Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Resource Economics

Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop

Anastasiia Gotgelf, Matteo Roggero and Klaus Eisenack  held an Archetypes Session at the Ostrom Workshop, and a panel on teaching the IAD.

Two further contributions by Matteo Roggero highlighted the group's research agenda on polycentric climate governance: “Multi-Level Climate Action Turned Sour: How Does Cities’ Climate Leadership Look without National Support?” as part of the session “Adapting to Change: Local Networks at the Energy-Climate Interface”; and “PolycentriCities: Different Paths to Ambition in Climate Cooperation among Cities” as part of a session on “Theoretical Foundations of Polycentric Governance”.

reg in Bloomington
Photo: Matteo Roggero













REG in Bloomington (from left to right: Klaus Eisenack, Anastasia Gotgelf, Matteo Rogero)