Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Phytomedicine

Dr. Maria Landgraf

Humboldt-University of Berlin

Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture

Department of Crop and Animal Sciences

Division Phytomedicine

Lentzeallee 55/57

14195 Berlin


Room: 004

Phone: +49 30-2093-46451



Main research


Investigation of plant virus interaction with environment and potential influence on human health

  • Studies about plant viruses in food chain
  • Studies with a focus on the connection of plant viruses and allergen potential
  • Developing and establishing assays for the detection of plant pathogens in different materials (soil, water, plant, food)
  • Applying molecular biological technologies:  PCR (end point and real time PCR)
  • "Etablierung eines RT-PCR basierten Nachweises von Cherry leaf roll virus (CLRV) in Birkenpollen (Betula spp.)" Master of Ulrike Bütow

Latest publications:

  • Rumbou A, Candresse T, Marais A., Svanella-Dumas L, Landgraf M, von Bargen S, Büttner C, 2020:Unravelling the virome in birch: RNA-Seq reveals a complex of known and novel viruses. PLos ONE 15(6): e0221834, doi:
  • Landgraf, M.,  Gehlsen, J.,  Rumbou, A., Bandte, M., von Bargen, S., Schreiner, M., Jäckel, B., Büttner, C. 2016: Absterbende Birken im urbanen Grün Berlins – eine Studie zur Virusinfektion. In: Dujesiefken, D. (Ed.), Jahrbuch der Baumpflege, Haymarket Media, Braunschweig, 276-283. [PDF]