Inclusive nutrition-sensitive value chains in Kenya and Uganda – Upgrading strategies for underutilised horticultural crops (InNuSens)
Funding program/call
Partnerships for sustainable solutions with Sub-Saharan Africa– measures for research and integrated postgraduate education and further training
Module 1: German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Module 2: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Work packages
Module 1: Interdisciplinary research
Module 2: Capacity building
Project lead
Module 1 (BMBF): Prof. Dr. Dagmar Mithöfer (
Module 2 (DAAD): Prof. Dr. Susanne Huyskens-Keil (
Coordination: Dr. Thomas Aenis (
Project Brief
The project contributes to developing food production and supply systems of underutilised horticultural crops in nutrition-sensitive horticultural value chains in Kenya, Uganda and Tansania, particularly regarding innovation systems, food product development, postharvest management, processing, logistics and IT. The project builds individual, organisational, and institutional capacities for problem-oriented transdisciplinary (TD) research and education activities at PhD and postgraduate levels.
Module 1 (BMBF) will combine the interdisciplinary research of four PhD candidates and an external African ICT business partner in and carry out research on (1) the analysis of innovation systems, (2) food product development and adaptation, (3), nutrition-sensitive post-harvest quality management and supply chain management, and (4) sustainable logistics and transport systems.
Module 2 (DAAD) develops a support structure for inter-and transdisciplinary problem-oriented research and education activities at partner universities and beyond. Module 2 further serves as a platform for experimentation and reflection on approaches increasing the orientation of research and education towards regional challenges within the food sector, in particular in nutrition-sensitive value chains. Interdisciplinary solution-oriented research projects are implemented with postgraduates from all partner universities, of which one study is coordinated by the Centre for Rural Development (SLE). The study comprises a team of 10 Kenyan, German, and Ugandan postgraduates in a six-month research.
Project Duration
Module 1: 15.05.2021 – 31.05.2025
Module 2: 01.01.2021 – 31.12.2024
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Centre for Rural Development (SLE)
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (Kenia)