Suse Brettin
Research interest:
Feminist Political Ecology; Social relations to nature, especially towards water and food; Re/Productivityt; Food Sovereignityt; feminist perspectives to alternative food systems
Research projects:
SUSFOOD2 Project „PLATEFORMS - Potentiale von Plattformen der Nahrungsmittelversorgung zur Förderung nachhaltiger Ernährungspraktiken“
"Food. Care. Love. Eine feministische Perspektive auf Sorgearbeit und Emotionen im Bereich der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion."
Teaching Archive:
SoSe 19: Seminar: Gender Analysis in Economics
Seminar: Food and Care from a Feminist Political Ecology perspective
SoSe 18: Qualitative Research Methods (in Vertretung)
WiSe 17/18: Natürlich natürlich?! Gender als Analysekategorie in der Auseinandersetzung um das
Brettin, Suse; Brückner, Meike & Natalia Magnani: A Plate Full of Food and Care: Investigating Care Practices and Gender Relations at the Crossroads of Sustainability, Innovative Practices, and Digital Platforms and Forno, Francesca; Brettin, Suse; Moran, Christopher; Cajic, Sandra: From Grassroots to Platforms: How Digitalisation Reconfigures Learning and Engagement with Food. In: Dulsrud, A., Forno, F. (Eds.): Digital Food Provisioning in Times of Multiple Crises, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
Brettin, Suse and Brücker, Meike (2022): Eat for change? Household practices as caring practices facing climate change. Weather Matters.
Brettin, Suse & Nowack, Wiebke: Mit Corporate Social Responsibility die Transformation der Landwirtschaft vorantreiben? In: GAIA 31/3, S. 202-206
Sandra Čajić, Meike Brückner, Suse Brettin (2021): A recipe for localization? Digital and analogue elements in food provisioning in Berlin A critical examination of potentials and challenges from a gender perspective. In: Sustainable Production and Consumption, DOI:
Brettin, Suse & Meike Brückner (2017): Rezension. Wendy Harcourt und Ingrid L. Nelson (Hrsg.): Practising Feminist Political Ecologies. Moving Beyond the ›Green Economy‹; Vandana Shiva: Jenseits des Wachstums. Warum wir mit der Erde Frieden schließen müssen. In: Feministische Studien 2/2017
Brettin, Suse & Meike Brückner (2017): Meal Sovereignty: Empirical Insights on an Innovative Perspective. International Colloquium: The Future of Food and Challenges for Agriculture in the 21st Century: Debates about who, how and with what social, economic and ecological implications we will feed the world. Vitoria Gasteiz, Spain (Conference Paper)