Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics


Institutionell und technologisch konsistente Energiestrategien für eine zentral oder dezentral ausgerichtete Energiewende in Deutschland

Start: 10/2013
End: 09/2016

In 2011, the German government passed a comprehensive bundle of regulations that marked the beginning of the energy transition in Germany. This has far-reaching consequences for the German energy system and its embedment in the European energy market. Nevertheless, a consensus is far from being reached. Different stakeholder have very different expectations towards its actual design. While more locally rooted actors call for a decentralized energy system, the EU Commission and economically oriented voices advocate a greater centralization. The project de.zentral concerned the following current questions:

  • Which options exist to design the transformation of the energy system in regard of the contradicting visions of a centralized or a decentralized energy supply?
  • Which technologies and institutions are consistent when energy strategies are to be developed in decentralized or centralized manner?
  • How can different levels of institutions interact?
  • To which degree do proposed paths contradict one another, where are they complementary? Which institutions are needed for the implementation of a decentralized or centralized transformation of the energy system?

Researcher: Paul Neetzow, Linda Neubauer, Anna Pechan, Christina Roolfs, Eva Schmid, Brigitte Knopf (former), Nils Marscheider (former), Micha Steinhäuser (former)


Project Partner: Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung und verschiedene Praxispartner aus der Energiewirtschaft und -politik: Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft (BDEW), Germanwatch, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Verband kommunaler Unternehmen (VKU), Verband kommunaler Unternehmen (VKU) – Landesgruppe Berlin-Brandenburg, 8 KU – Kooperation von acht großen kommunalen Energieversorgungsunternehmen


Lead Overall Project: Prof. Dr. Klaus Eisenack

Funding: BMBF, Förderschwerpunkt Sozial-Ökologische Forschung

Central Achievements:

Steinhäuser, J. M., Eisenack, K. (2020): How Market Design Shapes the Spatial Distribution of Power Plant Curtailment Costs. Energy Policy 144 (September): 111591.

Eisenack, K., Mier, M. (2019): Peak-load pricing with different types of dispatchability. Journal of Regulatory Economics, DOI: 10.1007/s11149-019-09394-9  

Neetzow, P., Pechan, A., Eisenack, K. (2018): Electricity storage and transmission: Complements or substitutes? in: Energy Economics,

Freie Working Paper-Version verfügbar.

Pechan, A. (2017): Where do all the windmills go? Influence of the institutional setting on the spatial distribution of renewable energy installation, in: Energy Economics, 65: 75–86, ScienceDirect.

Schmid, E., Pechan, A., Mehnert, M., Eisenack, K. (2017): Imagine all these futures: On heterogeneous preferences and mental models in the German energy transition, Energy Research & Social Science 27: 45-56, ScienceDirect.

Schmid, E., Pechan, A., Neetzow, P., Roolfs, C., Neubauer, L., Eisenack, K. (2017): 6 Thesen zu einer de.zentralen Energiewende – Erkenntnisse aus dem Projekt de.zentral, online.

Edenhofer, O., Roolfs, C., Gaitan, B., Nahmmacher, P., Flachsland, C. (2017): Agreeing on an EU ETS price floor to foster solidarity, subsidiarity and efficiency in the EU. In: Parry, Pittel, Vollebergh (Eds.): Energy Tax and Regulatory Policy in Europe: Reform Priorities, MIT press.

Schmid, E. (2016): Ergebnisse der Telefoninterviews im Rahmen der Forschung

„Qualitative Infrastrukturszenarien für die deutsche Energiewende“, online.

Meya, J., Neetzow, P., Neubauer, L., Pechan, A. (2016): Die Menge macht’s? Das EEG 2017 und die Folgen für die deutsche Energiewende. Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, November 2016, online.

Roolfs, C., Gaitan, B., Edenhofer, O. (2016): Reducing state-federal conflicts in environmental policy design: The role of fiscal transfers design, Presentation EAERE Zurich 2016 and PET Rio de Janeiro 2016, Working Paper.

Schmid, E., Knopf, B., Pechan, A. (2016): Putting an energy system transformation into practice: The case of the German Energiewende, in: Energy Research & Social Science, 11: 263-275, ScienceDirect.

Neetzow, P., Pechan, A. (2016): Electricity grid and storage – complements or substitutes? Präsentation, IEW Cork 2016 und EAERE annual conference Zürich 2016.

Pechan, A. (2015): Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Vergütungssysteme und Marktdesigns auf die räumliche Verteilung von Windenergieanlagen, Working Paper und Präsentation, IEWT Wien 2015

Schmid, E., Knopf, B., Pechan, A. (2015): Qualitative Infrastrukturszenarien für die deutsche Energiewende: Integration von Akteuren und Institutionen in langfristige Technologiezukünfte, Working Paper und Präsentation, IEWT Wien 2015, Best Paper Award

Steinhäuser, J.M., Eisenack, K. (2015): Spatial incidence of large-scale power plant curtailment costs, in: Oldenburg Discussion Papers in Economics, V- 379-15, Universität Oldenburg 2015

Pechan, A., Neubauer, L., Steinhäuser, M., Schmid, E. (2014): Dimensionen für die Ausgestaltung der deutschen Energiewende, Projekt de.zentral – Bericht