo, A. Balmann, H.K. Biesalski, R. Birner, A.W. Bitter, W. Bokelmann, A. Bolte, M. Bösch, O. Christen, M. Dieter, S. Entenmann, P. Feindt, M. Gauly, H. Grethe, P. Haller, R.F. Hüttl, U. Knierim, F. Lang, J.B. Larsen, U. Latacz‐Lohmann, J. Martinez, T. Meier, B. Möhring, I. Neverla, H. Nieberg, M. Niekisch, B. Osterburg, M. Pischetsrieder, U. Pröbstl‐Haider, M. Qaim, B. Renner, K. Richter, J. Rock, S.  Rüter, H. Spellmann, A. Spiller, F. Taube, L. Voget‐Kleschin and H. Weiger (2016): Klimaschutz in der Land- und Forstwirtschaft sowie den nachgelagerten Bereichen Ernährung und Holzverwendung. In: Berichte über Landwirtschaft, Sonderheft 222: 1-410. DOI:

Zietlow, K.J., M. Michalscheck and M. Weltin (2016): Water conservation under scarcity conditions: testing the long-run effectiveness of a water conservation awareness campaign in Jordan. In: International Journal of Water Resources Development: 1-13. DOI:


Other Publications

Agbahey, J., K. Siddig and H. Grethe (2016): Social Accounting Matrix for the West Bank with detailed representation of households and labor accounts. Working Paper No. 93. Department of Agricultural Economics, Humboldt University of Berlin.

Agbahey, J., K. Siddig and H. Grethe (2016): Consequences of conflict: the impact of the closure regime on the economy of the West Bank. The 19th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Washington DC, USA, June 2016.

Ahmed Fathy, A., K. Siddig, N. El-sodany, A. Samieh, A. Shahin and A. Abdelwahab (2016): Can fuel subsidy reforms in Egypt reduce budget deficit without harming the poor? The 19th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Washington DC, USA, June 2016.

Feuerbacher, A., J. Luckmann, O. Boysen, S. Zikeli and H. Grethe (2016): The 100% Organic Agriculture Policy in Bhutan – A gift or a curse? Contributed paper at the 19th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Washington D.C., USA, June 2016.

Grethe, H. (2016): Mehr Tierwohl in der Landwirtschaft: Eine gesamtgesellschaftliche Herausforderung. In: Der Grundstein/Der Säemann, Mitgliederzeitschrift der IG Bauen-Agrar-Umwelt.

Grethe, H. (2016): Raus aus der Kampfzone. In: Der Spiegel 02/2016, Wirtschaft: 64-65.

Grethe, H. (2016): Kann Massentierhaltung artgerecht sein? Schlagabtausch. In: Rhein Zeitung vom 04.01.2016.

Grethe, H. (2016): Wege zu einer gesellschaftlich akzeptierten Nutztierhaltung: Vorstellung des WBA-Gutachtens und seiner Rezeption. In: Züchtungskunde 88 (1): 7–12.

Luckmann J., A. Reznik, E. Feinerman, I. Finkelshtain, H. Grethe and I. Kan (2016): Combining the best of two worlds - An integrative water modeling approach. Contributed paper at the 19th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Washington D.C., USA, June 2016.

Mohammed, Z., K. Siddig and H. Grethe (2016): Incorporating vocational training systems in CGE models. The 19th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (GTAP), Washington DC, USA, June 2016.

Mosa, A., K. Siddig and H. Grethe (2016): Time use for home activities, market activities and leisure in Ethiopia: economy-wide effects of improved efficiency. The 19th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Washington DC, USA, June 2016.

Siddig, K. (2016): Recent research and methodological focus. Nile Scholars Gathering, Nairobi, Kenya, June, 11-12, 2016.

Siddig, K., S. Elagra, H. Grethe and A. Mubarak (2016): A Post-Separation Social Accounting Matrix for the Sudan. Working Paper No. 92. Department of Agricultural Economics, Humboldt University of Berlin.

Stepanyan, D. (2016): From Static to Dynamic – Stochastic Agricultural Partial Equilibrium Models: the Role of Price Expectations and Stockholding. Working Paper.

Zuhal, M., K. Siddig and H. Grethe (2016): Incorporating vocational training systems in CGE models. The 19th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Washington DC, USA, June 2016.


..nach oben ^



Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals

Agbahey, J., H. Grethe and W. Negatu (2015): Fertilizer supply chain in Ethiopia: structure, performance and policy analysis. In: Afrika Focus 28 (1): 81-101.

Agbahey, J., J. Luckmann, H. Grethe and B. Alamirew (2015): How do domestic policies affect the integration of Ethiopian fertilizer markets with world markets? In: Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics 116 (2): 213-226. urn: nbn:de:hebis:34-2015111149311.

Alemu, B., H. Grethe and K. Siddig (2015): Do Land Transfers to International Investors Contribute to Employment Generation and Local Food Security? Evidence from Oromia Region, Ethiopia. In: International Journal of Social Economics 42 (12): 1121–1138. DOI:

Artavia, M., H. Grethe and G. Zimmermann (2015): Stochastic Market Modeling with Gaussian Quadratures: Do Different Linear Transformation Methods and Rotations of Stroud's Octahedron Matter? In: Economic Modelling 45: 155-168. Advance access DOI: 10.1016/j.econmod.2014.10.017.

Below, T., J.C. Schmid and S. Sieber (2015): Farmers` knowledge and perception of climatic risks and options for climate change adaption - A case study from two Tanzanian villages. In: Regional Environmental Change 15: 1169-1180.

Kleinwechter, U. and H. Grethe (2015): Policy Reform and Migration in a Chinese Village Economy - A Micro Level Modeling Approach Based on a Composite Utility Function. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics 97 (3): 701-726.

Puttkammer, J. and H. Grethe (2015): The public debate on biofuels in Germany: Who drives the discourse? In: German Journal of Agricultural Economics, Special Issue: The Political Economy of the Bioeconomy 64 (4): 263-273.

Spiller, A., M. Gauly, A. Balmann, J. Bauhus, R. Birner, W. Bokelmann, O. Christen, S. Entenmann, H. Grethe, U. Knierim, U. Latacz-Lohmann, J. Martínez, H. Nieberg, M. Qaim, F. Taube, B.-A. Tenhagen and P. Weingarten (2015): Wege zu einer gesellschaftlich akzeptierten Nutztierhaltung. In: Berichte über Landwirtschaft, Sonderheft 221: 1-172.

Zietlow, K.J. (2015): What is left today? Analyzing OPEC`s influence on the crude oil price. In: Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics 3 (4): 61-69.



Other Publications

Agbahey, J., K. Siddig and H. Grethe (2015): Access to Israeli Labor Markets: Effects on the West Bank Economy. Contributed paper at the 18th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Melbourne/Australia, June, 17-19, 2015.

Asante, F.A., S. Bawakyillenuo, N. Bird, N. Canales Trujillo, C. Addoquaye Tagoe and N. Ashiabi ( 2015): Climate change finance in Ghana. Overseas Development Institute (ODI), London.

Deppermann, A., F. Offermann, J. Puttkammer and H. Grethe (2015): EU biofuel policies: income effects and lobbying decisions in the German agricultural sector. Contributed paper at the International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference. Milano/Italy, August, 8-14, 2015. DOI:

Grethe, H. (2015): Tierwohl nicht mit der Brechstange. Interview in top agrar 10/2015: 44-47.

Grethe, H. (2015): GAP nach 2020. BW-Agrar.

Grethe, H. (2015): Tierschutz kostet extra. Interview in Schrot & Korn 09/2015: 43-45.

Grethe, H. (2015): Bilanz und Einfluss des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats für Agrarpolitik. In: VDL-Journal Agrar, Ernährung, Umwelt 2 (65).

Grethe, H. (2015): Mehr Tierschutz ist notwendig, machbar und grundsätzlich bezahlbar. In: Deutsche Bauernkorrespondenz 05/2015: 6-9.

Grethe, H. (2015): Wir sollten sofort beginnen. Interview in Bioland 5: 4-5.

Grethe, H. and A. Spiller (2015): Keine leichtfertigen Empfehlungen. Interview in Agra-Europe 56 (15), Länderberichte: 34-38.

Grethe, H. (2015): "Mission Glücksschwein". Auch nüchterne Forscher fordern: Die Tierhaltung muss sich ändern. Wir fragen den Agrarökonomen Harald Grethe, was er dem Landwirtschaftsminister empfiehlt. In: Die Zeit 13/2015: Wissen 35.

Grethe, H., A. Spiller and S. Entenmann (2015): Verringerung eskalierender Konflikte - Gutachten „Wege zu einer gesellschaftlich akzeptierten Nutztierhaltung“. In: Fleischwirtschaft 4/2015: 12-18.

Grethe, H., A. Spiller and S. Entenmann (2015): Comment: Both science and society wants improved EU farm animal welfare. In: Agra Europe (agra net), Analysis.

Grethe, H. (2015): „Da tickt eine gefährliche Zeitbombe!“. top agrar sprach mit Prof. Dr. Harald Grethe über die Akzeptanzkrise der Nutztierhaltung und was die Wissenschaft ändern will. In: top agrar 4/2015: 16-17.

Luckmann, J., R. Ihle, U. Kleinwechter and H. Grethe (2015): Do Vietnamese Upland Farmers Benefit from High World Market Prices for Maize? In: Agricultural Economics 46: 1-11.

Luckmann, J., R. Ihle, U. Kleinwechter and H. Grethe (2015): The Effects of Vietnamese Export Policies on the World Market Integration of Domestic Rice Markets. Contributed paper at the International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference, Milano/Italy, August, 8-14, 2015. PURL:

Luckmann, J., R. Ihle, U. Kleinwechter and H. Grethe (2015): World Market Integration of Vietnamese Rice Markets during the 2008 Food Price Crisis. In: Food Security 7 (1): 143-157. DOI: 10.1111/agec.12194.

Luckmann, J., H. Grethe and S. McDonald (2015): When water saving limits recycling: Modeling economy-wide linkages of wastewater use. Contributed paper at the International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference, Milano/Italy, August, 8-14, 2015. PURL:

Luckmann, J., H. Grethe and S. McDonald (2015): When Water Saving Limits Recycling: Modeling Cascading Water Use in a Computable General Equilibrium Framework. Contributed paper at the 15th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Melbourne/Australia, June, 17-19, 2015.

Luckmann, J., D. Flaig, H. Grethe and K. Siddig (2015): Modelling Sectorally Differentiated Water Prices in a Computable General Equilibrium Model. Contributed paper at the 9th World Congress of the EWRA, "Water Resources Management in a Changing World: Challenges and Opportunities", Istanbul, Turkey, June, 10-13, 2015. (pdf)

Mosa, A., H. Grethe and K. Siddig (2015): Opportunities and Determinants of Rural Non-Agricultural Employment: Evidence from Ethiopia. Contributed paper at the Tropentag 2015.

Siddig, K. (2015): The rush for large-scale land acquisition by foreign investors in Africa: What is the problem? Public speech of the Habilitation completion, Board of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany, July 1, 2015.

Siddig, K. and H. Grethe (2015): Wheat Import Subsidies in the Sudan: Problems and Alternative Policy Options for Poverty Alleviation. Presentation at the 18th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Melbourne, Australia.

Siddig, K. (2015): Climate Change and Rangeland Degradation in Eastern Sudan: Which Adaptation Strategy Works Well? French-German Cooperation in Africa in the fields of climate change, food security and water resources. French Embassy, Berlin, Germany, June 1-2, 2015.

Siddig, K. (2015): Potential CGE research on the Sudan and a post-separation Social Accounting Matrix. GIZ-IFPRI Start-Up Workshop on “The Water-Energy-Food Nexus”, Harmony Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, March 31 - April 1, 2015.

Siddig, K. (2015): The Political Economy of Food Production, Trade and Aid. The Food Security Center’s (FSC) Summer School on: Food Security and the Post-2015 Agenda, Stuttgart, Germany, March 1-14, 2015.

Siddig, K. (2015): Computable General Equilibrium Models and their application to policy matters. Department of Agricultural Economics, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Khartoum North, Sudan, January 2015.

Siddig, K., P. Minor, H. Grethe, H., A. Aguiar and T. Walmsley (2015): Impacts on poverty of removing fuel import subsidies in Nigeria. World Bank Working Paper 07/2015, WPS7376 (1): 166-178. DOI:

Chapter 7.N: Nigeria. Siddig, K. and J. Luckmann (2015): Center for Global Trade Analysis, GTAP 9 Data Base Documentation. The GTAP Data Base and extensions, 2015.

Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Agrarpolitik beim BMEL (2015): Wege zu einer gesellschaftlich akzeptierten Nutztierhaltung. Gutachten. Berlin.

Zietlow, K.J. and H. von Witzke (2015): Evidence for the effectiveness of progressive urban water demand management. Paper presented at Workshop on "Managing Water Demand", University College London, UK, Sept. 17, 2015.

Zietlow, K.J. (2015): Why is OPEC refusing to cut oil production? Live interview on Aljazeera "Counting the Cost", Dec. 13, 2015.


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Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals

Deppermann, A., H. Grethe and J. Luckmann (2014): Sustainable Food Systems and EU Policies. In: Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis 23 (3): 60-70.

Luckmann, J., H. Grethe, S. McDonald, A. Orlov and K. Siddig (2014): An integrated economic model of multiple types and uses of water. In. Water Resources Research 50: 3875-3892. DOI: 10.1002/2013WR014750.


Other publications

Hashim, A., A. Abosh, A. Yousif and Z. Mohammed (2014): Wheat Baseline Study 2012/2013, Characterization of Wheat Producing Households in Sudan, 2014. Working paper. Wheat Research Center, Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC), Wad Madni, Sudan.

Luckmann, J. and S. McDonald (2014): STAGE_W: An Applied General Equilibrium Model With Multiple Types of Water. Agricultural Economics Working Paper Series Vol. 23. Institute of Agricultural Policy and Markets, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.

Mohammed, Z., A. Hashim, A. Abosh and A. Yousif (2014): Management Strategies of Sorghum Production in Striga Infested Areas in Rainfed Zones in Sudan. Working paper. Agricultural Economics and Policy Research Center, Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC), Khartoum, Sudan.

Otto, S., K.J. Zietlow and A. Kibbe (2014): Umweltschutz und Persönlichkeit. Der Zusammenhang zwischen Umweltschutz und den Facetten des Persönlichkeitsfaktors Honesty-Humility. Oral Presentation at 49. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Bochum, Germany, Sept. 21-25, 2014.

Zietlow, K.J. and M Michalscheck (2014): The behavioral dimension of household water conservation in Jordan: exploring the role of psychological, socio-demographic, and household determinants. Oral Presentation at Conference on Social Water Studies in the MENA Region: State of the Art and Perspectives, Madaba-Amman, Jordan, Sept. 28-29, 2014.


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Noleppa, S. und H. von Witzke (2013): Energieeffizienz durch den Einsatz von Pflanzenschutzmitteln in Deutschland. (pdf)

Zietlow, K.J., A. Kibbe and F.G. Kaiser (2013): Environmentalism vs. Honesty-Humility: How to Measure People`s Moral Personality. Oral Presentation at 13th European Congress of Psychology, July 9-12, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden.

Zietlow, K.J. (2013): Evidence for the Effectiveness of Progressived Urban Water Demand Management. Oral Presentation at Workshop "New Directions in the Economic Analysis of Water", July 18-19, 2013, ISCTE-IUL Lisbon, Portugal.

Zietlow, K.J., A. Kibbe, S. Otto and G.F. Kaiser (2013): Empirical Evidence for a Joint Latent Disposition Behind Environmental and Water Saving Behavior. Oral Presentation at 10th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, Sep 22-25, 2013, Magdeburg, Germany.

Zietlow, K.J. (2013): Schnittstelle Ökonomie - Psychologie. Workshop Leader at 42nd IPU-Congress, Oct 31 - Nov 3, 2013, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany.


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Noleppa, S., H. von Witzke und M. Cartsburg (2012): Einkommenseffekte des Einsatzes von Pflanzenschutzmitteln in Deutschland. (pdf)

von Witzke, H. und S. Noleppa (2012): Klimaeffekte des Pflanzenschutzes in Deutschland. (pdf)


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von Witzke, H. und S. Noleppa (2011): Der gesamtgesellschaftliche Nutzen von Pflanzenschutz in Deutschland. (pdf)


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Bozzoli, C., T. Brück and S. Sottsas (forthcoming 2010): A Survey of the Global Economic Costs of Conflict. Defence and Peace Economics.

Bozzoli, C., T. Brück and O. de Groot (forthcoming 2010): How Many Bucks in a Bang: On the Estimation of the Economic Costs of Conflict. In: Garfinkel, M. and S. Skaperdas (eds.): Handbook of the Conomics of Peace and Security, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Brück, T., A. Danzer, A. Muravyev and N. Weißhaar (forthcoming 2010): Poverty during Transition: Household Survey Evidence from Ukraine. Journal of Comparative Economics.(This paper won the "Best Article Award" at the Development Studies Association Annual Meeting in September 2007 in Sussex.)

Brück, T. and C. Müller (forthcoming 2010): The Determinants of Concern about Terrorism. In: Global Crime 11 (1).

Brück, T., C. Beaudry, H. Hilgenkamp, N. Karoonuthaisiri, H. Salah-Eldin Mohamed and G. A. Weiss (2010): Empowering Young Scientists. In: Science 328.

Brück, T., A. Avdeenko, P. Justino and P. Verwimp (2010): Identifying Conflict and Violence in Micro-Level Surveys. Draft Report for the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development.

Brück, T. (2010): Der Euro-Stabilitäts-Pakt - eine deutsch-griechische Tragödie. DIW Wochenbericht 7 (24).

Brück, T. (2010): Warum führen wir Krieg?. Südwestpresse, 13 February: 4.

Moeller, T. and Grethe, H. (2010): Climate Change and European Agriculture in 2050: Outlook for Cereal and Oilseed Markets, paper presented at the thirteenth Annual Converence on Global Economics Analysis: "Trade for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth and Development", June9-11, 2010, Penang/Malaysia.

Moeller, T. and Grethe, H. (2010): Good Prospects: Cereal and Oilseed Production under Climate Change in Germany, poster presented at the 114th EAAE seminar, "Structural Change in Agriculture: Modeling Policy Impacts and Farm Strategies",  April 15-16, 2010, Berlin.

Moeller, T. and Grethe, H. (2010): No cause for concern? Climate Change impacts on European Oilseed and Cereal markets in 2050, paper to be presented at the IATRC Symposium, "Climate Change in World Agriculture: Mitigation, Adaptation, Trade and Food Security",  June 27-29, 2010, Universität Hohenheim.

Moeller, T. and Grethe, H. (2010): Chlimate Change and Agriculture in 2050: Assessing Prospects for European Cereal and Oils, paper to be presented at the joint AAEA annual meeting,  July 25-2,7 2010, Denver, Colorado, USA.

S. Noleppa, H. Lotze-Campen, A. Popp und H. von Witzke (2010): Klimawandel, Landwirtschaft und Welternährung - Implikationen für den Forschungsbedarf. agripol, Berlin.

von Witzke, H. (2010): Ananas aus dem Allgäu?  Ölbaum, Augsburg (forthcoming).

von Witzke, H.,  S. Noleppa and G. Schwarz (2010): EU Decoupled Payments to Farmers, Production and Trade: An Economics Analysis for Germany. Department für Agrarökonomie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Working Paper 90/2010. (pdf)

von Witzke, H. (2010): Die dritte Grüne Revolution. Landwirtschaft als Schlüsselindustrie des 21. Jahrhunderts. Augsburg: ölbaum.

von Witzke, H. (2010), Towards the Third Green Revolution: World Agriculture - a Key Industry of the 21st Century. Ölbaum, Augsburg.

von Witzke, H. and S. Noleppa (2010): EU agricultural production and trade: Can more efficiency prevent increasing "land-grabbing" outside of Europe? Research Report, University of Piacenca. (pdf)

J. Winkler, H. von Witzke et al. (2010): A Conceptual Framework for Muli-Regional Climate Change Assessments for International Market Systems with Long-Term Investments. Climatic Change (forthcoming).

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Brück, T. and K. Schindler (2009): Smallholder Land Access in Post-War Northern Mozambique. World Development 37 (8): 1379–1389.


Brück, T. and K. Schindler (2009): The Impact of Violent Conflicts on Households: What Do We Know and What Should We Know about War Widows?. Oxford Development Studies 37 (3): 289-309.


Bozzoli, C. and T. Brück (2009): Agriculture, Poverty and Post-War Reconstruction: Micro-Level Evidence from Northern Mozambique. Journal of Peace Research 46 (3): 377-397.


Verwimp, P., P. Justino and T. Brück (2009). „The Analysis of Conflict: A Micro-Level Perspective“. Journal of Peace Research, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 307-14.


Brück, T. and H. Engerer, eds. (2009). “Die Ökonomie der Sicherheit”. Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, no. 4.


Verwimp, P., T. Brück and P. Justino, eds. (2009). „Micro-Level Dynamics of Violent Conflict”. Journal of Peace Research, vol. 46, no. 3.


Brück, T. and H. Engerer (2009). “Ökonomie der Sicherheit: Editorial”. Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, no. 4, pp. 5-10.


Bozzoli, C. and T. Brück (2009). „Identifying Conflict and its Effects Using Micro-Level Surveys“. HiCN Research Design Notes, Nr. 13.


Baptista de Alleluia, I., T. Brück et al. (2009). “Food First: Sustainable World Food Security.” The 2009 Berlin Declaration and Call for Action by The Humboldt Forum for Food and Agriculture (HFFA), Berlin, April.


Brück, T. (2009). „Folgt auf die Krise der Hunger?“. DIW Wochenbericht, no. 45, p. 794.


Brück, T. (2009). „Der Kampf gegen die Schweingrippe als globales öffentliches Gut“. DIW Wochenbericht, no. 36, p. 628.


Brück, T. (2009). „Der G20-Gipfel sollte den freien Welthandel stärken“. DIW Wochenbericht, no. 13, p. 216.


Brück, T. (2009). „Konflikt im Gazastreifen: eine Politik der kleinen Schritte kann helfen, Frieden zu schaffen“. DIW Wochenbericht, no. 4, p. 80.


Artavia, M., Grethe, H., Möller, T. and Zimmermann, G. (2009): Correlated Order Three Gaussian Quadratures in Stochastic Simulation Modelling, conference paper presented at the 12th annual GTAP conference on Global Economic Analysis, "Trade Integration and Sustainable Development: Looking for an Inclusive World", Santiago de Chile, June 2009.


Hecht J, Nieberg H, Offermann F, and Schwarz G (2009) AGRIGRID: Prämienkalkulation nach Standardkosten für Maßnahmen der ländl. Entwicklung. LandInform 2/2009, p.38-40.

D. Miller, G. Schwarz, L-A. Sutherland, J. Morrice, R. Aspinall, A. Barnes, K. Blackstock, K. Buchan, D. Donnelly, C. Hawes, G. McCrum, B. McKenzie, K. Matthews, Dave Miller, A. Renwick, M. Smith, G. Squire, L. Toma (2009) Changing rural land use in Scotland – Analysis of drivers and decision-making, Scottish Government, Edinburgh, September 2009. See here:  

Schwarz, G., Wilson, R., Goddard, P. and Lozada-Ellison, L. (2009) Review of the Effectiveness of Axis II Animal Welfare Measures - First Evidence from the Animal Health and Welfare Management (AHWM) Programme in Scotland. In:  Deltuvas, R, Kusta, A. et al. (Eds.): Rural Development 2009, Volume 1, pp. 408 – 413, LZUU, Kaunas.

Schwarz, G., von Witzke, H. and Noleppa, S. (2009) Impacts of future energy price and biofuel production scenarios on international crop prices and trade. Paper presented at the international conference “The Economics of Alternative Energy Sources and Globalization: The Road Ahead”, Orlando, November 2009. See here:

Burton, R. and Schwarz, G. (2009) Exploring farmers’ cultural resistance to voluntary agri-environmental schemes. Invited presentation at the 2nd European Congress of Conservation Biology, Prague, September 2009

Schwarz, G. (2009) Biofuel targets and land use change in Germany: A discussion of the future potential of biofuel production and their land use implications Paper presented at the conference XXIII European Society for Rural Sociology congress, Vaasa, August 2009.

Schwarz, G., von Witzke, H. and Noleppa, S. (2009) Determinants of International Agricultural Market Prices and the European Union: The Roles of Energy Prices and Biofuel Production. International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium Analytic Symposium “Confronting Food Price Inflation: Implications for Agricultural Trade and Policies”, Seattle, June 2009. See here:

Schwarz, G., Morrice, J., Messager, P., Buchan, K., Matthews, K., Hecht, J., Nieberg H., Offermann, F., Vlahos, G., Tsakalou, E., Hrabalova, A., Wollmuthova, P., Kapler, P., Zemeckis, R., Krisciukaitiene, I., Kuliesis, G., Galnaityte, A., Miettinen, A., Aakkula, J., Cesaro, L., Chiozzotto, F., Tarasconi, L., Salguero Herrera, C., Woch, M. and Chyboska, R., (2009) Methodological grids for payment calculations in EU rural development measures. Paper presented at the International Scientific Conference ‘The EU Support for 2007–2013: New Challenges and Innovations for Agriculture and Food Industry‘, Vilnius, May 2009.

Schwarz, G., Moxey, A., McCracken, D., Huband, S. and Cummins, R. (2009) Payment-by-results agri-environment schemes: A realistic alternative to prescription-based schemes? Invited paper at annual conference of the Agricultural Economics Society (AES), Dublin, March 2009.

von Witzke, H., S. Noleppa und G. Schwarz (2009), Global agricultural market trends revisited: The role of energy prices and biofuel production. Working Paper 89/2009 (pdf).


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Bohne, A. (2008), Wildlife value, trophy hunting and rural development - with illustrations from Tanzania. Accepted paper for "Tropentag" 2008, University of Hohenheim, Oct. 7-9, 2008 (pdf).

Bohne, A., Kochmann, L., Slavik, J. und Slaviková, L. (2008), Deutsch-tschechische Bibliographie - Studien der kontigenten Bewertung in Mittel- und Osteuropa. Arbeitspapier der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät Nr. 71, Universität Leipzig. ( see here)

Bohne, A. und L. Kochmann (2008), Ökonomische Umweltbewertung und endogene Entwicklung peripherer Regionen - Synthese einer Methodik und einer Theorie. Arbeitspapier der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät Nr. 70, Universität Leipzig. ( see here)
Grethe, H. (2008), Book Review: Reforming Agricultural Trade for Developing Countries, by McCalla, A.F. and J. Nash (eds.). European Review of Agricultural Economics, 35 (1): 110-113. (see here)

Grethe, H., Nolte, S. and M. Banse (2008), Modelling the Effects of EU Sugar Market Liberalization on Area Allocation, Production and Trade. Seminar paper at the EAAE-Seminar "Modelling Agricultural and Rural Development Policies", Jan. 31 - Febr. 1, 2008, Sevilla, Spain. (pdf)

Banse, M. and H. Grethe (2008), Effects of the New Biofuel Directive on EU Land Use and Agricutural Markets. Seminar paper at the EAAE-Seminar "Modelling Agricultural and Rural Development Policies", Jan. 31 - Febr. 1, 2008, Sevilla, Spain. (pdf)

Nolte, S. and H. Grethe (2008), Der Markt für Zucker. German Journal of Agricultural Economics (Agrarwirtschaft). 1 (57): 27-35.

Schwarz, G., Moxey, A., McCracken, D., Huband, S. and Cummins, R. (2008) An analysis of the potential effectiveness of a payment-by-results approach to the delivery of environmental public goods and services supplied by agri-environment schemes, LUPG UK, London, November 2008. See here:

Schwarz, G., Buchan, K., Matthews, K., Morrice, J., Messager, P., Hecht, J., Nieberg H., Offermann, F., Vlahos, G., Tsakalou, E., Hadjigeorgiou, I., Hrabalova, A., Wollmuthova, P., Kapler, P., Zemeckis, R., Krisciukaitiene, I., Kuliesis, G., Galnaityte, A., Miettinen, A., Aakkula, J., Kroger, L., Cesaro, L., Chiozzotto, F. and Tarasconi, L. (2008) The Parliament Magazine, Issue 276, 27 October 2008.

von Witzke, H. (2008), Teure Lebensmittel: Strohfeuer oder neuer Megatrend auf den Lebensmittelmärkten? Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (pdf).

von Witzke, H. (2008), Weltagrarmärkte: Herausforderungen und Chancen für die deutsche Landwirtschaft. Agrarische Rundschau (forthcoming) (pdf).

von Witzke, H. (2008), Vom Segen der Liberalisierung der Agrarmärkte für die Entwicklungsländer. rural 21 (forthcoming) (pdf).

von Witzke, H. (2008), Abgaskontrolle für Rinder. Humboldt 52: 4 (2008), 7.

von Witzke, H. (2008), Die globale Ernährungskrise und wie wir sie verhindern können. Welt am Sonntag v. 27.04.2008.

von Witzke, H. (2008), Weltagrarmärkte: Einige zentrale Änderungen der Rahmenbedingungen und deren Implikationen für die Landwirtschaft. Ländlicher Raum 10 (2008) (pdf) (

von Witzke, H. (2008), Die Amerikaner stocken auf. DLG Mitteilungen 06/2008:26-27 (forthcoming).

von Witzke, H. (2008), Agriculture, World Food Security, Bio-energy and Climate Change: Some Inconvenient Facts. Quarterly Jourmal of International Agriculture 47 (2008): 1-4 (pdf).

von Witzke, H. (2008), Book Review of D. Southgate et al. "The World Food Economy". Malden: Blackwell. European Review of Agricultural Economics 35 (2008): 114-115.

von Witzke, H., S. Noleppa and G. Schwarz (2008), Global agricultural market trends and their impacts on European Union agriculture. Working Paper 84/2008 (pdf).

von Witzke, H. (2008): "Ein Blick in die Zukunft": Bauernzeitung (forthcoming).

von Witzke, H. (2008), Agrarrohstoffe und ihre Preise: Hatte Malthus doch Recht? Der Volkswirt (forthcoming).

von Witzke, H. (2008), "Sicherung der Welternährung", thinktank Berlinpolis (forthcoming).


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Brück, T. (ed.) (2007), The Economic Analysis of Terrorism, Routledge 2007 (see here).

Chemnitz, C. and D. Günther (2007), The Relevance of SPS Measure in the ACP-EU Economic Partnership Agreements - What a development-friendly recognition of SPS measures within the EPA negotiations might look like. Working Paper 82/2007 ( pdf)

Chemnitz, C. (2007), The Compliance Process of Food Quality Standards on the  Primary Producer Level: A Case Study of the EUREPGAP Standard in the Moroccan Tomato Sector. Working Paper 81/2007 ( pdf)

Chemnitz, C., Grethe, H. and U. Kleinwechter (2007), Quality Standards for Food Products - A Particular Burden for Small Producers in Developing Countries? Working Paper No. 83, Institut für Wirtschaft- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin ( pdf) .

Götz, L. and H. Grethe (2007), The Relevance of the EU Entry Price System for Imports of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. International Agrricultural Trade Research Consortium Working Paper no. 07-03, December. (pdf)

Götz, L. and H.Grethe (2007), Does the Entry Price System Restrict Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exports from China to the EU? Contributed paper at the 2007 IATRC Summer Symposium in Beijing, China, July 8-9 ( pdf).

Grethe, H. (2007), The Agricultural Negotiations as Part of the Doha Development Agenda - Progress or Stagnation?. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. 3 (46): 199-204. (pdf)

Balkhausen, O., Banse, M. and H. Grethe (2007), Modelling CAP Decoupling in the EU: A Comparison of Selected Simulation Models and Results. Journal of Agricultural Economics. Online Early Articles at, printversion forthcoming in 1 (59) ( pdf).

Grethe, H. (2007), The Challenge of Integrating EU and Turkish Agricultural Markets and Policies. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology. 4/5 (6): 440-459. ( pdf)

Grethe, H. (2007), The Integration of the Turkish Dairy Sector in the EU. In: Olgun, A. und A. Uzmay, AB Üyelik Sürecinde, Süt Sektörünün Mevcut Durumu, Rekabet Olanaklarai, Sorunlari Ve Cötüm Önerileri Semposyumu, Aegean University Izmir, Bornova, Türkei.

Grethe, H. (2007), High Animal Welfare Standards in the EU and International Trade – How to Deal with Potential "Low Animal Welfare Havens"? Food Policy. 3 (32): 315-333. (pdf)

Grethe, H., Häger, A. und D. Kirschke (2007), Aspekte der Agrarpolitik 2006. German Journal of Agricultural Economics (Agrarwirtschaft). 1 (56): 1-9. (pdf)

Goetz, L. and H. Grethe (2007), The EU Import Regime for Oranges - Much Ado about Nothing? Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development 1 (3). ( pdf)

Subbaraman, S. and H. von Witzke (2007), "Child Labor in India". Child Labor in East Asia. G. Hereth and K. Sharma (eds.), Aldershot: Ashgate.

von Witzke, H. and S. Noleppa, (2007), Agricultural and Trade Policy Reform and Inequality: The Distributive Effects of Direct Payments to Germany Farmers under the EU´s New Common Agricultural Policy. Working Paper 79/2007 (pdf).

von Witzke, H. (2007), Sicherung der Welternährung vs. Bioenergy. Heute schon an morgen denken: Perspektiven moderner Pflanzenzüchtung für unsere Gesellschaft. Bonn: Gregor-Mendel-Stiftung, 2007: 60-71.

von Witzke, H., S. Noleppa and P.L. Kennedy (2007), Effects of the EU Common Agricultural Policy and U.S. Farm Policy on Agricultural Land Markets, Washington, D.C.: German Marshall Fund of the United States (pdf).

von Witzke, H., (2007), Landwirtschaft in der ökologischen Marktwirtschaft:  Sicherung der Welternährung vs. Klimaschutz und Bioenergie. Working Paper 80/2007 (pdf).

von Witzke, H. (2007), Sicherung der Welternährung, Klimaschutz und Bioenergie: Ressourcenkonkurrenz. Stellungnahme für den Bundestagsausschuss für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz, Berlin (pdf).

von Witzke, H. (2007), Die ökonomische Bedeutung der Nachbaugebühren für die deutsche Landwirtschaft, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (pdf).

von Witzke, H. und S. Noleppa (2007), Methan und Lachgas - die vergessenen Klimagase, Berlin: WWF, 2007 (pdf).


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Chemnitz, C. and H. Grethe, (2006), Handelspräferenzen der EU für Tomaten aus Marokko – wer profitiert? In Bahrs et al. (eds.), "Unternehmen im Agrarbereich vor neuen Herausforderungen". Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus e.V., Band 41, Berlin: 207-220. ( pdf)

Grethe, H. (2006), Subsidiarity and CAP Reform - Who Should Do What? Agra Europe Weekly. 2237, December 8, Analysis: 1-2. (pdf)

Grethe, H. (2006), Environmental and Agricultural Policy: What Roles for the EU and the Member States? Keynote paper for the conference "Subsidiarity and Economic Reform in Europe" "Subsidiarity and Economic Reform in Europe", organized by the European Commission, the CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis and the Dutch Minstry of Economic Affairs, November 8-9, 2006, Bussels. (pdf)

Grethe, H. (2006), Book Review: Agricultural Trade Reform and the Dopha Development Agenda, by Anderson, K. and W. Martin (3ds.). European Review of Agricultural Economics, 33 (4) (see here)

Grethe, H., Nolte, S. and S. Tangermann (2006), Evolution, Current State and Future of EU Trade Preferences for Agricultural Products from North-African and Near-East Countries. In: Miljkovic, D. (ed.), New Topics in International Agricultural Trade and Development. Nova Publishers: 109-133.

Goetz, L. and H. Grethe (2006), How Effective is the EU Import Regime for Oranges? Contributed paper at the 98th EAAE Seminar "Marketing Dynamics within the Global Trading System: New Perspectives". 29. June - 2 July, 2006, Chania, Crete (Greece).

Grethe, H. und S. Nolte (2006), The Future of Agricultural Trade Preferences under the Euro-Mediterranean Agreements and the EU Import Regime for Fresh Fruit and Vegetables. In: M'barek, R., Wobst, P. und H.-J. Lutzeyer (Hrsg.), Euro-Med Association Agreements: Agricultural Trade - Regional Impacts in the EU (Proceedings of the Workshop) . Institute for Prospective Technology Studies, Sevilla, document no. PB/2006/IPTS/3548: 21-24. (pdf)

Goetz, L. and H. Grethe (2006), The EU Import Regime for Oranges – Much Ado about Nothing? Poster Paper at the 26th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists "Contributions of Agricultural Economics to Critical Policy Issues", 12-18 August 2006, Brisbane, Australia. Also at AgEcon Search (pdf).

Banse, M. and H. Grethe (2006), Using the Logistic Functional Form for Modelling International Price Transmission in Net Trade Simulation Models. Poster Paper at the 26th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists "Contributions of Agricultural Economics to Critical Policy Issues", 12-18 August 2006, Brisbane, Australia. Also at AgEcon Search (pdf).

Grethe, H., Häger, A. and D. Kirschke (2006), Aspekte der Agrarpolitik 2005. German Journal of Agricultural Economics (Agrarwirtschaft). 1 (55): 1-10. (pdf)

Grethe, H. and G. Weber (2006), Isoelastische und aus einer Symmetric Generalized McFadden Gewinnfunktion abgeleitete Angebotssysteme: Ein Vergleich. In Bahrs et al. (eds.), "Unternehmen im Agrarbereich vor neuen Herausforderungen". Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus e.V., Band 41, Berlin: 233-244. (pdf)

Balkhausen, O., Banse, M., and H. Grethe (2006), Modellierung der Auswirkungen einer Entkopplung der Direktzahlungen in der EU: Modellansätze, Ergebnisse und Ausblick. In Bahrs et al. (eds.), "Unternehmen im Agrarbereich vor neuen Herausforderungen". Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus e.V., Band 41, Berlin: 305-314.

Banse, M., Grethe, H. and S. Nolte (2006), Steigt oder fällt die Futterfläche durch die Entkopplung der EU-Direktzahlungen? Eine partielle Gleichgewichtsanalyse. In Bahrs et al. (eds.), "Unternehmen im Agrarbereich vor neuen Herausforderungen". Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus e.V., Band 41, Berlin: 595-596.

Banse, M. and H. Grethe, (2006), Die Verwendung der Logistischen Funktion zur Modellierung von internationaler Preistransmission in Nettohandelsmodellen. In Bahrs et al. (eds.), "Unternehmen im Agrarbereich vor neuen Herausforderungen". Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus e.V., Band 41, Berlin: 257-270. (pdf)

Banse, M. and H. Grethe, (2006), Auswirkungen sinkender Subsistenzproduktion auf den Märkten für Milch und Milchprodukte in den mittel- und osteuropäischen Ländern. In Bahrs et al. (eds.), "Unternehmen im Agrarbereich vor neuen Herausforderungen". Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus e.V., Band 41, Berlin: 245-256. (pdf)

Kleinwechter, U. and H. Grethe (2006), The Adoption of the Eurepgap Standard by Mango Exporters in Piura, Peru. Contributed Paper at the 26th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists "Contributions of Agricultural Economics to Critical Policy Issues", 12-18 August 2006, Brisbane, Australia. Also at AgEcon Search (pdf).

von Witzke, H. und K. Hagedorn, (2006), Günther Schmitt, 1929-2006. German Journal of Agricultural Economics - Agrarwirtschaft 55 (5/6) (pdf

von Witzke, H., (2006), Kann die Landwirtschaft die Welt ernähren? Die nächsten 30 Jahre. DLG-Nachrichten (pdf)

von Witzke, H. und S. Noleppa, (2006), Trade Liberalization and Fairness: Distributive Effects of the New CAP. International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium, 2006 Annual Meeting, St. Petersburg, FL, USA, December 2006.

von Witzke, H. and S. Noleppa (2006), Distributive Effects of Direct Payments in German Agriculture under the New Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union, The German Marshall Fund of the United States, Washington, DC. (pdf)

von Witzke, H. und S. Noleppa (2006), Verteilungseffekte der EU-Direktzahlungen in der deutschen Landwirtschaft. Ein Bericht für den German Marshall Fund of the United States. (pdf)


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Chemnitz, C. and H. Grethe (2005), Preferential Entry Prices for Moroccan Tomato Exports to the EU - Who Gets the Rent? Contributed paper at the XIth International Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, "The Future of Rural Europe in the Global Agri-Food System", 23-27 August 2005, Copenhagen. Published on conference CD. ( pdf)

Grethe, H., Nolte, S. and S. Tangermann (2005), Evolution, Current State and Future of EU Trade Preferences for Agricultural Products from North-African and Near-East Countries. Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development, 2 (1): 109-133. (pdf)

Grethe, H. (2005), EU Agricultural Trade Preferences for North Africa and the Near East and the EU Import Regime for Fresh Fruit and Vegetables. Paper prepared for the FAO Regional Trade Workshop "Recent Development in the WTO Negotiations on Agriculture and in Regional Trade Agreements and their Implications for Trade, Agriculture and Food Security in the Near East Countries", Cairo 15th to 17th November 2005. (pdf)

Grethe, H., Nolte, S. and S. Tangermann (2005), Evolution, Current State and Future of EU Trade Preferences for Agricultural Products from North-African and Near-East Countries. Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development, 2 (1): 109-133.

Balkhausen, O., Banse, M., Grethe, H. and S. Nolte (2005), Modellierung der Auswirkungen einer Entkopplung der Direktzahlungen auf die Flächenallokation und Wiederkäuerproduktion in der EU: Eine Analyse unterschiedlicher Modellergebnisse. German Journal of Agricultural Economics (Agrarwirtschaft). 8 (54): 351-365. (pdf)

Grethe, H., Nolte, S. and S. Tangermann (2005), Entwicklung und Zukunft der EU-Agrarhandelspräferenzen für die südlichen und östlichen Mittelmeeranrainerstaaten. German Journal of Agricultural Economics (Agrarwirtschaft). 7 (54): 300-313. (pdf)
Grethe, H. (2005), Opportunities and Outlook: The Turkish Milk Market. European Dairy Magazine. 5 (2005): 16-17. (pdf)

Grethe, H. (2005), Der türkische Milchmarkt: Channcen und Perspektiven. Deutsche Milchwirtschaft. 19 (56): 837-841. (pdf)

Grethe, H. (2005), The CAP for Turkey? Potential Market Effects and Budgetary Implications. EuroChoices. 2 (04); 20-25.  (pdf)

Grethe, H. and S. Nolte (2005), Agricultural Import Surges in Developing Countries: How Do the Arise? Contributed paper a the Deutscher Tropentag 2005, 11-13 October, Hohenheim. (pdf)

Grethe, H., S. Nolte and S. Tangermann (2005), The Development and Future of EU Agricultural Trade Preferences for North-African and Near-East Cojntries. contributed paper at the XIth International Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Ecoomicsts, "The Future of Rural Europe in the Global Agric-Food System", 23-27 August 2005, Copenhaagen. Published on conference CD. ( pdf)

Banse, M. and H. Grethe (2005), Depicting International Price Transmission in Net-Trade Models: Current State and a New Approach. Poster at the XIth International Congress of the European Association of Agriculturel Economists, "The Future of Rural Europe in the Global Agri-Food System", 23-27 August 2005, Copenhagen. Background paper published on conference CD. (pdf)

Grethe, H. (2005), The Perspective of Agriculture Trade Preferences Granted by the  EU to Developing Countries. Contributed paper at the IATRC Annual Meeting 2005, "Pressures for Agricultural Policy Reform: WTO Panels and the Doha Round Negotiations", 19-21 June, Sevilla. Published on conference CD. (pdf)

Banse, M. and H. Grethe (2005), Beeinträchtigung der Milchmärkte in den MOEL durch eine abnehmende Subsistenzlandwirtschaft: Darstellung in einem partiellen Agrarsektormodell. In: Curtiss, J., Petrick, M. and A. Balmann (Eds.), Beiträge des 3. Doktorandenworkshops zur Agrarentwicklung in Mittel- und Osteuropa 2005. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 83. (pdf)

Grethe, H. and S. Nolte (2005), Agricultural Import Surges in Developing Countries: Exogenous Factors in their Emergence. Paper prepared for the FAO Informal Epert Consultation on Import Surges: The Case of Developing Countries. Rome, 18-19 April 1005. (pdf)

Grethe, H. (2005), Turkey´s accession to the EU: what will the Common Agricultural Policy cost?, In: Agrarwirtschaft 54 (2), pp. 128-137. (pdf)

Grethe, H. and G. Weber (2005), Comparing Supply Systems Derived from a Symmetric Generalized McFadden Profit Function to Isoelastic Supply Systems: Costs and Benefits. Contributed paper at the 89. Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, "Modelling Agricultural Policies: State of the Art and New Challenges", 3-5 February 2005, Parma. (pdf)

Balkhausen, O., Banse, M., Grethe, H. and S. Nolte (2005), Modelling the Effects of Partial Decoupling on Crop and Fodder Area as well as Beef Supply in the EU: Current State and Outlook. Contributed paper at the 89. Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, "Modelling Agricultural Policies: State of the Art and New Challenges", 3-5 Februar 2005, Parma. (pdf)

Banse, M. and H. Grethe (2005), How will Decreasing Subsistence Produciton Affect Future Dairy Markets in The CEC? Contributed paper at the 89. Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, "Modelling Agricultural Policies: State of the Art and New Challenges", 3-5 Februar 2005, Parma. (pdf)

Grethe, H., Häger, A. und D. Kirschke (2005), Aspekte der Agrarpolitik 2004. Agrarwirtschaft 1 (54). (pdf)

Banse, M., H. Grethe and S. Nolte (2005), European Simulation Model (ESIM) in GAMS: Model Documentation. European Commission, DG AGRI.

Banse, M., H. Grethe and S. Nolte (2005), European Simulation Model (ESIM) in GAMS: User Handbook. European Commission, DG AGRI.

Kleinwechter, U. and H. Grethe (2005), The Significance of Food Quality and Safety Standards in Developing Countries - A Case Study for the Eurepgap Standard in the Mango Export Sector in Piura, Peru. Poster at the Deutscher Tropentag 2005, 11-13 October, Hohenheim. (pdf)

von Witzke, H., D. Kirschke, H. Lotze-Campen und S. Noleppa, Ökonomie des Verbraucherschutzes für Lebensmittel in Entwicklungsländern. Bericht für die Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit. Berlin, 2005. (pdf)

von Witzke, H., Welfare, Growth and Distribution: LDCs` Food and Agriculture in the Process of Globalization. German Journal of Agricultural Economics 54 (2005).

von Witzke, H., D. Kirschke, H. Lotze-Campen and S. Noleppa, The Economics of Food-borne Diseases in Developing Countries: The Case of Diarrhea in Rwanda. Working Paper, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Humboldt University of Berlin, 2005. (pdf)


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Arbenser, L.: A General Equilibrium Analysis of the Impact of Inward FDI in Ghana: The Role of Complementary Policies. Working Paper Nr. 69 des Instituts für WiSoLa. (pdf)

Arbenser, L.: A General Equilibrium Analysis of the Nexus between Foreign Direct Investment, Trade and Macroeconomic Policies: The Case of Ghana. Berlin: Press

Grethe, H. (2004), What Can Turkey Gain from Full Agricultural Market Integration with the EU without Being a Member? IATRC Working Paper No. 04-3.
( pdf)

Grethe, H. (2004), Marktintegration ohne Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik: Auswirkungen einer Einbeziehung von Agrarprodukten in die Zollunion mit der EU auf den türkischen Agrarsektor. Agrarwirtschaft. 7 (53): 280-288. (pdf)

Grethe, H. (2004), Turkey's Accession to the EU: What Will the Common Agricultural Policy Cost? Working Paper No. 70/2004.
Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. (pdf)

Grethe, H. (2004), De integratie van de Landbouwsector vanuit Turks perspectief. In: Griffiths, R. T. and D. Ozdemir (eds.), Turkije en lidmaatschap van de Europese Unie. Lemma, Utrecht. Also forthcoming as The Integration of the EU's and Turkish Agricultural Markets and Policies from a Turkish Perspective. In: Griffiths, R. T. and D. Ozdemir (eds.), Turkey and the EU. University of Leiden.

Grethe, H. (2004), Low Animal Welfare Havens, Will they Be a Problem and how Can it Be Dealt with? In Multifunctional Agriculture, Policies and Markets: Understanding the Critical Linkage, October 28-29.
2004, Rennes, Proceedings Part 1. 99-110. (pdf)

Grethe, H.: Auswirkungen einer Integration der Agrarmärkte der Türkei und der EU: Eine partielle Gleichgewichtsanalyse. Contributed paper at the GEWISOLA-Tagung 2004, Umwelt- und Produktqualität im Agrarbereich. Berlin. (pdf)

Grethe, H.: The Dumping of Agricultural Products: Quantification and Interpretation. In: Germanwatch e.V. (ed.): Stop Dumping - Promote Food Security.

Grethe, H. (2004), Effects of Including Agricultural Products in the Customs Union between Turkey and the EU. A Partial Equilibrium Analysis for Turkey. CeGE-Schriften, Center for Globalization and Europeanization of the Economy, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, No. 9.
Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main. Also published at

von Witzke, H., Jechlitschka, K., Kirschke, D., Lotze-Campen, H., Noleppa, S.: Social rate of return to plant breeding research in Germany.
(Agrarwirtschaft 5/2004) (pdf)

von Witzke, H., Jechlitschka, K., Kirschke, D., Lotze-Campen, H., Noleppa, S.: Die gesamtwirtschaftliche Verzinsung der Pflanzenzüchtung in Deutschland. (pdf)


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