Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Phytomedicine

Division Phytomedicine - Publications

Articles in peer reviewed journals





Articles in peer reviewed journals 2021 [up]
  • Rehanek M, von Bargen S, Bandte M, Karlin DG, Büttner C (2021): A novel emaravirus comprising five RNA segments is associated with ringspot disease in oak. Archives of Virology 166, 987-990. []

  • Rumbou A, Candresse T, von Bargen S, Büttner C. (2021): Next-generation sequencing reveals a novel emaravirus in diseased maple trees from a German urban forest. Front. Microbiol. 11:621179. [doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.621179]

  • Liedtke, I., Diehn, S., Heiner, Z., Seifert, S., Obenaus, S., Büttner, C., & Kneipp, J. (2021). Multivariate Raman mapping for phenotypic characterization in plant tissue sections. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 251, 119418


Articles in peer reviewed journals 2020[up]
  • Bandte M, Rehanek M, Leder B, von Bargen S, Büttner C, (2020): Identification of an Emaravirus in a Common Oak (Quercus robur L.) Conservation Seed Orchard in Germany: Implications for Oak Health. Forests 11, e1174 (doi: 10.3390/F11111174]
  • von Bargen S, Bandte M, Al Kubrusli R, Jalkanen R, Büttner C, 2020. First report of European mountain ash ringspot-associated virus in Karpatiosorbus × hybrida in Finland. New Disease Reports 42, 1. []
  • Rumbou A, Candresse T, Marais A., Svanella-Dumas L, Landgraf M, von Bargen S, Büttner C, (2020):Unravelling the virome in birch: RNA-Seq reveals a complex of known and novel viruses. PLos ONE 15(6): e0221834, doi:
  • von Bargen S, Al Kubrusli R, Gaskin T, Fürl S,Hüttner F, Blystad D-R, Karlin D,Jalkanen R, Büttner C, (2020): Characterisation of a novel Emaravirus identified in mosaic‐diseased Eurasian aspen (Populus tremula). Annals of Applied Biology 176, 210-222, doi:
Articles in peer reviewed journals 2019[up]
  • Rumbou A, Candresse T, Marais A, Svanella-Dumas L,  Landgraf M, von Bargen S, Büttner C, (2019): Unravelling the birch virome: RNA-Seq reveals a complex of known and novel viruses . bioRxiv preprint 2019, doi:
  •  Schleusner Y, Müller P, bandte M, Heiermann M, Büttner C, (2019): Synchytrium endobioticum – risk from biogas plants? EPPO Bulletin 49(1):92-103.
  •  von Bargen S, Dieckmann H-L, Candresse T, Mühlbach H-P, Roßbach J, Büttner C, (2019): Determination of the complete genome sequence of European mountain ash ringspot-associated emaravirus from Sorbus intermedia reveals two additional genome segments. Arch Virol 164 (7):1937-1941.
  • von Bargen S, Tischendorf M, Bandte M, Büttner C, (2019): Ebereschenringfleckvirus - Felsenbirne mit Flecken. Deutsche Baumschule 71(4): 30.
  • von Bargen S, Tischendorf M, Bandte M, Büttner C, (2019): Zum Auftreten des Ebereschenring-fleckenvirus (European mountain ash ringspot-associated emaravirus, EMARaV) an der Felsenbirne. In: Dujesiefken D. (Hrsg.) Jahrbuch der Baumpflege 2019, Haymarket media, Braunschweig, 247-254.
  • Richter E, Leucker M, Heupel M, Büttner C, Bandte M, Ziebell H, (2019): Viren in Gemüse bekämpfen: Vorbeugen ist besser als Vernichten. Gemüse 55(3):18-21.
  • Rybak M, Büttner C, Bandte M, von Bargen S, (2019): Faktor Stress Klimawandel-Bäume: Stadtgrün der Zukunft. ZVG-Gartenbau Report 45(4/5):25.
  • Mitwirken an der ZDF Fernsehproduktion „das neue Waldsterben“,


Articles in peer reviewed journals 2018 [up]

  • Cutler, J., Langer, J., von Bargen, S., Acosta-Losada, O., Casierra-Posada, F., Castaneda-Cardenas, A., Betancourt-Vasquez, M., Cuellar, W., Arvydas-Stasiukynas, E., Altenbach, D., Büttner, C. (2018): Preliminary evaluation of associated viruses in production systems of cape gooseberry, purple passion fruit, and rose. Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Horticolas - Vol. 12 - No. 2 - pp. 390-396. DOI: 10.17584/rcch.2018v12i2.7799 [PDF]
  • von Bargen, S. , Tischendorf, M., Büttner C. (2018): First report of European mountain ash ringspot-associated virus in serviceberry (Amelanchier spp.) in Germany, New Disease Reports  37, 19. [] [PDF]
  • Opoku, E. B., Landgraf, M., Pack, K., Bandte, M., von Bargen, S., Schreiner, M., Jäckel, B., Büttner, C. (2018): Emerging viruses in urban green- detection of the virome in birch (Betula sp.), Journal of Horticulture, Biological Sciences, 5:2 DOI: 10.4172/2376-0354.1000233 [PDF]
Articles in peer reviewed journals 2017 [up]
  • Rumbou, A., Candresse, T., Marais, A., Theil, S., Langer, J., Jalkanen, R., Büttner, C. (2017): A novel Badnavirus discovered from Betula sp. affected by birch leaf roll disease, PLOS ONE PONE-D-17-44140 [PDF]

  • Massart, S., Candresse, T., Gil, J., Lacomme, C., Predajna, L., Ravnikar, M., Reynard J.-S., Rumbou, A., Saldarelli, P., Škorić, D., Vainio, E. J., Valkonen, J. P. T., Vanderschuren, H., Varveri, Ch., Wetzel, T., (2017): A Framework for the Evaluation of Biosecurity, Commercial, Regulatory, and Scientific Impacts of Plant Viruses and Viroids Identified by NGS Technologies Front. Microbiol., 24 January [PDF]
  • Landgraf, M., Langer, J., Gröhner, J., Zinnert, L., Bandte, M., von Bargen, S., Schreiner, M., Jäckel, B.,Büttner, C., (2017): Viruserkrankungen im urbanen Grün – eine Studie an Birken im Berliner Bezirk Steglitz-Zehlendorf Viral diseases in urban areas – a study on birch in Berlin Steglitz-Zehlendorf Jahrbuch der Baumpflege, 21. Jg., S. 327–332, ISBN 978-3-87815-253-8 [PDF]


 Articles in peer reviewed journals 2016 [up]
  • Bandte, M., Rodriguez, M.H., Schuch, J., Schmidt, U., Büttner, C. (2016): Plant virus in irrigation water: reduced dispersal of virus using sensor-based disinfection. Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. doi: 10.1007/s00271-016-0500-1

  • Holz, S., Duduk, B., Büttner, C., Kube, M., (2016): Genetic variability of Alder yellows phytoplasma in Alnus glutinosa in its natural Spreewald habitat. Forest Pathol 46(1):11-21, DOI:10.1111/efp.12206

  • Landgraf, M.,  Gehlsen, J.,  Rumbou, A., Bandte, M., von Bargen, S., Schreiner, M., Jäckel, B., Büttner, C. (2016): Absterbende Birken im urbanen Grün Berlins – eine Studie zur Virusinfektion. In: Dujesiefken, D. (Ed.), Jahrbuch der Baumpflege, Haymarket Media, Braunschweig, 276-283. [PDF]

  • Langer, J., Rumbou, A., Fauter, A., von Bargen, S., Büttner C. (2016): High genetic variation in a small population of Cherry leaf roll virus in Betula sp. of montane origin in Corsica. Forest Pathology doi: 10.1111/efp.12276 [PDF]

  • Lebas,  B.S.M., Veerakone, S., Liefting, L.W., Tang, J., Perez-Egusquiza,  Z., von Bargen, S., Ward, L. (2016): Comparison of diagnostic techniques for the detection and differentiation of Cherry leaf roll virus strains for quarantine purposes. Journal of Virological Methods. Volume 234, August 2016, Pages 142–151 [PDF]

  • Rumbou, A., von Bargen, S., Demiral, R., Langer, J., Rott, M., Jalkanen, R., Büttner, C. (2016): High diversity at the inter- / intra-host level of Cherry leaf roll virus population associated with the birch leaf-roll disease in Fennoscandia, Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 31, 546-560. doi:10.1080/02827581.2016.1165283
Articles in peer reviewed journals 2015 [up]
  • Holz S., Kube, M., Bartoszewski, G., Büttner, C., (2015): The impact of silicon on transcripts related to cucumber mosaic virus infection in cucumber. Commun Agric Appl Biol Sci 80(3):411-420

  • Holz, S., Kube, M., Bartoszewski, G., Büttner, C., (2015): Initial Studies on Cucumber Transcriptome Analysis under silicon treatment. Silicon: 1-5. DOI:10.1007/s12633-015-9335-2 [PDF]

  • von Bargen, S., Demiral, R., Büttner, C., (2015): First detection of Raspberry ringspot virus in mosaic diseased hybrid roses in Germany. New Disease Reports 32, 18. [PDF]
  • Büttner, C., von Bargen, S., Bandte, M., (2015): chapter 13: Phytopathogenic viruses. In: Principles of plant microbe interactions: Role of microbes in sustainable agriculture. Lugtenberg (ed.) Springer, Heidelberg, 115-122.
  • Büttner, C., von Bargen, S., Eisold, A.-M., Bandte, M., Rott, M. (2015): Eine Fallstudie zum Elm mottle virus (EMoV) an Ulme (Ulmus sp.). In: Dujesiefken, D. (Ed.), Jahrbuch der Baumpflege, Haymarket Media, Braunschweig, 245-250. [PDF]
  • Dierker, L., von Bargen, S., Büttner, C., (2015): Interaction studies of Cherry leaf roll virus (CLRV) - encoded proteins involved in intercellular virus movement in host plants. Acta Hortic. 1099, 681-686 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1099.83 [LINK]
  • Roßbach, J., Dieckmann, H.L., Büttner, T., Mühlbach, H.-P., von Bargen S., Büttner, C., (2015): Genetic variability and phylogeny of European mountain ash ringspot-associated virus RNA3 and RNA4. Forests 6, 4072-4087, doi: 10.3390/f6114072. [PDF]
  • Schoenmuth B, Schenke D, Scharnhorst T, Combrinck S, McCrindle RI, Mueller JO, Büttner C, Pestemer W (2015): Binding of RDX to cell wall components of Pinus sylvestris and Picea glauca and three-year mineralisation study of tissue-associated RDX residues. International Journal of Phytoremediation, Volume 17, Issue 7, 716-725 [LINK]
Articles in peer reviewed journals 2014 [up]
  • Siewert C, Hess WR, Duduk B, Huettel B, Reinhardt R, Büttner C, Kube M. Complete genome determination and analysis of Acholeplasma oculi strain 19L, highlighting the loss of basic genetic features in the Acholeplasmataceae. BMC Genomics. 2014 Oct 24;15:931. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-931. [PDF]
  • Kube M, Siewert C, Migdoll AM, Duduk B, Holz S, Rabus R, Seemüller E, Mitrovic J, Müller I, Büttner C, Reinhardt R. Analysis of the complete genomes of Acholeplasma brassicae, A. palmae and A. laidlawii and their comparison to the obligate parasites from 'Candidatus Phytoplasma'. J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol. 2014;24(1):19-36. [PDF]
  • Mitrović J, Siewert C, Duduk B, Hecht J, Mölling K, Broecker F, Beyerlein P, Büttner C, Bertaccini A, Kube M. Generation and analysis of draft sequences of 'stolbur' phytoplasma from multiple displacement amplification templates. J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol. 2014;24(1):1-11. [PDF]
  • Eds. Hong C., Moorman GW., Wohanka W., Büttner C.: Biology, detection and management of plant pathogens in irrigation water; APS Press, in press.
  • Eisold, A.-M., Bandte, M., Langer, J., Rott, M., Büttner, C., 2014: Phytopathogene Viren im Urbanen Grün. In: Dujesiefken, D. (Ed.), Jahrbuch der Baumpflege, Haymarket Media, Braunschweig, 217-227. [PDF]
  • von Bargen, S., Büttner, T., Mühlbach, H-P., Robel, J., Büttner, C. (2014): First report of European mountain ash ringspot-associated virus in Sorbus aucuparia in Norway. Plant Disease 98, 700.
  • Siewert C, Luge T, Duduk B, Seemüller E, Büttner C, et al. (2014) Analysis of Expressed Genes of the Bacterium ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma mali’ Highlights Key Features of Virulence and Metabolism. PLoS ONE 9(4): e94391. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0094391. [PDF]
  • Schoenmuth B, Mueller JO, Scharnhorst T, Schenke D, Büttner C, Pestemer W 2014. Elevated root retention of hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) in coniferous trees. Environ Sci Pollut Res 21, 3733-43. [Springer Link]
  • Plöchl M, Heiermann M, Rodemann B, Bandte M, Büttner C, (2014): Kinetics of inactivation and dilution effects on the mass balance of fungal phytopathogens in anaerobic digesters. Journal of Environmental Management 133, 116-120. [PDF]
Articles in peer reviewed journals 2013 [up]
  • Steinmöller S, Müller P, Bandte M, Büttner C, (2013): Risk of dissemination of Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 137, 573-584.
  • Eds. Pöhling M., Verreet J. (2013): Lehrbuch der Phytomedizin; Ulmer Verlag, ISBN: 3800151642, 4th edition
  • Bandte M, Schleusner Y, Heiermann, M, Plöchl M, Büttner C, (2013): Viability of plant-pathogenic fungi reduced by anaerobic digestion. BioEnergy Research 6, 966–973. [PDF]
  • Büttner, C., von Bargen, S., Bandte, M., Mühlbach, H.-P. (2013) Forest diseases caused by viruses. Chap. 3 In:  Infectious forest diseases. Gonthier P., Nicolotti G. (eds), CABI,  pp. 50-75. [PDF]
  • Hörmann, V., Goßmann, M., Büttner, C. & Ulrichs, Ch. (2013).
    Lignin als biologische Barriere gegen Schimmelpilze in Innenräumen. Gesunde Pflanzen 65, 15–20. [PDF]
  • von Bargen, S., Arndt, N., Robel, J., Jalkanen, R., Büttner C. (2013): Detection and genetic variability of European mountain ash ringspot-associated virus (EMARaV) in Sweden. Forest Pathology 43,429-432. [PDF]
  • Robel, J., Dieckmann, L., von Bargen, S., Büttner C. (2013): First detection of European mountain ash ringspot associated virus in rowan trees in Scotland. New Disease Reports 27, 13. []
  • Robel, J., Bandte, M., Mühlbach,H-P., von Bargen, S., Büttner, C. (2013): Ein neuartiges Virus in Sorbus aucuparia L.: Nachweis und Verbreitung des European mountain ash ringspot-associated virus (EMARaV). In: Dujesiefken, D. (Ed.), Jahrbuch der Baumpflege, Haymarket Media, Braunschweig, 47-53. [PDF]
  • Kube M, Siewert C, Migdoll AM, Duduk B, Holz S, Rabus R, Seemüller E, Mitrovic J, Müller I, Büttner C, Reinhardt R, 2013: Analysis of the Complete Genomes of Acholeplasma brassicae, A. palmae and A. laidlawii and Their Comparison to the Obligate Parasites from ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma'. Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology 24 (1), 19-36. [PDF]
  • Mitrović J, Siewert C, Duduk B, Hecht J, Mölling K, Broecker F, Beyerlein P, Büttner C, Bertaccini A, Kube M, 2013: Generation and Analysis of Draft Sequences of ‘Stolbur' Phytoplasma from Multiple Displacement Amplification Templates. Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology 24 (1), 1-11. [PDF]
  • Nasir MF, Hagedorn G, Büttner C, Reichmuth, C, Schöller M, 2013: Molecular identification of Trichogramma species from Pakistan, using ITS-2 region of rDNA. Bio Control 58, 483-491. [PDF]
  • Nübel U, Nachtnebel M, Falkenhorst G, Benzler J, Hecht J, Kube M, Bröcker F, Moelling K, Bührer C, Gastmeier P, Piening B, Behnke M, Dehnert M, Layer F, Witte W, Eckmanns T, 2013: MRSA transmission on a neonatal intensive care unit: epidemiological and genome-based phylogenetic analyses. PLoS One 8, e54898. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0054898. [PDF]
  • Seemüller E, Sule S, Kube M, Jelkmann W, Schneider B, 2013: The AAA+ ATPases and HflB/FtsH Proteases of ‘CandidatusPhytoplasmamali’: Phylogenetic Diversity, Membrane Topology, and Relationship to Strain Virulence. Mol Plant Microbe In 26 (3), 367-376. [PDF]
  • Tingaud-Sequeira A, Lozano JJ, Zapater C, Otero D, Kube M, Reinhardt R, Cerda J, 2013: A rapid transcriptome response is associated with desiccation resistance in aerilly-exposed killfish embryos. PloS One, 8(5), doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0064410. [PDF]
Articles in peer reviewed journals 2012 [up]
  • I. A. Al-Abdoulhadi, H. A. Dinar, G. Ebert and C. Büttner (2012): Influence of salinity stress on photosynthesis and chlorophyll content in date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) cultivars. African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 7(22), 3314-3319. [PDF]
  • I. A. Al-Abdoulhadi, H. A Dinar, G. Ebert and C. Büttner (2012): Influence of salinity levels on nutrient content in leaf, stem and root of major date palm (Phoenix Dactylifera L) cultivars. International Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Soil Science, Vol. 2(8). [PDF]
  • Gärber, U., Grosch, R., Goßmann M., Büttner, C. (2012): Auftreten und Nachweis von Fusarium oxysporum und F. proliferatum an Steck- und Saatzwiebeln. Gesunde Pflanzen 64, 1-10. [PDF]
  • Gärber, U., Grosch, R., Goßmann, M., Büttner, C. (2012): Fusaium-Befall an Zwiebeln - Aktuelle Befallserhebungen und Pathogeneitätsuntersuchungen. Magazin für den Gartenbauprofi, Sonderheft Zwiebel 1/2012, 12-13. [PDF]
  • von Bargen, S., Langer, J., Robel, J., Rumbou, A., Büttner, C. (2012): Complete nucleotide sequence of Cherry leaf roll virus (CLRV), a subgroup C nepovirus. Virus Research 163, 678-683. [PDF]
  • Steinmöller, S., Bandte, M., Büttner, C., Müller, P. (2012): Effects of sanitation processes on survival of Synchytrium endobiotoicum and Globodera rostochiensis. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 133, 753-763. [PDF]
  • Dam B, Dam S, Kube M, Reinhardt R, Liesack W. (2012): Complete Genome Sequence of Methylocystis sp. Strain SC2, an Aerobic Methanotroph with High-Affinity Methane Oxidation Potential. J Bacteriol. 194, 6008-6009. [PDF]
  • Li B, Shi Y, Ibrahim M, Liu H, Shan C, Wang Y, Kube M, Xie GL, Sun G. (2012): Genome sequence of the rice pathogen Dickeya zeae strain ZJU1202. J Bacteriol. 194, 4452-4453. [PDF]

  • Lemak S, Tchigvintsev A, Petit P, Flick R, Singer AU, Brown G, Evdokimova E, Egorova O, Gonzalez CF, Chernikova TN, Yakimov MM, Kube M, Reinhardt R, Golyshin PN, Savchenko A, Yakunin AF. (2012): Structure and activity of the cold-active and anion-activated carboxyl esterase OLEI01171 from the oil-degrading marine bacterium Oleispira antarctica. Biochem J. 445, 193-203. [PDF]

  • Lenk S, Moraru C, Hahnke S, Arnds J, Richter M, Kube M, Reinhardt R, Brinkhoff T, Harder J, Amann R, Mußmann M. (2012): Roseobacter clade bacteria are abundant in coastal sediments and encode a novel combination of sulfur oxidation genes. ISME J. 6, 2178-2187. [PDF]

  • Dam B, Kube M, Dam S, Reinhardt R, Liesack W. (2012): Complete sequence analysis of two methanotroph-specific repABC-containing plasmids from Methylocystis sp. strain SC2. Appl Environ Microbiol. 78, 4373-4379. [PDF]

  • Lahme S, Eberlein C, Jarling R, Kube M, Boll M, Wilkes H, Reinhardt R, Rabus R. (2012): Anaerobic degradation of 4-methylbenzoate via a specific 4-methylbenzoyl-CoA pathway. Environ Microbiol. 14, 1118-1132. [PDF]

  • Felder KM, Carranza PM, Gehrig PM, Roschitzki B, Barkow-Oesterreicher S, Hoelzle K, Riedel K, Kube M, Hoelzle LE. (2012): Insights into the gene expression profile of uncultivable hemotrophic Mycoplasma suis during acute infection, obtained using proteome analysis. J Bacteriol. 194, 1505-1514. [PDF]

  • Clark MS, Denekamp NY, Thorne MA, Reinhardt R, Drungowski M, Albrecht MW, Klages S, Beck A, Kube M, Lubzens E. (2012): Long-term survival of hydrated resting eggs from Brachionus plicatilis. PLoS One 7, e29365. [PDF]

  • Kube M, Mitrovic J, Duduk B, Rabus R, Seemüller E. (2012): Current view on phytoplasma genomes and encoded metabolism. ScientificWorldJournal. 2012:185942. [PDF]

  • Ulrichs, Ch, C Büttner, T Tessema, I Mewis (2012)  Insektizide Wirkung sekundärer Inhaltsstoffe in Parthenium hysterophorus (Asteraceae).   Mitt. Dtsch. Ges. Allg. Ent. 18: 227-230.

Articles in peer reviewed journals 2011 [up]
  • Eds. Hadidi A., Barba M., Candresse T., Jelkmann W. (2011): Virus and Virus-like Diseases of Pome and Stone Fruits; APS PRESS, ISBN: 0890543968
  • I.A.Al-Abdoulhadi, S. Al-Ali, K. Khurshid, F. Al-Shryda, A.M.Al-Jabr, A. Ben Abdallah (2011): Assessing fruit characteristics to standardize quality norms in date cultivars of Saudi Arabia. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.4 No.10. [PDF]
  •  Fakhro, A., von Bargen, S., Bandte, M., Büttner, C. Franken, P., Schwarz, D. (2011): Susceptibility of different plant species and tomato cultivars to two isolates of Pepino mosaic virus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 129, 579-590. [PDF]
  • Bandte, M., Schuster, A.K., von Bargen, S., Büttner, C. (2011): Viren an Betula pendula (Roth) Analyse des Artenspektrums der Ordnung Hemiptera und Nachweis von Cherry leaf roll virus (CLRV) in potentiellen Vektoren. In: Dujesiefken, D. (Ed.), Jahrbuch der Baumpflege, Haymarket Media, Braunschweig. [PDF]
  • Büttner, C., von Bargen, S., Bandte, M., Myrta, A. (2011): Cherry leaf roll virus. In: Virus and Virus-like Diseases of Pome and Stone Fruits. (Hadidi, A., Barba, M., Candresse, T., Jelkmann, W.) APS PRESS, St. Paul, USA. [PDF]
  • Goßmann, M., Scholz, A., Hennig, F., von Bargen, S., Büttner, C. (2011): Fusarium oxysporum- und F. proliferatum-Isolate aus Spargel und deren Pathogenitätsüberprüfung in einer modifizierten in vitro-Schnellmethode. Gesunde Pflanzen 63, 175-182 [PDF]
Articles in peer reviewed journals 2010 [up]
  • Adarkwah, C., Büttner, C., Reichmuth, C., Obeng-Ofori, D., Prozell, S., Schöller, M. (2010): Ability of the larval ectoparasitoid Habrobracon hebetor (Say, 1836) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) to locate the rice moth Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton, 1865) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in bagged and bulk stored rice. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 117, 67-70. [PDF]
  • Adarkwah, C., Obeng-Ofori, D., Büttner, C., Reichmuth, C., Schöller, M. (2010): Bio-rational control of red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) in stored wheat with Calneem oil derived from neem seeds. J Pest Sci 83, 471–479. [PDF]
  • Dimova, M.A.; Büttner, C.; Gabler, J.; Grosch, R.; Bar-Yosef, B.; Kläring, H.-P. (2010): Control of root zone pH is not effective in preventing Pythium aphanidermatum disease in cucumber. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 117, 244-247. [PDF]
  • Fakhro, A., von Bargen, S., Bandte, M., Büttner, C. (2010): Pepino mosaic virus, a first report of a virus infecting tomato in Syria. Phytopathologia mediterranea 49, 99-101. [PDF]
  • Fakhro, A., Andrade-Linares, D.R., von Bargen, S., Bandte, M., Büttner, C., Grosch, R., Schwarz, D., Franken, P. (2010): Impact of Piriformospora indica on tomato growth and on interaction with fungal and viral pathogens. Mycorrhiza 20, 191-200. [PDF]
  • Langer, J., von Bargen, S., Bandte, M., Hamacher, J., Büttner, C. (2009): Auftreten und  Bedeutung des Cherry leaf roll virus in Laubbäumen am Beispiel von Steinfrüchten. In: Dujesiefken, D. (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch der Baumpflege, Haymarket Media, Braunschweig, 237-244. [PDF]
  • Schwarz, D., Beuch, U., Bandte, M., Fakhro, A., Büttner, C., Obermeier, C. (2010): Spread and interaction of Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) and Pythium aphanidermatum in a closed nutrient solution recirculation system: effects on tomato growth and yield. Plant Pathology 59, 443-452. [PDF]
Articles in peer reviewed journals 2009 [up]
  • Bandte, M., von Bargen, S., Arndt, N., Grubits, E., Jalkanen, R., Büttner, C. (2009): Bedeutende Viren an Birke - Fallbeispiele aus Deutschland, Finnland un den USA. In: Dujesiefken, D. (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch der Baumpflege, Haymarket Media, Braunschweig, 215-221. [PDF]
  • Buchhop, Jutta; von Bargen, Susanne; Büttner, Carmen: Differentiation of Cherry leaf roll virus isolates from various host plants by immunocapture-reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism according to phylogenetic relations; Journal of Virological Methods Vol. 157 (May 2009), 147–154. [PDF]
  • Janke, J., Bandte, M., Ulrichs, C., Grabenweger, G., Jäckel, B., Balder, H., Büttner, C. (2009): Serological marking of Pnigalio agraules (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) for field dispersal studies. Journal of Pest Sciences 82, 47-53. [PDF]
  • Rumbou, A., von Bargen, S., Büttner, C., (2009): A model system for plant-virus interaction - infectivity and seed transmission of Cherry leaf roll virus (CLRV) in Arabidopsis thaliana. European Journal of Plant Pathology 124, 527-532. [PDF]
  • von Bargen, S., Martinez, O., Schadock, I., Eisold, A.-M., Gossmann, M., Büttner, C. (2009): Genetic variability of phytopathogenic Fusarium proliferatum associated with crown rot in Asparagus officinalis. Journal of Phytopathology 157, 446-456.
  • von Bargen, S., Arndt, N., Grubits, E., Büttner, C., Jalkanen, R. (2009): Cherry leaf roll virus in birch - an old problem or an emerging virus in Finland? In:  Crop plant resistance to biotic and abiotic factors:  current potential and future demands. (Eds. Feldmann, F., Alford, D.V., Furk, C.). DPG Spectrum Phytomedizin, Braunschweig, 242-250. [PDF]
  • von Bargen, S., Grubits, E., Jalkanen, R., Büttner, C.  (2009): Cherry leaf roll virus - an emerging virus in Finland? Silva Fennica 43, 727-738. [PDF]
  • Goßmann, M. (2009): Bodenbürtige Pilze im Spargelanbau. Ist das Fusarium-Risiko minimierbar? Gemüse 9, 29-30
  • Rahman, A., Biswas, N., Ulrichs, C., Büttner, C., Bramhachary, R.L., Goswami, A., Datta. A. (2009): Nanoparticle-Virus complex shows enhanced immunological effect against baculovirus. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 9, 1-5. [PDF]


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