Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Gender And Globalisation

Foto Guelay Çağlar          Dr. Gülay Caglar

Current Teachings
Scientific Career

10/2011-3/2012 - Representation of the Junior Professorship Gender / Postcolonial Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Cluster of Excellence "Normative Orders", Goethe-University Frankfurt/M.


seit 4/2006 - Research Associate at the Department of "Gender and Globalization", Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (since 7/2007 Post-doc position).


1/2001-4/2006- Research Associate at the Department of "globalization & Politics“, FB Social Sciences, University of Kassel.


Academic Education

7/2007 PhD to Dr. rer. Pol. at the Department of Social Sciences of the University of Kassel (magna cum laude).


9/1995-4/1996 Studies in Political Science, University College of Swansea, UK


10/1993-5/2000 Studies in Political Science, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt/M., Graduate in Political Science (Grade: A).


Memberships and Functions in academic associations

seit 2012 - Member of the International Political Science Association (IPSA)


seit 2008 - Member of theGerman Association of Political Science (DVPW); Section "Methods of Political Science", section "Political economy" and Working Group „Politics & Gender“ Functions in the DVPW: 09/2008-11/2010 Co-Spokesperson of the working group „Politics & Gender“


seit 2007 - Member of the International Studies Association (ISA) Section “Feminist Theory and Gender Studies”, Section „International Political Economy“. Functions in the ISA: since 03/2011 At-large member im Executive Committee of the section “Feminist Theory and Gender Studies”, Spokesperson of the “Nomination Committee”


Consulting activities and memberships in professional public panels

seit 10/2011 - Member of Progress Forum of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Hans Boeckler Foundation, the Otto Brenner Foundation and the Progressive Center for the accompaniment of the Enquete Commission on "Growth, prosperity, quality of life - towards a sustainable economy and social progress in the social market economy".


seit 5/2011 - Member of the Advisory Board of the project "Women in the Green Economy" (Project Sponsor: genanet - gender, environment, sustainability; Funding: Federal Environment Agency)


2/2011 - Input on "Feminist economics as heterodox economics: From Consciousness to being" part of the planning workshop "Gender" of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (21 February 2011)


3/2007 - Expert in consultation of the Subcommittee "Public Service and Human Resources" of the Hamburg Parliament on "Gender Budgeting" (22 March 2007)


8/2003 - Member of the group concept to the Summer School "Engendering Macroeconomics" in the context of the global woman Programme of the Heinrich Böll Foundation.


2000-2002 - Advisory activities for the "Pilot Programme Gender" of the German Society for Technical Cooperation (GTZ): integration of gender aspects in the design of the BMZ sector strategy paper "Promoting Public Administration and Decentralisation in South Africa" ​​(February-April 2000), counseling paper "Gender-Sensitive budgeting. A chance to promote gender orientation into poverty reduction strategies (PRS) "(Aug.-October 2001), conference report and consultation paper" Financing for Development - approaches for TZ "(March-April 2002)


Research Focusses

Qualitative Methods in Social Research, (International) Political Fieldwork, Gender Studies, Global Governance (International) Economic policy and the role of economics policy advice, Feminist Economics



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