Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Cooperative Responses to Global Challenges

Call for Papers

You can download the call as pdf-file here.

Please note: This call has closed!

The organizers invite an interdisciplinary audience from the fields of

•    Cooperatives and Non Profit Organizations
•    Economics and Finance
•    Political Sciences
•    Governance and Institutions
•    Cooperative Studies
•    Public Policy
•    Sociology
•    Agricultural Economics
•    Rural Development
•    Gender Studies
•    Geography
•    other related disciplines

Participants intending to contribute a paper are requested to submit an abstract of maximum 2 pages (about 500 words) in English by September 23, 2011.

The abstract should indicate: 1) the question addressed, 2) the concepts and theories to which one refers, 3) the methodology used, the cases referred to and 4) the results obtained. Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by November 11, 2011. The deadline for the final submission of accepted papers is March 1, 2012.

The official language of the conference will be English. Note that the number of participants is limited to 350 for organizational and technical reasons.

Posters and cooperative best practice exhibitions

Participants who intend to contribute a research poster are requested to submit a description of maximum 2 pages (about 500 words) by September 23, 2011.
During the duration of the event a selection of cooperative enterprises can present themselves. Cooperatives who intend to contribute a “best-practice presentation” are requested to submit a description of maximum 2 pages (about 500 words) by September 23, 2011.

For all submissions please use the conference management tool.
You can access this online system here.

Young researchers’ bonus and best paper award

In order to motivate contributions from young researchers below the age of 35 years, a reduced participation fee will be provided. Contributions from young researchers automatically take part in the best paper award worth 500 Euro.