Dissertation of Nina Hagemann
Start: November 08
End: April 13
The PhD thesis will be conducted in the framework of the BMBF research project „International Water Research Alliance Saxony” using the example of the model region Eastern Europe (Ukraine). The interdisciplinary project brings together natural and social scientists from the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, TU Dresden as well as Stadtentwässerung Dresden. The project in the model region aims at developing new concepts for the improvement of the surface water quality of the Western Bug. The legal and economic based sub-project works on the analysis of the institutional setting of the wastewater sector and aims at developing recommendations for a cost-effective modernisation of the wastewater system. During the first phase the dissertation „Governing natural resources in transition countries – the case of wastewater management in the city of Lviv, Ukraine“ will focus on the institutional analysis of the wastewater sector. Based on the analysis the second step will be the discussion of alternative institutional arrangement for the tariff setting procedure based on respective theoretical approaches.
Researcher: Hagemann, Nina
Cooperation Partners: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), TU Dresden, Stadtentwässerung Dresden
Advisors: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. K. Hagedorn (HU Berlin), Dr. I. Dombrowsky (UFZ), Prof. B. Hansjürgens (UFZ)
Funding: BMBF
Publications and Presentations: see