Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Agricultural Ecology

Dr. rer. agr. Shigeo Watanabe




Graduated with a Dr. rer. agr. from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Faculty of Life Sciences. Doctoral thesis on “An Institutional Analysis of Biotrade Contract Implementation; the Case of Namibian Marula Plant Oil”.


Graduated with a Master of Science (International Agricultural Science course) from the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Master thesis on “The Prospects for Installing Access to genetic resource and Benefit Sharing (ABS) Framework; Problems and Solutions with Institutional Analysis in Ethiopian Coffee Forest”.


Graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering (Major: Mechanical Engineering and Economics) from Waseda-University, Tokyo. Bachelor thesis on “Economic Analysis on the Privatization of Urban Water Supply Systems in Developing Countries (Japanese)”.


Kosei-Gakuen High School, Tokyo/Japan.

Selected work experiences and social engagement


Freelancer in projects of Industrieanlagen Consulting & Handel GmbH, Berlin

- Project Adaptation assessment of the cloud-based integrated grid management system in Germany and Austria, Mizuho Information & Research Institute Inc., Tokyo/Japan

- Project Corporate strategies for the Program Renewable Energy 100, Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan, Tokyo/Japan


Coordinator of the project IGA-Workcamps „green professions“, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Faculty of Life Sciences, Division of Vocational Teaching in Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences




Worked in a research group “Policy Analysis for the Promotion of Local-initiated Renewable Energy” in the Division of Resource Economics, at the Hitotsubashi-University, Tokyo/Japan


Adviser of the Biodiversity team of a Japanese environment NGO “A SEED JAPAN (Action for Solidarity Equality Environment and Development)”, Tokyo/Japan



Voluntary Worked in a youth environment organisation Friends of the Earth Germany Youth (BUNDjugend), suporting orgsanisational works of conferences International Youth Globalization Forum in Berlin and Youth Energy Summit in Bonn


Member of different projects and a board member of a Japanese environment NGO A SEED JAPAN, in Tokyo/Japan


Member of executive committee of “World Youth Volunteer Summit” of the United Nations Volunteers in Tokyo/Japan




Council for Tropical and Subtropical Agricultural Reseach, Germany: Conference Travel Grants to “the 15th Biennial Global Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons


Elsa-Neumann-Scholarship of the state of Berlin, Germany: Scholarship for the doctoral research


Vater und Sohn Eiselen Foundation Ulm, Germany: Scholarship for the field research in Ethiopia, as a part of Master’s thesis work

Selected publications

Articles, books and conference papers

Nishibayashi, Shogo; Watanabe, Shigeo und Terabayashi, Akira (2018 im Druck). Renaturalization Project of the River Emscher: New Efforts of the Emscher Water Association (Japanisch). Japanisches Journal von Forschung der Umweltzerstörung, vol.48 (1), 63-66.

Terabayashi, Akira; Watanabe Shigeo; Fujii, Kohei und Nishibayashi, Shogo (2018 im Druck). A Review of Feldheim: Re-evaluation of a Pioneer Case in Renewable Energy Projects (Japanisch). Japanisches Journal von Forschung der Umweltzerstörung, vol.48 (1), 45-51.

Yamashita, Hidetoshi und Watanabe, Shigeo (2018 im Druck). Challenges ofRenewable Energy Market and Local Contributions: Cases in German Projects of Community Wind Power (Japanisch). Japanisches Journal von Forschung der Umweltzerstörung, vol.48 (1), 28-32.

Watanabe, Shigeo (2016). The impacts from biotrade contracts with an example of Namibian marula plant oil - an institutional analysis (in German). In Korn, H. und Bockmühl, K. (ed.). Treffpunkt Biologische Vielfalt (XV) - Interdisziplinärer Forschungsaustausch im Rahmen des Übereinkommens über die biologische Vielfalt. BfN-Skripten 436. Bonn - Bad Godesberg: German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, 111-117.

Watanabe, Shigeo and Farrell, Katharine N. (2015). Unintended Economic Consequences of Biotrade in Namibian Marula Plant Oil: a Study of Changing Patterns of Economic Behaviour. Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics, vol.24, 265-274.

Watanabe, Shigeo (2015). An Institutional Analysis of Biotrade Contract Implementation; the Case of Namibian Marula Plant Oil. Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources (ICAR)-Series vol.54. Aachen: Shaker Verlag.

Watanabe, Shigeo and Farrell, Katharine N. (2015). An Institutional Analysis on the Management of a Namibian Women’s Cooperative. Conference paper and presentation at the conference 15th Biennial Global Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons. Edmonton, Canada: The University of Alberta. 25.-29.05.2015.

Watanabe, Shigeo and Farrell, Katharine N. (2015). Challenges of Namibian Administrative Structure to Implement the Access to genetic resources and Benefit Sharing legislation. Conference paper and presentation at the conference 15th Biennial Global Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons. Edmonton, Canada: The University of Alberta. 25.-29.05.2015.

Watanabe, Shigeo and Nishibayashi, Shogo (2014). Introduction of Arguments on the German Act on the Selection of a Repository Site for High-level Radioactive Waste (in Japanese). Japanese Journal of Research on Environmental Disruption, Vol.43, No.4, 43-46.

Watanabe, Shigeo and Farrell, Katharine N. (2014). Changes of Property Right Institutions on Namibian Marula Fruits as Impacts from Biotrade. Conference paper and presentation at the conference International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development (Tropentag). Prague: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague. 17.-19.09.2014.


Watanabe, Shigeo (2016). Using the Institutions of Sustainability to study Biotrade Contracting of Marula Products in Namibia. Presentation at the Symposium Institutions of Sustainability as a Framework to Handle Resource Conflicts. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 04.05.2016.

Watanabe, Shigeo and Farrell, Katharine N. (2015). Implemention of the law on access to geneic resoruces and benefit sharing: challenges of Namibian government (in Japansese). Presentation at the Seminar Environment and Technology. Tokyo, Japan: Hitotsubashi University. 29.10.2015.

Watanabe, Shigeo and Farrell, Katharine N. (2015). Changes in Economic Institutions concerning Namibian Marula Fruit Understood as Impacts from Biotrade. Presentation at the Passau Research Colloquium on Southeast Asia. Passau: Universität Passau. 22.04.2015.

Watanabe, Shigeo (2015). An institutional Analysis on the Implementation of biorade contracts; an example with Namibian marula plant oil (in Japanese). Presentation at the Research Colloquium of the Division of Resource Economics. Tokyo, Japan: Hitotsubashi University. 15.01.2015.

Watanabe, Shigeo and Farrell, Katharine N. (2014). Changes of Economic Institutions on Namibian Marula Fruits as Impacts from Biotrade. Presentation at the conference 24. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie. Vienna: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna. 24.-25.09.2014.

Watanabe, Shigeo (2012). Challenges for the Local Development in North Namibia; a Case of Eudafano Women’s Co-operative. Presentation at the conference Co-operative Responses to Global Challenges. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 21.-23.03.2012.

Watanabe, Shigeo (2010). What is ABS (Access to genetic resources and Benefit Sharing)? (in Japanese). Presentation at the Workshop Preparation for the 10th Conference of Parties (COP 10) of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (UN-CBD). Nagoya, Japan: Action for Solidarity, Equality, Environment and Development (A SEED) Japan. 15.10.2010.