Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Gender And Globalisation

956ee63d-5521-4bb2-b01e-da0795876434.jpeg    Dr. Meike Brückner


Main Research Topics: Critical Agri-Food Studies, Human-Nature-Relations, Care and Food, Sustainability and Digitalisation, Participatory and Qualitative Research Methods


Phd Topic: "Biodiversity in the kitchen: Cooking and caring for African Indigenous Vegetables in Kenya. A feminist approach to Food Sovereignty"


Research Projects:

"Meal Cultures in Market Trends and Consumption Habits" (subproject 7b)

„PLATEFORMS - Potentiale von Plattformen der Nahrungsmittelversorgung zur Förderung nachhaltiger Ernährungspraktiken“






Past Teachings (selection):


SoSe 23: Gender, Environment and Sustainability: Theory and debates, Qualitative research and femminist methodologies in Food Studies

WiSe22/23: Stadt-Land-Food: Raum, Geschlecht und Ernährung

SoSe 22: Global Value Chains and Sustainability from a Gender Perspective / Gender, Environment and Sustainability: Theory and debates

WiSe 20/21: Was wir (nicht) essen: Gesellschaftliche Naturverhältnisse im Feld der Ernährung und Landwirtschaft

WiSe 19/20: Avocado oder Avocadon't? Ernährung und Ressourcen

SoSe 19:      Gender Analysis in Economics

                   Food and Care from a Feminist Political Ecology perspective

WiSe 17/18: Qualitative und partizipative Methoden der Feldforschung (MA-Course)

                   Von der Agrarproduktion bis zur täglichen Mahlzeit: Ernährung und Geschlecht in transdisziplinärer Perspektive (BA-Course)

SoSe17:       Gendered Practices of Food: Care, Environment and Sovereignty 

SoSe16:       Food-Body-Environment 

Wise13/14 & SoSe14: Research Seminar - Sports and Health Sociology (University of Potsdam) 




Sardadvar, Karin; Brückner, Meike & Brettin, Suse: Dringliche Allianzen und gemeinsame Visionen: Verbindungslinien zwischen feministischen und umweltpolitischen Perspektiven. In: Wroblweski, A.; Schmidt, A. (Eds.): Gleichstellung in progress. Von Frauenförderung zu Diversität und Inklusion. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.

Brettin, Suse; Brückner, Meike & Natalia Magnani: A Plate Full of Food and Care: Investigating Care Practices and Gender Relations at the Crossroads of Sustainability, Innovative Practices, and Digital Platforms. In: Dulsrud, A., Forno, F. (Eds.): Digital Food Provisioning in Times of Multiple Crises, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.


Brückner, Meike & Sardadvar, Karin: The hidden end of the value chain: potentials of integrating gender, households, and consumption into agrifood chain analysis. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems., Vol. 7. 

Brückner, Meike: Meal cartographies: Using visual methods to explore geographies of food provisioning and care work. Feministisches Geo-RundMail Nr. 93.

Brückner, Meike: Rich People's Food? Changing Food Landscapes and the Need for a Critical Discourse on Superfoods. Food, Fatness and Fitness. Critical Perspectives Blog.

Hoinle, Birgit & Brückner, Meike: Kolonialität von Essen und Bewegungen für Ernährungssouveränität. In: Bauriedl S. & Carstensen-Egwuoum I. (Eds.): Geographien der Kolonialität: Geschichten globaler Ungleichheitsverhältnisse der Gegenwart. Transkript, Bielefeld (accepted, in process)


Brückner, Meike & Caglar, Gülay: Feministische Politische Ökologie von Agrobiodiversität und Ernährung: Indigenes Blattgemüse in Kenia. In: Berliner Blätter: Ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge.


Sandra Čajić, Meike Brückner, Suse Brettin (2021): A recipe for localization? Digital and analogue elements in food provisioning in Berlin A critical examination of potentials and challenges from a gender perspective. In: Sustainable Production and Consumption, DOI:

Meike Brückner, Sandra Čajić & Christine Bauhardt (2021) Reflection: Food as pleasure or pressure? The care politics of the pandemic, Food and Foodways, DOI: 10.1080/07409710.2021.1943612


Brückner, Meike (2020): Learning degrowth from women's food knowledge and care in Kenya. In: Anitra Nelson & Ferne Edwards: Food for Degrowth: Perspectives and Practices. London: Routledge. 

Brückner, Meike (2020): Biodiversity in the Kitchen. Cooking and Caring for African Indigenous Vegetables in Kenya: A Feminist Approach to Food Sovereignty. München: oekom Verlag.


Joyce-Ann Syhre & Meike Brückner (2018): The garden has improved my life’: Agency and food sovereignty of women in urban agriculture in Nairobi. In: Christine Bauhardt & Wendy Harcourt: Feminist Political Ecology and the Economics of Care: In Search of Economic Alternatives, Publisher: Routledge.

Anne Aswani Musotsi, Meike Brückner, Parto Teherani-Krönner, Ann Kingiri (2018): The gender dynamics of provisioning African Indigenous Vegetables as a meal in Kenya: A meal security perspective. In: Journal of Gender, Agriculture and Food Security, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2018. pp. 36-50.

Brückner, Meike & Christine Bauhardt (2018): Agrarwissenschaft - Gender Curricula. Netzwerk für Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung NRW.


Brückner, Meike & Suse Brettin (2017): Rezension. Wendy Harcourt und Ingrid L. Nelson (Hrsg.): Practising Feminist Political Ecologies. Moving Beyond the ›Green Economy‹; Vandana Shiva: Jenseits des Wachstums. Warum wir mit der Erde Frieden schließen müssen. In: Feministische Studien 2/2017

Brückner, Meike & Anne Aswani (2017): Promoting Consumption of African Indigenous Vegetables in Kenya. The Role of Gendered Knowledge and Perception. Policy Brief. African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), HORTINLEA Policy Brief 001/2017.

Brückner, Meike & Brettin, Suse (2017): Meal Sovereignty: Empirical Insights on an Innovative Perspective. International Colloquium: The Future of Food and Challenges for Agriculture in the 21st Century: Debates about who, how and with what social, economic and ecological implications we will feed the world. Vitoria Gasteiz, Spain (Conference Paper).


Brückner, Meike & Caglar, Gülay (2016): Understanding Meal Cultures — Improving the Consumption of African Indigenous Vegetables: Insights from Sociology and Anthropology of Food. In: African Journal of Horticultural Science, Vol. 9: 53-61.

Brückner, Meike (2016): Rezension. Gabriele Winker: Care-Revolution. Schritte in eine solidarische Gesellschaft. Femina Politica 1/2016, 191-193.




Gender, Environment and Sustainability, Guest lecture for the course 'Environmental Sociology', School of Natural Sciences, Tallinn University

Feminist debates in environmental and agrarian studies: Feminist Political Ecology and Biodiversity. Key lecture for the course 'Gender, agriculture, food and environment', Ecole d’Ingénieurs de Purpan, Toulouse


Bridging Spaces: Linking Modes of Food Provisioning with Household Food Practices Methodologically, Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging (ESA Conference), 20.-23. August 2019, Manchester, UK (mit S. Brettin)

Mahlzeitensouveränität: Kapitalismuskritik im Ernährungssystem aus einer feministischen Perspektive, Umweltringvorlesung "Kapital is' muss!? - Wirtschaftsethik und -alternativen", 08. Mai 2019, Dresden, Deutschland (mit S. Brettin)


Kitchen Stories: Feministische Geographien des Essens am Beispiel von Kenia, Gastvortrag im Rahmen des Osnabrücker Geographischen Kolloquiums "Die Welt auf dem Teller", 24.01.2018, Osnabrück


The Bittersweet Consumption of African Indigenous Vegetables: A Meal Sovereignty Perspective, Hortinlea Workshop: Gender in Agricultural Value Chains: African Indigenous Vegetables in Kenya, 24. November 2017, Berlin 

WORKSHOPMODERATION: "Women’s Agency and Empowerment", International Urban Farming Conference, 11. & 12. September 2017 (with Joyce-Anne Syhre)

Meal Sovereignty in Urban and Rural Kenya: Consumption Practices of African Indigenous Vegetables, 7th European Conference on African Studies ECAS, 29. Juni - 01. Juni 2017, Basel, Schweiz

Meal Sovereignty: Empirical Insights on an Innovative Perspective, The Future of Food and Challenges for Agriculture in the 21st Century, 25. & 26.04.2017, Vitoria Gasteiz, Spanien (mit S. Brettin)


Redefining Indigenous Food: Local Perspectives on AIV Consumption in Kenya, Multiple Dimensions of Food Sovereignty (HORTINLEA Conference), 23. & 24. June 2016, Berlin (mit A. Aswani).

Reflections on the Right to Food, Sustainable Food Infrastructures and Place-based Practices of Care in Kenya, Workshop Sustainable Livelihood and Ecofeminism, 08. April 2016, Berlin.


Food Habits of African Indigenous Vegetables in Kenya, 2nd International Conference on Biodiversity for Food & Nutrition, 23. November 2015, Nairobi, Kenia (Poster mit A. Aswani)

Food Habits Matter: Investigating the Consumption of African Indigenous Vegetables in Kenya, Tropentag, 16. —18. September 2015, Berlin (mit A. Aswani).

Ortseffekte und Ernährung: Ein Vergleich urbaner und ruraler Ernährungskultur, Raum is(s)t Nahrung: Ein Workshop zu Geographien der Nahrung und Ernährung, 19. & 20. Juni 2015, Bayreuth.

The Role of Gendered Food Habits in Value Chain Analysis, Workshop: From the Field to the Table Investigating Gender Dynamics in Production, Marketing and Consumption of African Indigenous Vegetables (AIVs) in Kenya, 28. & 29. Mai 2015, Berlin.

Understanding Consumer Behaviour: The Social Embeddedness of Food Practices, 143rd JOINT EAAE/AAEA Seminar, 25—27. März 2015, Neapel, Italien (mit C. Bauhardt & G. Caglar).




- 05/2013 - 07/2014 Research Associate at the Department of Sport and Health Sociology, University of Potsdam

- 03/2013 - 07/2013 Freelancer

  • C60/Collaboratorium for cultural practice
  • greenstorming - Agency for Sustainable Event Management

- 10/2005 - 10/2012 Study of sociology, human geography and ethnography / cultural history, University Friedrich-Schiller, Jena

- 09/2008 - 02/2009 Study of Social Anthropology und Human Geography, Dalarna University, Sweden