Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics


Adaptation to Climate Change through Sustainable Forest Management

Start: 2016
End: 2017

The project employs a novel methodological approach – the combination and triangulation of qualitative case study and economic experiments- to better understand the dynamics of institutional change in the climate sensitive land and forest management in Central Asia and specifically in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. The project investigates the ways that old and new institutions affect the sustainability of the use of natural resources. The project findings will inform policies on climate sensitive land and forest management in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Furthermore, the research findings will offer broader insights regarding the priorities for the climate change adaptation policies in Central Asia.

Researcher: Dr. Dimitrios Zikos, Dr. Ulan Kasymov


Lead Overall Project: Prof. Dr. Klaus Eisenack

Funding: BMZ/GIZ