Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics

Dissertation Kwapong, Nana Afranaa

The Influence of Governance Reform towards Cooperative Development in Uganda
Start: September 08
End: April 11

All over the world there is growing interest in developing the cooperative movement to address a range of socio-political and economic development issues in developing countries. There are rising expectations that cooperatives due to their nature of being highly democratic and locally autonomous ethical civil societies have a great potential role in reducing poverty, social exclusion, and promoting rural development. This research analyses how government policy reforms to promote cooperative development influences the functioning and organization of cooperatives in service provision and how this impacts the livelihood of the poor. The study analyses the case of Uganda, a developing country that has gone through successes and failures in the cooperative movement amidst various reforms and a recent interest in promoting cooperatives as a means to effectively reach the numerous poor in the country. The study will provide policy relevant knowledge to further understanding the extent to which governments should provide support for cooperatives in other to make cooperatives an efficient means of tackling poverty and promoting rural development. Also, this study will provide empirical evidence on how, where and why cooperatives may be impacting the livelihood of the poor in the rural communities in Uganda.

Researcher: Kwapong, Nana Afranaa

Cooperation Partners: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Makerere University Kampala

Advisors: Prof. Markus Hanisch, Prof. Bernard Bashaasha

Funding: BMZ